Revenge of the Triceratons

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On the Ulixes, Leo, Raph, and Mikey were telling the Rainbooms and Traximus of a previous endeavor they experienced some time ago, "You actually went into an alternate universe and met alternative versions of yourselves?" Princess Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. They were so awesome." Mikey answered while smiling.

"Mine was a real sarcastic idiot." Raph grumbled.

"I don't know, Raph. That sounds like you all over." Pinkie replied.

"It is not!" he snapped.

Sunset turned to Leo, "So you saw past Master Splinter?"

"We had no choice. We needed to go back to the lair." he answered.

"How was he?" Fluttershy inquired.

"Same as he was before."

"Not counting the dead part." Mikey added.

"And you, Leonardo, were almost willing to tell your master of what will happen to him?" Traximus asked.

"I almost did, but I didn't. Did I do the right thing by being silent?"

Princess Twilight answered, "Leo, the less someone knows about the future the better. Trust me I speak from personal experience."

"How?" Leo wondered.

Spike decided to answer, "She had a visit from her future self who tried to warn her about something, but she kept interrupting her future self. She vanished before she could relay her message."

"Couldn't stop your lips from flapping, could you?" Applejack crossed her arms.

Princess Twilight looked sheepish, before continuing, "I spent the next couple of days fretting over it and tried to avoid all types of disasters unaware I was merely setting myself up to the events which led me to trying to warn my own past self to not take things too seriously."

"So you got worried and fretted over nothing?" Rainbow asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah. All except for me who ended up with a stomach ache from eating too much ice cream." Spike groaned at the memory.

"I hear ya, boy." Mikey agreed.

Suddenly an alarm went off, and they all went for the bridge, "April, what's going on?" Twilight asked.

"It's the Triceratons, they found us!" April answered.

They saw on the monitor that the ship was surrounded by the Triceraton mother ships, "Oh, snap." Mikey gasped.

Mozar suddenly appeared on screen, "Attention Starship Ulixes! This is Captain Mozar of the Triceraton Empire. You are surrounded. Hand over the pieces of the Black Hole Device to me. Or we will blow you out of the cosmos!" he threatened them.

"You'll do that anyway." Leo replied.

"Yeah, we know ya will." Applejack agreed.

"You have my word as a Triceraton that I will allow you a three nexton head start. And then we will chase you down and blow you away." Mozar replied.

"That is far from being generous." Rarity huffed.

Traximus spoke to his team, "Lies. He doesn't give head starts."

"You want the fragments, Mozar?" Princess Twilight asked, "You'll have to take them from us."

Mozar accepted the challenge, "Very well, then. Prepare to be boarded." they ended the transmission.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Incoming ships!" Traximus saw the ship launch fighter ships.

"We don't have the firepower to take those guys." Leo noted.

"Then let's move!" Twilight ordered.

The Ulixes flew off with the other ships coming after them, "We can't outrun them forever." Raph said.

"We need to go faster." Rainbow added.

Donnie spoke up, "Maybe with our upgraded thrusters."

"Oh, yeah!" Pinkie cheered.

"Floor it, Fuge!" Mikey called, as Fugitoid activated the thrusters allowing them to fly off faster.

"No matter what, we must keep heading towards the Plural X Beta System," Fugitoid explained, "We can't afford to let the Triceratons beat us there!"

"So let's hurry." Princess Twilight ordered.

"Almost ready for Tachyon Jump," Fugitoid said, "They won't be able to track us again because we're awesome!"

"Got that right!" Rainbow agreed.

"Hold on, everyone!" Traximus called.

Suddenly the ship was blasted by a Triceraton ship. Fugitoid exclaimed, "No! Warp Engine 2 is out!"

"Oh, dear." Rarity gasped.

"More bad news, missiles are coming right for us!" Casey called.

"Move it!" Leo ordered, as the ship dodged the missiles.

The group sighed in relief, "That was close." April said.

"Yeah, good thing they're only going to hit that moon right there." Mikey motioned to a moon up ahead.

"Moon?!" Fugitoid and Twilight cried.

"I think that was their actual target." Princess Twilight feared.

The missiles impacted the moon before them blowing it to pieces, and the meteors were flying right for them, "Go back!" Pinkie cried.

They turned the ship around and flew through the meteor shower making sure not to hit any, "I hope we've seen the worse." Rarity said, feeling anxious.

"Actually, I think it's right up there ahead of us." Pinkie corrected her, as they saw the Triceraton ships were waiting for them.

"Raph, Casey, A.J, Rainbow Dash, man the cannons!" Leo ordered, as the four activated the cannon and started shooting at the ships.

Donnie looked at his meteor seeing something approaching, "They launched another missile!"

They Triceraton ship launched what looked like a circular asteroid that penetrated the Ulixes with one half stuck in the interior of the ship. The debris of the ship flew around with one piece decapitating Fugitoid's head making him go offline as it landed in Twilight and Donnie's laps, "Professor!" The two cried.

To make it worse the crevices between it and the ship was letting air out, "If we lose our oxygen we'll suffocate." Sunset noted.

"Seal it up." Leo said, as he pressed a button causing two spray nozzles to spray a substance to seal off the crevices.

"If that patch takes another hit, we're in trouble." Raph said.

"And without the Professor, we aren't gonna be able to do anything at all." Donnie added in worry.

"He himself is the one that can truly pilot the ship." Twilight added.

"What can we do?" Pinkie asked.

"Keep this baby flying. Triceratons are still on our tail!" Casey ordered.

"So what is that thing?" Mikey asked about the stuck meteor.

"I've seen that before, but I can't remember." Traximus tried to figure it out.

Casey got up and used his bat to poke at it, causing it to crack open releasing a green goo from it, "Yuck! Meteor gunk?" Suddenly to his shock some slippery green slime creature emerged from the puddle, "Oh, man, that's disgusting!"

Traximus gasped, "I remember now! That's the Skeevix Virus!"

"Skeevix Virus?" Rarity asked.

"A dangerous race illegal in 2,000 systems! Don't let it escape!" they tried to stop it, but the slimy substance slipped out of the bridge.

"After it!" Rainbow called, as she, A.J, Mikey, Casey, and April hurried to stop it.

Donnie looked ahead seeing a nebula, "Look, that nebula is made of gas. We can hide the ship in the clouds."

"That won't be enough to get past their radar." Traximus warned him.

"We need to cloak," Leo ordered, "Donnie, can we do it?"

"Let's hope so! But we're gonna have to slow down to divert power!" Donnie said, as he slowed down the thrusters giving the Triceratons a better chance to blast them.

"Donnie, do it now!" Twilight cried.

Donnie activated the cloak allowing them to safely hide from the Triceratons ships, "I don't think we'll be able to cloak for more than like a few minutes."

"When that happens we'll be in plain sight." Fluttershy added.

"So what do we do, Donnie?" Leo asked.

Donnie stammered to answer, until Princess Twilight spoke up, "We got to have power, or those Raptors are gonna find us and take us out!"

After being pressured enough, Donnie finally cracked, "I don't know! This ship is awesomely complex. I'm I'm not as smart as the Professor, okay? I just build stuff out of junk and and Kraang parts!" he sighed.

Raph offered the Fugitoid's head to Donnie and some words of encouragement, "You're smart enough to build a robot like Metalhead, right? Maybe there's a way you can rebuild Fugitoid!"

Donnie looked down at the head, "Oh, I'm in way over my head here." he feared, until Twilight spoke.

"It's ok, Donnie. I'll help you."

"You will?"

Twilight nodded, "I may not know much about robots myself, but I am an expert in tinkering with stuff."

"You two go and fix the Professor," Traximus ordered, before picking up his blaster, "I'm going to help our comrades." he left the bridge.

Back with our heroes, they entered the wreck room to see multiple cocoon hanging by the ceiling, "What're those, eggs?" Casey asked.

"They look like cocoons." April answered.

"But they're empty." Mikey feared.

"So where did whatever was inside them go?" Rainbow asked, as they looked around until the room went dark.

They crept slowly before hearing munching sounds. They looked down seeing a little space creature munching on the wiring, "What is that? Applejack gasped.

"Space Gremlin!" Mikey cried.

The creature was ready to attack, until it was blasted by Traximus, "They're Skeevix, and if we don't stop them all they'll eat the ship apart inside out!"

More Skeevix came out from hiding and started attacking the heroes. They fought back hard, until one of them connected two wires resulting in an explosion knocking them back destroying the TV, "NOT THE TV!" Mikey cried.

April concentrated, "They're going to the engine room!"

Casey gasped, "Dudes, that's, like, the worst place they could destroy!"

"Come on!" Traximus ordered, as they hurried.

Back on the bridge, Donnie and Twilight were fixing the Professor's head, "Almost got it, I think." Donnie began.

"Now or never." Twilight said, as the Professor's head began muttering before coming back online.

"H-h-h-h-h-hello, fellas! Phew, thank goodness my brain was in stasis. I feel so light-headed literally."

"All right!" Both Spike's cheered.

Donnie spoke to Fugitoid, "Professor, we're cloaked but not for long. We need more power. We need you!"

"Take me to the Engine Room. I have spare parts in the storage closet. You can put me back together, Donatello. I know you can." Fugitoid spoke to the Turtle.

Princess Twi spoke to Donnie, "You got to move fast, Donnie. Sooner or later, the Triceratons are gonna find us."

"Right. Come on, Twi!" Donnie told Twilight, as the two geniuses hurried for the engine room.

Traximus and the others entered the engine room, where they saw more Skeevix eating around the engine, "Oh, no!" Traximus gasped.

"Pardon us, guys!" Twilight and Donnie came through the with professor's head.

"We don't have time." Donnie said, only for Mikey to pull him back.

"Bro, we got a problem." he motioned to the Skeevix.

"They're destroying the engine feeds!" Traximus called.

"We're gonna lose the cloak!" Rainbow gasped.

"We gotta stop these varmints!" Applejack ordered, as they engaged the space gremlins.

As the group fought the Skeevix, Donnie and Twilight brought the Professor's head to a table, "I hope we can do this." Twilight said in worry.

Fugitoid spoke, "No problem! I'll guide you..." the professor's voice started distorting, "Every step of the way." he shut down.

Donnie groaned, "Can my luck get any worse?!"

"I think it just did." Rainbow motioned to the engine that blew."

Pinkie cried on the monitor, "We just lost the cloak!"

"We're sitting ducks out here!" Raph added.

"Come on!" Traximus ordered his comrades, as they hurried back to the bridge, except for Donnie and Twilight.

They returned to the bridge only to get blasted again resulting in a hole opening up in the ship. Everyone grabbed hold of something to avoid being sucked out. Three Triceraton soldiers arrived on the ship, as one spoke to the other two, "You two retrieve the Black Hole Generator. I'll take care of them." The two left the bridge, as Leo sealed the hole again.

"Stop them!" Traximus went to stop the two, only for the third to block him.

"Let me show you what we do to traitors, Traximus!"

"I may be a traitor, but I'm the only Triceraton here with honor!" Traximus engaged the soldier with the others joining it the fight.

The soldier managed to knock everyone away, until his blaster was blasted away by Twilight holding her two blasters, "Hey, guys. We brought a friend." she said, as Fugitoid who was repaired entered and used his fusion core blast to destroy the soldier.

"Hello, everyone. Miss me?" he asked.

Everyone was excited to see the Professor repaired, but still had a situation, "They're gonna steal the black hole generator." Fluttershy reminded them.

"You all stop them. I'll pilot the ship!" Leo ordered, as the others hurried.

As they headed for the room, they were pushed back from an explosion meaning only one thing, "Leonardo, we're too late!" Traximus called.

"They got the pieces!" Sunset put in.

"Fugitoid, the Tri-Fleet is moving in to finish us off!" Leo warned him.

"Our destruction would be a big, tremendous bummer. We must escape! I will use my fusion core reactor to give our engines the power they need, but it may fry the ship in the process." The Professor warned them.

"I don't think we have a choice." Princess Twilight said.

"Clear of all planetary systems prepare for acceleration!" The ship jumped to hyper drive escaping the Triceratons.

After the jump, the ship was floating in space, as the heroes were finally able to catch their breaths, "That was too close." Rarity said.

"I'm surprised we made it out of here." Dog Spike said.

"We're still going to need to make repairs to the ship." Sunset reminded them.

Donnie fell to his knees and pounded the floor, "Ugh, all that, for nothing. I failed!"

April comforted him, "No you didn't, Donnie."

Twilight nodded, "April's right. If you hadn't gotten the Professor back on line, Mozar would've destroyed us all."

"So what matters most now is we're all ok." Mikey added, as Fugitoid approached.

"Donatello, you should be very proud or yourself. You used some of my spare parts in ways I would never have thought of. I think I'm built even better than before!" he embraced Donnie too tightly, "And between you and me, bleep, I believe it would only take you bleep 2,000 years to master Transdimensional Physics."

Donnie rolled his eyes, "Oh, great. Well, I guess I'll get started on that right away!"

Fugitoid turned to Twilight, "And you, Twilight, have proven to be very useful in the field as well. I know you'll do wonders with that smart mind of yours."

Twilight smiled, "Thank you, Professor."

"So what now?" Spike asked.

"I say after we repair ourselves we go after the Triceratons and get the pieces back." Rainbow suggested.

Princess Twilight spoke up, "Too dangerous. Let's focus on getting the third fragment, then we'll worry about the other pieces."

"Agreed. We need to slow down the Triceratons by any means." Traximus nodded.

"Then let's do it to it! Cowabunga!" Pinkie cheered.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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