Lesson's learned

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The next day Sakura desided to check on her blonde idiot teammate. She made her way to that side or town. she noticed there were Anbu around for teammates apartment. She wondered what her idiot teammate did to draw all this attention around his house. She quickly made her way up the steps towards his apartment. When she realized the door was open she opened the door. She yelled out." Naruto you useless idiot what did you do now to draw all this attention from the Anbu"

She then noticed, when she turned the corner, that Lady Tsuande and Jiriayia were cradling dead and bloody Naruto. Tsunade had tears streaming down her face. She loved that boy like a son, and now he was gone. She felt so guilty that she couldn't give that boy what he deserved.

" Lady Hokage why are you crying over that useless demon my mother told me what is inside of him I'm so glad he's gone"

" What did you say about him? You're a little bitch" Tsunade screamed. " What did you do? You caused this, didn't you? I want to know everything you said to him from the moment he woke up yesterday." Tsunade released killing intent.

"I told that useless demon what I really thought of him, how he was so useless he couldn't do the simple thing and bring my Sasuke back to me. How did I wish Sasuke had finished with the fourth started.  I was disgusted by him, and I never wanted to talk to him again."

Tsunade was seething in anger as she handed Jeriah Naruto and stood up to face the pink haired girl.

Tsunade released her chakra, it was so powerful. It started to break apart some of the walls around them."you took the boy I considered a son now I'm mad I am really really mad and now it's time to ppppaaaayyyyy" Tsuande release more for chakra, breaking the walls around her as she jumped and punched Sakura in the stomach, sending her flying out of Naruto's apartment into the building across the street and planting her in the foundation.

" oh no, you don't you don't get to die until I tell you it's OK don't die on me it's not allowed" as the Hokage quickly started her medical Ninjitsu on the pink haired girl, healing her slightly so she wouldn't die and she was awake.

As Sakura started to wake, Tsuande picked her up and threw her on the ground. " Do you know Sakura, you asked me for lessons well, I'm going to dole them out today. And I'm going to show you a real monster and a demon Lesson one: Do you know that your heart can stop for up to eight minutes without dying here. Let me show you." Tsuande said as she activated her chakra and stopped the pink hair girl's heart, sitting down next to her slowly counting to herself. As Sakura grabbed her chest slowly fading away from a heart attack. And seven minutes and 59 seconds later she reactivated Sakura's heart.

"Good  you survived time for a lesson two. Do you know that a human being can survive without air for 10 minutes before becoming brain dead and dying here let me show you." Tsunade said as she activated her chakra again, and this time shut down the pink hair girl's lungs so she couldn't breathe. Tsunade just started counting to herself again

Sakura  gasps for air, clawing at her throat. She slowly started to turn colors from blue to purple, and then finally dark purple.

Then at nine minutes and 59 seconds Tsunade used her medical Ninjutsu to start Sakura's lungs again. Sakura took a giant gulps of air. The color was finally coming back to her face. She weakly tried to crawl away from the Hokage

"Sakura look at me that boy was a son to me one of the very few precious people I had left is he soccer that's all I care about in life are my precious people I don't have very many of them, and now you have taken him from me you have taken I soul darkens without his light. That is what you have taken from me." Tsunade screamed as she kicked Sakura down the street.

Suddenly two sets of hands wrapped their arms around Tsunade. As her female student.. " Lady Tsunade says, that is enough. I know you're hurt but hurting her will not bring him back. As much as she deserves it. He wouldn't want that for you." Shizune said 

Tsuande turned around and cried in the embrace of her former student and  teammate. " He deserves so much more than what he got in this godforsaken village. I failed him. I should've been here from day one. I could've raised him, giving him what he really needed. A mothers love. I don't think he even knew how much he meant to me. I could've done that for him. I failed him. It's all my fault. if only there was a way for me to give that to him.

Hi guys hope you like this chapter as always let me know what you think and I'll see you in the comments

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