'Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum'/'Music in your Soup'

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Meanwhile, Applejack and Snow White were pulling the soup out of the fireplace to make sure it didn't boil over, and then checking to see if the soup's good to eat, with Snow White dipping a spoon into it and tasting it. The others peek over the top of the stairs and sniff the air.

"Ah!" Everyone said. "Soup! Hooray!" Everyone then runs downstairs but Dopey gets his head stuck in the staircase railing. The others take seats at the table and squabble over the food, while Dopey frees, then hurries to join them, tripping on the bottom step, and scrambling to a chair, knocking it over.

(AN: Pause at 0:41)

"Uh-uh, uh-uh!" Snow White said, causing everyone to freeze..

"Just a minute, y'all." Applejack added. Everyone turns around.

(AN: Resume video)

"Supper's not quiet ready." Snow White said. "You'll just have time to wash."

"Wash?" The dwarves asked. "Wash? Wash? Wash? Wash?"

"Hah!" Grumpy said as the put his spoon down and crossed his arms. "Knew there was a catch to it."

(AN: Pause at 0:51)

"I knew that we forgot something today." Pinkie said, snapping her fingers.

"Well, it's about my bath day, so why not." Sloppy said with a chuckle "At least I won't worry about it for another 6 months."

(AN: Resume video)

"Why wash?" Bashful asked.

"What for?" Happy added. "We ain't going nowhere."

"'Tain't New Year's" Doc added.

"Oh, perhaps you have washed." Snow White said.

"Perhaps we..." Doc said before grining and nodding his head. "Yes! Perhaps we have."

"Oh, yeah?" Sunset asked while looking at her friends. "When was that?"

"When?" Doc asked. "When. Uh, you said whe... Why, last week, uh, month, uh why, uh, recently!"

"Yes, recently!" The other dwarves said in agreement.

"Oh, recently!" Snow White said, to which the dwarves nodded. "Let me see your hands." They suddenly felt concern as they hid their hands behind their backs and step away from her. "Let me see your hands." Doc's the first to reveal his dirty hands. "Why, Doc, I'm suprised!" This made Doc chuckle nervously. She then looked at Bashful "Come on let's see them."Bashful then revealed his dirty hands. "Oh, Bashful, my, my, my!" She then looked at Sneezy, Gutsy, Sloppy, and Groovy. "And the 4 of you?" She asked then before they revealed their dirty hands. Happy then rubs his hands on his pants before showing them. "Worse than I thought!" Dopey then showed his hands, but his sleeves droop over them. Sleepy then showed his hands through his beard. "How shocking!" Snow White said to Sleepy before pulling his hands back into his beard. "Goodness me, this will never do." Grumpy then sees his hand and puts it back, acting like there's no big deal. "March straight outside and wash, or you'll not get a bit to eat."

(AN: Pause at 1:57 for a moment, then resume video)

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash said as she and the others were already heading out "You guys coming or what?" Looking at the others, Doc tilts his head and starts away. The others file out behind him one at a time, while grining broadly, Dopey spins on his toes and takes up the rear, and Grumpy stays stubbornly behind. Approaching the door, Dopey grins over his shoulder at Snow White and crashes into the wall, then hurries out from behind the door and exits. Meanwhile, Grumpy just frowns.

(AN: Pause at 2:24 for a moment, then at 2:27, then at 2:28, then resume video)

"Hah!" He said before turning to see Snow White looming over him.

"Well, aren't you going to wash?" Snow White asked. Grumpy responds by turning his back to her. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

(AN: Pause music, play this from 1:24-1:26, then resume music)


Shocked at the question, Grumpy sticks his tongue. He then marches off with his nose in the air, but bumps to the door, making Snow White laugh for only a second, and causing the top of his hat to cover one of his eyes.

(AN: Pause at 2:36 for a moment, then resume video)

"Oh!" Snow White said. "Did you hurt yourself?" Grumpy answered that by pushing his hat back only to cover the other eye before march out the door and slaming it behind him. Outside he then stalked to a wood barrel and sat, plucking a weed from the ground he sticks it between his teeth.

"Hah, women!" Grumpy said.

"Courage, men." Doc said as the others gather to a large water trough. "Courage. Don't be nervous." Happy then puts a finger in the water.

"Gosh, it's wet!" He said. Sneezy then put his finger in the water, then shivers after pulling it out.

"It's cold, too!" Sneezy said.

"Well, it's not a warm shower, but it will have to do." Rarity said.

"Yeah, simple yet effective." Spike replied.

"We ain't gonna do it are we?" Bashful asked.

"Well, it'll please the Princesss." Doc answered.

"Hah, I'll take a chance for her!" Happy said.

"Me too!" The others added.

"Hah!" Grumpy said. "Their wiles are beginnin' to work. But I'm warnin' ya, ya give 'em an inch, and they'll walk all over ya"

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Pinkie said to Rarity, who nodded.


"Don't listen to that old warthog" Doc said. "Come on, now men."

"How hard do you scrub?" Sneezy asked.

"Will our whiskers shrink?" Sleepy asked.

"Do you get in the tub?" Happy asked.

"Do you have to wash where it doesn't show?" Bashful asked.

"Now, now, don't get excited." Doc said. "Here we go." He then proceeded to show the others how it's done.

The dwarves then followed his example, as he continued to teach them.

As they continued to wash, a fly flew to a bar of soap to wash himself too, so much so, that he wound up covered in bubbles.

"Bunch of old nanny goats!" Grumpy said. "Ya make me sick, goin' brrr, brrr, brrr!" Meanwhile, using a long handled brush, Doc scrubs the dwarves bald heads. He tries to clean Dopey's head, but Dopey dodges him, forcing Doc to hit him with the brush into the water where he flails about as Doc washes his rump. "Hah!" Grumpy continued. "Next thing ya know, she'll be tyin' your beards up in pink ribbons and smellin' ya up with that stuff called, uh, "perfoom." Hah!" Meanwhile, Doc wipes his glasses clean with his beard, while shaking his head, Happy and Gutsy splash water all over Doc. Dopey pats his ears and shakes his head. Hearing the water still in there, Pinkie, getting an idea, tells him to put a finger in his mouth and blow. Dopey does just that, which causes water to shoot out of his ears. With soap in there eyes, Sneezy and Sleepy dry their heads with Bashful's tunic and beard. Grumpy continues to watch. "A fine bunch of water lillies you turned out to be." He said, causing Doc to glare at him. "I'd like to see anybody make me wash, if I didn't wanna." Looking angry Doc puts on his glasses and motions the other closer to him where they form a huddle. As he whispers something to them, Happy and Dopey peek over the huddle toward Grumpy. Straightening up, they all saunter towards the angry dwarf, while whistling as if nothing is wrong, with Dopey lagging behind and shuffling foward to catch up. Soon, everyone surrounds Grumpy on the wooden barrel, while innocently rocking back and forth on their toes.

"Get him!" Doc said, as everyone springs into action, tackling Grumpy.

"Hey, let go of me!" Grumpy shouted.

"Get him over to the tub!" Doc ordered. "Get him over to the tub!"

"Let me loose, you fools!" Grumpy yelled out "Let me loose!"

"Get him over to the tub!" Doc continued to order. "Get him up! Hang on to him! Bang him! Pound him! Get him up on the tub! On the tub! That's the tub! That's the tub!" Dopey, being the helping sort, tries to lift Sneezy up. "Don't, don't, don't, don't get excited! Don't get... Don't get up... Don't get..." Grumpy kicks Sneezy into Dopey, who bumps into Doc, and they, Sunset and Pinkie tumble backwards. Doc then shoves Dopey away of him. "Somebody, get the soap!" Dopey nodds and goes to do that. As he starts away, Dopey trips over his baggy green tunic. He runs past a bar of soap, turns around, grabs it off the ground, and it slips from his hand.

"Hey, steady, men." Doc ordered. "We'll get him there. We'll get him" Meanwhile, Dopey tries to catch the slippery soap. It then lands on his head. He then crawls to the soap like a panther.

"Never say die, never say die." Happy repeated.

"You don't..." Grumpy began. Meanwhile, wiggling his backside like a cat, Dopey pounces on it. It ricochets off of Doc and into Dopey's mouth. He tries to find it, all the while hiccuping, which causes bubbles to come out. Sunset and Pinkie both look at each other and then to Dopey. They then pointed to their stomachs, making Dopey look confused, then pat his belly, as if he just figured out what their saying, before hiccuping again. Meanwhile, at the water trough, Happy vigerously scrubs Grumpy's head, then lifts his nose so Doc can scrub his teeth.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Pinkie were trying to figure out how to get the bar of soap out of Dopey, and stop his hiccups.

(An: Pause at 3:50)

"Maybe if you hold your mouth for 10 seconds, it will help with the hiccups." Sunset said.

"Let's try it!" Pinkie said, with Dopey nodded. "You hold his mouth and I'll count." Sunset nodded as held Dopey's mouth shut, and Pinkie began to count, and as she counted, Dopey's face turned red

(AN: Resume video, the pause at 3:55)

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!" Pinkie counted and Sunset let go of Dopey's mouth, right before one of Dopey's hiccups shot him up to the air, then land hard.

"Look, his hiccups are gone!" Pinkie said, only for Dopey to do one more hiccup. "Then again, I could be wrong." She said with a shrug.

"Maybe Twilight can think of something." Sunset said before a large bubble lifts Dopey's hat into the air then pops.

(AN: Resume video)

Meanwhile, the others were decorating Grumpy with ribbons, curling his hair and laughing all the time.

"Ain't he sweet?" Bashful asked as Sneezy sniffs him.

"Smells like a petunia." He said, making Grumpy mad.

"He sure is cute!" Happy said as he put a crown of flowers on his head.

"You'll pay dearly for this!" Grumpy said. Just then everyone heard Snow White call out.

"Supper!" She said while hitting the pot with a spoon.

"Supper!" Doc said.

"Food! Everyone else said, dropping Grumpy to the trough. "Hooray!" Grumpy then emerges from the water with the wreath of flowers around his nose.

"Hah!" He said as he got out of the trough. Meanwhile everyone else was sitting down at the table and enjoying some nice bowls of soup. Soon, Happy started singing about the lovely soup.


Sneezy was taking spoonfuls in to his mouth with a smile of satisfaction, while Sleepy was eating and relaxing at the same time, and Happy eats his soup off a plate.

Soon, the other dwarves were singing along with Happy in between spoonfuls of soup, while Bahsful tied his beard up over his head before continuing on his meal, and Dopey drinks the whole thing out of his bowl, leaving it clean.

Then, made a toast with their bowls before helping themselves to more.

Doc was dipping his bread in the soup and squeezing it out into his mouth, while Sneezy was eating it with two spoons. Happy was eat his soup with satisfaction and Dopey was eating his like Spike eats his dog food. Grumpy then came in, smelling the good soup and licking his lips, but still a bit skeptical about the whole thing, enters the house stealth mode like. When he approaches the table and sniffs the area, then takes his spoon and tries the soup, and realizing how good it is, helps himself. Unfortunately, there was so much slurping in the room, that the girls in the room felt that something needed to be done about it.

"Please! Please!" Snow White said before tapping her bowl with her spoon. This got everyone's attention, except for Grumpy's, who was still eating until Sleepy nudged him on the shoulder, telling him to pay attention. "Where did you learn to eat soup that way?"

"Aw, guess it just comes natural." Bashful said.

"Heh, anybody can do it." Happy added.

"Yeah, just takes practice, ya dig." Groovy finished.

"Hahaha, yes but you don't understand." Snow White said before sitting down. "This is the way gentlemen eat soup."

"Gentlemen?" The dwarves asked.

"Yes, now watch." She said before demonstraiting. "Spoon in the hand, bending the wrist, into the bowl, and out with a twist."

"Spoon in the hand, bending the wrist, into the bowl, and out with a twist." The dwarves repeated.

"Fine!" Snow White said. "That's perfect!"

"Perfect?" The dwarves asked before they continued to eat. Unfortunatly, they still made a slurping sound much to the girl's headshaking.

"Well, it's a start atleast." Sunset asked. Meanwhile, Dopey, who was still enjoying the soup, accidentally inhaled and swallowed his spoon with out knowing it. He then notices that his spoon is gone and tries to look for it. First he looks in his sleeve, then, thinking that it fell into the soup, looks inside it. Then, his hiccups start up again, but this time along with bubbles, there's the sound of metal clanking. He shakes his stomach to test a theory, then points to his mouth and his stomach, as if to tell the others something, before hiccuping again.

"What's the matter with Dopey?" Groovy asked.

"He must have swallowed his spoon again." Sloppy answered. Dopey's hiccups caused him to bounce up and down, even as he held himself down with on the chair. Soon the group managed to hold on to him.

"There!" Doc said. "Now we got him."

"Open his mouth!" Happy said as he got on the chair. "I'll get it." They did as Happy told them. "Say awww."

"AWWWW!" Dopey gargled before hiccuping again, causing the spoon to float in a bubble.

"There it is!" Twilight said. "Grab it!"

"I got it!" Happy said before the bubble popped, causing the spoon to go back down Dopey's stomach again.

"No, no!" Doc said. "That'll never work! Turn him upside-down! Snake it, uh, shake it out!" They then proceeded to do just that, until Rainbow Dash got an idea.

"Here." She said. "I'll get it. Bend him over." They did just that, and Rainbow lifted his tunic so that his posterior was visible. "There, that's it." She then started to back up. "Ready?"

"Ready!" Everyone answered.

"Clear the way!" She said as she started running like she does in the soccer team, then bunted the spoon and the soap out of Dopey so hard that before the soap could fall to the ground, the spoon pinned it to the wall.

"Hooray!!" Everyone cheered before sitting down to continue with supper.

(AN: Yep, he put Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum and Music in your Soup in one chapter. That's one more way he makes this different from the Disney Chronicles.)

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