Chapter 1

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Clover POV

You would think a book would be harmless right?


So. Dead. Wrong.

Sure it didn't cause any physical pain- Wait. Scratch that. I was just hit over the head with it. Anyway, the most pain it caused was emotional pain.

I had left Leo. I had to. It wasn't in the book, at least... Not anymore.

I was sitting at my desk, trying to stay warm and comfy. It was hard. As I read through the pages, every time he mentioned me or said my name, I crossed it out and made a different sentence.

The part where he felt heartbroken? Erased. My suicide attempt? Erased. Every fun moment we shared? Erased. When I arrived on the Argo II? Erased.

It was gone. Erased, forgotten, and disposed of.

Each time I crossed out my name, or an event, I would cry. It was so hard. I was erasing my boyfriends memories. Again. But this time, it was slow. No snap of a finger and it was gone. It was slowly coming to pass.

I imagined what Leo would be thinking, loosing all of these memories of me. I would rewrite his past. His thoughts. His... Feelings. He would love Calypso. He would forget me. He would live a happy life (if Rick let him).

What Rick didn't know was that, even though they were book characters, they were people. They weren't game pieces. They were living breathing people.

As I crossed out my name, once more, I glanced at my arm. I almost screamed.

I had only four cuts left.

I looked at my other arm, it only having three. I touched my neck. That scar was still there. I sighed. I didn't really want them to leave... But one thing was for sure.

Leo's memories and the story were linked me.

I erased the last line I said, and something happened.

I jumped away from the book, gripping my arms and screaming. My nerves felt like they were exploding. My scars were all glowing red. Even the ones that had disappeared from my skin. The red light under my skin looked like a flashlight beam streaming through cloth.

"AAAAAARRRRRAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed so loud it echoed and grasping my neck.

"Clover?" My father called. In less than a minute, he was in my room. I was curled up on the ground, crying out in pain. My father quickly ran over to me and bent down, touching my forehead. He pulled his hand away in a jerk. His fingers were steaming like warm food.

“Clover, stay with me!” My father said, gripping my shoulder. I could barely hear him. Old thoughts submerged in my mind, as if my brain was sorting through old files.

Just one more cut… It will be worth it….

No one wants you… Just leave….

One cut… then it will all be over….

I wailed in pain, writhing on the floor. I kicked and screamed, like a two year old giving a tantrum. My father stood and rushed out of the room. I suspected he was going to dial 911. That wasn’t good….

He will never be yours… He finds someone else…

I trembled and slowly reached for my pencil. Every movement I made caused me to scream. I touched the pencil with my fingers and gripped it tightly. My stomach began to feel queasy. My head throbbed and my heart pounded. I coughed so hard, I spat out blood.

I was slowly dieing.

In my head, I counted down from three. 3...2...1! I quickly pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the pain. I coughed harder, spitting more blood out. My stomach screamed and my head felt like a polar bear was sitting on it. I stumbled over to my desk, leaning heavily on the edge.

I gagged and I covered my mouth. Blood oozed between my fingers. With my pencil in my hand, I quickly erased the mark I had made.

The pain subsided. My nausia faded. My head stopped pounding. My body relaxed. The light faded. I sighed with relief, the collapsed.

The world narrowed around me…Then, I blacked out.

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