How dare

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How dare
Those who you trusted
Those who made you
Make your world unlivable

A simple sentence that makes your world crash
And the anger that builds in my chest
When I learn about these moments

Short sentences of hate
Claiming that things shouldn't change
A simple, 'that's not how it used to be'

The rage I feel as you tell me
That the people who could have brought you
The best person in my life, to be
Are tearing your walls down

Causing thoughts that make me panic
The thoughts that make me want to scream
Knowing that they threaten your life
And our chances of being together

The fact that we should just be happy
Without anyone telling us it's not traditional
That we 'don't belong'

I'm angry that you, my life
Could be ripped from my grasp
And taken from me without another word

It causes a burning sensation
A feeling that lights my chest on fire
My lungs burning in pain

Because you are my light
And you are my joy
And the thought of you, my love
Being taken away from me rips my heart in two

We deserve to live with one another
No judgement from another soul
Just the two of us
You and I

So with the threat of you being taken
An energy builds around me
One of protection, and love
Because no one should take you away from me

I will protect you
Forever and always
Because how dare anyone want to take you

You are mine
And I am yours
And no one can stop that

Sorry that was shitty, was talking to my s/o and it sparked a bit of poetry

If you can't already tell I'm mad at their parents, that's all

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