13: you're like yoda but bigger and not green

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Chapter Thirteen
you're like yoda but bigger and not green

3rd person pov

blake sat in the tattoo shop with demetri , hawk and Miguel. the boy had came back from Mexico and when he did, he went right to blake, hugged her and held her close. she knew him and she cared for him. he was like a brother to her and she was like a sister to him so she sat next to him as she watched hawk get the reaper covered.

"sweet, thanks aurora. tell rico I said hey" eli said as the girl walked away, blake stared at Miguel who stared at his phone and she sighed.

"whats up?" she asked the boy and he shook his head

"its nothing" he stated and she laughed.

"liar" she exclaimed and he nudged her shoulder with his own making her smile and laugh. eli and demetri turned to them, If there was one person who could make Miguel happy right now. it would be here.

"okay you caught me. sam is mad at me , she won't answer my calls and i'm tired from the trip" he told the girl and she sighed

"give her time, sometimes that's all a girl needs" she told him and he smiled at her as she smiled back

"i'm really glad i have you b, you're like yoda but bigger and not green" miguel exclaimed and she shook her head as she looked at demetri and hawk. she stood up as she walked over to them with miguel

"how many hours in a car with robby?" hawk asked and blake nudged the boy shaking her head

"i've never seen you around him without a john wick-style fight" demetri said

"for senseis sake, i'm trying to not let it get to that even if he deserves it" miguel exclaimed

"and he deserves it" blake finished for him making them all state at her in shock

"what? robby isn't on my good side anymore" she told them and then miguel's phone went off

"is that sam? she finally text back?" eli asked excited

"yeah she uh said she wants to talk tonight" miguel said and blake sighed as she knew where the boys minds were going to go

"what did she say exactly?" hawk asked

"we should talk tonight" miguel read

"oh boy you're in deep" demetri stared

"she's right. we should talk. the last time we spoke, we had a fight" miguel said

"yeah but we should talk is code for i want to break up, right blake?"

"i'm not saying shit" she exclaimed

"blake please i need your women wisdom" miguel said

"i think as my girlfriend you need to tell him exactly what you're thinking" hawk spike and she sighed.

"sometimes she just wants to talk and there's nothing wrong with that. don't let them get in your head, they're being themselves who have never been in a truly good relationship with women until now. go with your heart, not your head" blake told him and he nodded

"ya know blake you're really good at giving advice" demetri told the girl and she turned to him 

"yeah and you should've taken mine a long time ago, now while you idiots think of a way to possibly win sam back when you don't even know if this is a break up, I will have my headphones in and be in the car, come out when you need me to drive you somewhere" she said and demetri spoke up 

"I need you to drive us somewhere" he exclaimed and she laughed as she nodded her head, she grabbed elis hand and they all walked to the car as she got in the drivers seat, Miguel and demetri got in the back as eli got in the front 

"where to?" she asked 

"jewelry store" he said and she groaned 

"you cant always win a girl back with money dumbass, but fine. if it ends badly, do not come crying to me" she stated and she started the car as she drove them to the jewelry store. she parked the car and they got out as they turned to her 

"ill wait for you out here" she told them and eli leaned over as he kissed her with a smile on his face, she kissed him back and they both pulled away as he got out of the car with the boys and walked into the jewelry store 

"you two are cute" she heard and she turned to see tory 

"tory? what are you doing here?" she asked and tory laughed 

"what am I doing here? you disappeared without telling any of us and now I see you kissing eli. its like you did a whole 360" tory stated and she nodded 

"cause I did, I was tired of being so angry all of the time and I was tired of letting other people control my emotions. eli was about to erase me from his life and I couldn't do that. i wanted myself back" she told the girl 

"yourself? you told me that the only true you was when you were apart of cobra kai, what changed?" tory kept pushing 

"I did, tory I changed, I lied because I wanted to believe that but it was wrong and I know it was" blake stated and tory nodded 

"well good to know you're still the same liar" tory spoke and then she stormed off as blake stared at her with an angry look on her face. blake knew that tory was hurt, she would be too, she was once in torys position. 

she knew what it felt like to trust someone, to love someone and have them walk away, out of your life faster then you could do anything. 

"hey Miguel said he's going to walk to sams, yasmine came and picked up demetri. hey are you okay" hawk said and he grabbed blakes face and looked into her eyes. 

"hmm oh yeah yeah, I'm alright" she told him and he smiled at her 

but was she?  


me when I give us miguel and blake back: 🤪

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