Fugitoid's Secret

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As the Ulixes was flying through space, everyone was getting some much needed sleep. However, three particular members of the crew were up and about. It was Sunset, Twilight, and Traximus. The three were walking about the ship thinking it would make them sleepy, but it wasn't doing too much. They walked to the bridge to see Fugitoid as always piloting the ship.

"Hey, Professor." Sunset greeted him.

Fugitoid was startled before his head spun around and saw the three, "Oh, hello, friends. What're you doing up so late during the nocturnal cycle?"

"We could ask you the same thing." Traximus replied.

"Being a robot now I don't require sleep like you all. Plus I can recharge myself as I steer the ship." the professor explained.

"Logical," Twilight admitted, "Well, we thought by walking around we'd tire ourselves out."

"I'm guessing that's not doing the job, is it?" Fugitoid beeped.

"Afraid not," Sunset admitted, "But how can we sleep? We just got the second piece of the Black Hole generator."

"Once we find the third fragment we can destroy the pieces and save Earth." Twilight smiled.

"And then we can finally put an end to my people's tyranny." Traximus finished.

"Yes, all wonderful plans. But only if we can succeed." Fugitoid reminded them.

"We have to for the sake of the planet." Twilight said.

"If there's one thing we won't stand for it's letting our friends down." Sunset put in.

"And I've failed too many comrades already. I won't fail another." Traximus said, while thinking of Zeno.

"You three seem to be taking this whole quest more seriously than any of the others from what I noticed. Almost like there's more to it for you all." Fugitoid looked suspiciously.

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer knowing he wasn't off decided to answer. Sunset went first, "Well, Professor, I wasn't always this kind an helpful girl. Back in Equestria I was pretty bad, even as a student to one of the great monarchs of the land. I was obsessed with power and authority and disregarded anything else. Princess Celestia tried to talk me out of my quest for power, but I abandoned her and came to this world. Since then I ruled CHS with an Iron Fist intimidating every student into worshiping me or face my wrath. Thanks to me I ended up splitting off all students into joining groups that held the same likes. When I discovered Princess Twilight had become a Princess I went back to Equestria to steal her crown in hopes of using it to conquer this world and Equestria. But all it did was turn me into a monster. Ever since my friends showed me the light I since then have been trying to make up for what I did to everyone at school. And now I'm truly a new person."

"What a wonderful story." Fugitoid said.

"Yeah. And I learned the same way as she did," Twilight said, "I was obsessed with trying to understand the anomalies surrounding CHS, but when I found out it was magic I became more enraptured in it. But I had no idea my tracking device could also assimilate magic. When my former Principal and classmates found out they pressured me into unleashing it all or being hated for the rest of my life. Not that it mattered since they didn't care about me at all. But with Cinch blackmailing me with something I thought I wanted I gave in and like Sunset became my own demon obsessed with magic. And nearly tore apart the fabric of both dimensions."

"Oh, dear." Fugitoid gasped.

"But Sunset helped me see there's always another way, and that's how I made real friends who cared about me. No matter what I did they still accepted me as one of their own."

Traximus smiled, "You girls truly are lucky to have each other."

"We sure do." Sunset nodded, as she and Twilight stood close together.

Fugitoid looking at the two girls felt something stir in him and spoke up, "Girls, Traximus, there is something I need to tell you because I feel you three I can trust the most at this point."

"What is it, Professor?" Twilight asked.

Fugitoid sighed, "The truth is about the Black Hole Generator. It wasn't created by the Kraang or the Utrom. It was created by me." he confessed.

This discovery threw the two girls and Triceraton rebel for a loop, "You built Heart of Darkness, Fugitoid?" Traximus asked in disbelief.

"Why?" Sunset asked.

"I was a different humanoid back then, Sunset Shimmer," Fugitoid began telling the full story, "I originally developed the Black Hole Generator as an energy source. But when Kraang Subprime offered me a huge price to buy it, I gave in. I was greedy and I didn't care what they wanted to use it for. Back then all I cared about was money to finance my research. Soon enough I realized what a terrible decision I had made."

"You can't be serious." Twilight said in shock.

"I'm afraid it's true. Since then I've sought countless ways to make up for my grave mistake, until the Triceratons came and you can see the results. But having been changed into a robot I still sought out a way to stop the Kraang and destroy the weapon," Fugitoid sighed, "But I'm afraid now that you know the truth you won't be able to trust me from this point on. I understand that." he looked down.

Sunset, Twilight, and Traximus looked at him in concern, before Sunset went over and laid a hand on his shoulder. Fugitoid looked up at her and suddenly found himself pulled into an embrace,"Oh!"

Sunset held him close and spoke, "We can't change what we did in the past, but we can make up for the future. I know that better than anyone."

"So do I." Twilight agreed.

"Me too." Traximus finished.

"We understand where you're coming from Fugitoid," Sunset continued, "You're just like us. You made mistakes and now you want to fix them. We've been there."

"You want to do the right thing but afraid to tell others because they might turn on you." Traximus said.

"I know full well what it means to give into something you want for the sake of your research," Twilight, said, "And we see why you'd tell us, because I'm not so sure the others would take this news as well as we did."

"Especially Raph or even Leo," Sunset added, "I recall Mikey mentioning that Leo was skeptical about accepting Slash as an allie because how he tried to destroy them before, but Leo eventually accepted Slash was a changed turtle."

"And do you think they would feel the same about me?" Fugitoid asked.

"I honestly don't know." Sunset admitted.

"I see. Well, for the time being could you three keep what has transpired between us to yourselves?" Fugitoid asked.

"You want us to keep it a secret from the others?" Traximus asked, "Not a very honorable thing to do."

"I will tell them the truth after we've destroyed the weapon. I promise you." Fugitoid promised, "In fact I'll make it a Pinkie Promise. How does it go again? Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye?"

Sunset chuckled, "You got it right. Ok Professor, we'll keep it between us for now."

"But you'd better make sure you tell everyone when this is over." Traximus warned him.

"And I shall, my friend." Fugitoid promised.

"Well, I think all this story telling has worn me out. Think I'm ready to turn in." Twilight yawned.

"Me too. See you in the morning, Fugitoid." Sunset said, as the three left the bridge.

"Goodnight, my friends," Fugitoid returned to his command post and sighed, "Now we have to succeed more than ever. I will not let my mistake cost another innocent planet."

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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