Chapter 10

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Clover POV

The wind whistled in my ears, like singing birds. My body felt like it was floating on the collapsing air around me. I was free…No more pain…

Underworld, here I come.

The air seemed to stop me and I felt like something I dreamed quite often. That I was flying. I waited for the squash of my body against the ground far below. The wind stopped. I felt heavy. I carefully moved my neck and looked down.

I had stopped falling and I was… floating. Except, it wasn’t floating exactly. It felt like I was balancing on a tightrope....


(Yes! He is back!)

Jason tapped my shoulder and I turned to face him. His face was paler than usual, and he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Leo, can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sure man. Hold on..." I flipped a few switches and set the Argo II on auto pilot. Jason lead me below deck, into the hallway. He leaned against the wall, as if his strength were leaving him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Jason lifted his fingers, "I'm losing control of my powers. Are you having the same thing?" I blinked uncertainly.

"I'm not sure..." I held out my hand and willed it catch fire. It didn't. I concentrated harder. My fingers sputtered with tiny flames, but it went out quickly. My face paled and I felt lightheaded. "This isn't good..." Jason nodded, wincing.

“My powers have been draining out of me for the past few days, but I was afraid to tell anyone. Even Piper. She’s having problems as well.” As if by just hearing her name, Piper came down the hallway, coughing and holding her throat.

“Piper,” I asked. “Are you okay?” She shook her head, coughing into her hand.

“No,” she responded in a raspy voice. “I can barely talk.” She coughed and tried to clear her throat. Jason put a hand on her back.

“It’s alright,” he said, trying to reassure her. “We will fix this.” Piper looked at him and frowned.

“Jason, you don’t look too good.” She rasped.

Jason shook his head, “I’m alright for now. Go get some water and see if we can help your voice come back.” Piper nodded. She walked down the hallway, coughing and trying to talk. I gave Jason a nervous look.

“This isn’t good… Are the others having problems?” I asked. Jason nodded his head.

“A few that I know of. Hazel looks like she is lost and Frank seems to be changing into animals more than ever. Percy is feeling a little dizzy, but nothing like us. Annabeth is still smart as she usually is, well, if you don’t count the severe headache she has.” Jason groaned and rubbed his forehead. “I think it is starting to get to all of us, but mostly the Romans…”

I nodded, then frowned. “But Jason, you’re Roman.” Jason pursed his lips, as if debating on telling me a secret. Before he could tell me though, Percy walked out of his cabin.


Well, I should say he left his cabin then walked into a wall.

“Ughhh…” Percy groaned, rubbing his head. “I thought the wall was over there…” he pointed to his left. When he faces us, his eyes seemed to be crossed, like he was focusing on a speck on his nose.

“Woah Perce. Are you okay?” I asked. He nodded, but he didn’t look like he believed it.

“Have you guys seen Annabeth?” Percy asked, rubbing his temple.

I nodded and pointed up the stairs. “She’s on deck. Don’t bother her too much. She almost stabbed me when I asked her a question.” Even though it was supposed to be serious, Percy laughed.

“I can see her doing that. Well, to the deck I go.” He stumbled forward, one hand on the wall. As I watched him climb the steps, I began to worry for everyone.

“Jason,” I said nervously. “If we battle Gaea like this, we’ll die.” Jason grimaced, but nodded.

“You’ve got a point. It feels like someone is using my power, but draining my life source…”

Clover POV

With trembling hands, I raised them and the wind pulled me upright. I stared at them in disbelief. How was this possible? I looked up and saw the ledge I had fallen off of. Then, I looked down at the ground below me. I was at least only one hundred feet above it. The easier thing was gently floating to the bottom, like Jason had said in the Lost Hero.

But if I were to save the camp, I needed my friends. I took a deep breath and willed the wind to send me upward. I shot into the sky. The wind in my face felt so exhilarating. The cut on my neck still sent pain throughout my body, but it felt so good to sailing through the sky. I was free. From anyone and anything.

I approached the ledge, going at at least fifty miles an hour. I shot past it, let the wind disappear underneath me and I tumbled toward the Romans, Mechanical Pencil ready.

“-the hill,” Octavian was saying, wiping blood from his lip, most likely from my punch. “We will start-”

That’s when I slammed into him.

He ended up having me on his chest, which probably looked wrong, but I was too mad to care. I thrust my dagger against his throat, breathing triumphantly. Smiling evilly, I probably looked like a murderer.  My face felt hot, and without explanation, my nose lit up like a birthday candle. I groaned and snuffed it out.

“Man, did that ruin the moment,” I complained. Octavian looked outraged and frightened, as if he couldn’t believe what I had done.

“How did-” I pressed my dagger into his throat harder.

“I would shut up if I were you… I don’t swear, but you are such a female dog!” (and yes. I said Female Dog not the B word in this). I looked up at the Roman soldiers who were standing around. My friends were gone.

I turned my attention back to Octavian. “Where are my friends?” I demanded. Octavian smiled, even though his eyes pleaded for me to get off.

“They’re gone. I’m not telling you where.” I pushed the dagger deeper and a trail of blood ran down his neck.

“You better tell me now, or I will cut your head off like one of your teddy bears.” For some reason, Octavian’s soldiers didn’t help him. They were frozen in shock and fear. A few of them were retreating down the tunnel.

Octavian pulled out a remote, one of Leo’s, and smiled at me. “Hurt me any more, I blast the tree to oblivion.”

The tree?

I looked out across camp and saw Thalia’s pine tree. It was one of the only things left that looked untouched. Everything else was either burnt, trampled, or ruined in some other way. The tree looked untouched.

I glared at him, “you wouldn’t.”

Octavian smiled, “I would.”

I wouldn’t believe him. I couldn’t believe him. The tree was the only thing left that made camp, Camp Half Blood. So many demigods had stumbled past that tree. Even my siblings and I. If Octavian destroyed the tree, along with the Fleece, he would destroy Camp Half Blood completely.

Which was exactly what he wanted.

Octavian kneed me in the stomach while I was zoned out. It immediately brought me back to reality. I inhaled sharply and groaned. Octavian pushed me off of him and pulled out his sword. I stood up and tapped my wrist. Wisdom sprung to life in my hand and made me feel more confident.

"You're weakened," Octavian boasted. "I'm going to win this battle!" I shook my head.

"I won't let you hurt Thalia's pine tree!" Octavian laughed as he stuck at me.

“Ha! Like you’re going to protect this place all by yourself! You barely have enough strength to stand, much less fight a whole army!” He had a point, but was I going to believe him? No.

I parried his attack and thrust my sword at him, but he dodged. "And," Octavian kept mocking. "You are a horrible opponent!" I snarled and stepped forward, slashing my sword toward Octavian's waist. He stepped back.

"Ha! You missed!" He gloated.

I smirked, "you sure?" A second later, Octavian's lower part of his toga fell down.

At that moment, I knew Octavian would kill me for sure.

He had dark purple underwear on, which was decorated with teddy bears and smiley faces. Where you could find underwear that ugly, I had no idea. His legs were pale white, but his face was red with shock, outrage and most of all, embarrassment.

Octavian let out a strangled scream, then covered it up with a phony cough. His soldiers stared and started to snicker. I even snorted and held back my laughter as best as I could. It hurt my neck, but I didn't care.

Octavian was in his underpants and totally embarrassed! This day couldn't get any better!

And I was right. The day just got worse.

Octavian's embarrassment changed to complete outrage.

"You Dare-" he began to bellow, but I cut him off.

"I dare." Octavian's soldiers soon couldn't hold it any more. They busted up. Once Octavian looked back at his soldiers, his confidence crumbled. It was like he was being the bullied kid at school getting laughed at by everyone. His face paled with shock, his legs trembled with fear, and his eyes pleaded. I could see myself in his position. I was bullied all the time when I was younger.

I looked behind me and saw my opportunity. I slowly put my sword away while Octavian was busy staring at the soldiers. Each if my slow steps toward the edge were silent. Then, I jumped off the edge.

I heard some of the guards shout and try to follow me, but I was already flying through the sky, heading straight toward the cabins.

I mentally checked that off the list. Fight Octavian: check.

The cabins came quickly into view, but it wasn't a happy sight. Many of them were just piles of ash, slow burning Greek fire, and destroyed stone. The only cabins that were still standing were Zeus’s, that was probably out of respect, and the Hera cabin. Athena’s, Apollo’s, Hecate’s, Hades’s, and everybody elses were destroyed. How the Romans were able to destroy Hecate’s cabin and Hades’s cabin without dying was something I didn’t know. Romans were standing guard outside the Hera cabin, as if they were some sort of security guards. At the edge of the treeline that separated woods from cabins, Romans were patrolling. They marched down one way, then back again, keeping their eyes peeled on the woods. Around Zeus’s cabin, there was hardly anyone. Apparently they trusted people to enter, which made me suspicious.

I flew carefully down and landed behind the Zeus cabin. I figured my family and friends were in the Hera cabin, since it was the most protected. I carefully peeked around the corner of the cabin. I studied the way the Romans marched around the building. Every few seconds, there would be an opening to a window, but it would soon be covered again. At the front doors, two guards stood at attention. Their helmets covered their faces, but I knew one was a girl, and the other a guy. I hesitated and came up with a plan.

I ducked down as one of the guards spotted me. Luckily for me, it was a girl and she was the one from the duo who stood at the front doors. She held up her hand, and the marching stopped.

“I saw something,” she demanded.

“Aw come on Gwen! It’s nothing,” a soldier complained.

Gwen shot the soldier a glare. “Octavian set me in charge, even as much as I hate him. I was surprised he did, but I am still the leader. I’m going to check it out.” She broke line and started walking toward the cabin. The other soldier watched her carefully, but waved for the others to continue marching. I was ready.

Gwen turned the corner and looked around. She turned in a circle, and was about to call out something, but I stepped out of the bushes and put a hand over her mouth. She tried to cry out, but I got her in a headlock, my sword a few inches away from her cheek. My necked ached and screamed at me, but I didn’t stop. After a minute of struggling, I gasped.

“You’re that Gwen!” I whispered. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye with confusion. “The one who was killed during the war games and came back to life. That’s you?” I quietly asked. Gwen nodded. I smiled so big, I probably looked crazy. “Now that is totally wicked! But down to business,” I gripped her tighter and she stopped struggling. “Hand over the armor.” Gwen gave me a look of fear, but nodded. Let her go, but kept my sword against her neck. She slowly took off the armor, helmet and her sword. When she was done, I smiled.

“Thank you, and trust me,” I gave her an apologetic smile. “I am just trying to get rid of Octavian and save the people I love. I have nothing against you.” She smiled back at me.

“I know…” she agreed smiling. “Octavian is being a complete jerk.” I nodded and slipped on the armor.

“There is a place where you can hide. You don’t have to come back here if you don’t want to.

Gwen tilted her head and replied, “but I want to return home.” I nodded, but still pointed into the woods.

“You don’t have to fight. I’m going to give you this option, but you don’t have to take it. About seventy yards that way, make take the left path. When you see the twisty tree, turn right and keep walking straight.” Gwen gave me a look of utter confusion, but I continued. “You’ll come to a field with thousands of ditches and holes in it. Walk toward the burnt looking building in the cliff. Stay there until I direct others to come.” Gwen looked behind her sadly, as if remembering all of the friends she had that she could call to for help. Then, she turned toward me.

“As long as you promise me I can go home.” I nodded and she sighed. “Alright, I will follow your directions. Kill Octavian for me.”

I smiled, “I’ll do it for you and everyone else who hates his guts. If he has any...” Gwen laughed quietly and stepped into the bushes.

“Thank you… what was your name?” she asked.


“Well, Thank you Clover. See you soon.” Gwen ducked into the trees and ran off.

I finished putting on the armor. I strapped the Imperial gold sword to my waist and made sure my other weapons were disguised. Mechanical Pencil in my pocket and Wisdom on my wrist. I placed the helmet on my head and tucked my hair up. I didn’t want to get caught.

I stepped out from behind Zeus’s cabin and walked over to the other soldiers. The other guard was looking at me expectantly.

“Well?” he asked. “Anything?” I shook my head and tried my best to replicate Gwen’s voice.

“Nothing. I was just jumpy.” The boy laughed and slapped me on the back. Hard. Man, these Roman’s are hard… I thought. I looked at the door and straightened.

“If you will please excuse me, I need to check on something.” I opened the door and no one gave me a second look. Inside, it was like it usually is. A giant statue of Hera was glaring down at me, as if to say, Get out, or I will step on you. To my left and right, braziers were glowing, but only faintly. It hardly gave the room any light, and made the room feel like a freezer. It felt like a prison, and it was.

Chained to the feet of Hera were all of my friends and family.

Everyone had a chain wrapped around their feet, stopping them from getting away. Amanda, Zoe, and Carl were huddled together, trying to keep warm. Grover sat on the ground a few feet away, leaning against the statue’s pedestal. He looked asleep. Rachel and Will were leaning over someone. Someone with blonde hair… It was Tyler. His shirt was ripped in several places, as if they had been cut with a sword blade, and covered in blood. His face was pale and I was immediately worried.

I started to rush toward them, but Will stopped me.

“Not one step closer!” he demanded. I froze.

“Guys, it’s me.” I slowly said. Will’s face went into confusion and Rachel looked scared. Amanda, Zoe and Carl had scrambled behind Will and Rachel. They cowered, terrified out of their minds. Seeing them giving me that face made me want to cry.

“Me who?” Rachel asked. I ignored her question and rushed forward again. Will and Rachel tensed as my siblings yelped. I knelt next to Tyler.

“We need to get him to bunker 9,” I said, trying to lift him into my arms. “He needs help.” Before I could react, Will had tackled me. He rolled off and glared at me.

“Get out of here, Roman. We don’t need your…” That was when he glanced at my neck. Blood was still oozing out of my wound, no matter how hard I tried to ignore it. I pulled my helmet off before Will could say anything. My blond hair tumbled down like a waterfall, then bounced. It sorta reminded me of a supermodel doing a pose.

“Will, its me,” I said carefully. His mouth had dropped open, and I half expected him to accidentally swallow a fly.

“How…? You fell-” Before he could finish, I was tackled with hugs from my siblings. Amanda hugged my so tight, I started to feel light headed. I smiled and hugged them in return.

“I’m so glad you guys are safe…” I gushed happily. The three of them started to even cry.

“They attacked Clover,” Zoe started. “We were so scared… Everybody was running to fight them, but we didn’t know what to do…” Carl nodded, agreeing sadly.

“We ran,” Amanda continued. “We picked up a couple of our friends. Zoe’s friends were running toward the woods, and we followed…”

“The dudes in the skirts stopped us!” Carl said loudly and I put a hand over his mouth.

“Quieter,” I hissed. “The dudes in skirts will hear you.” His face immediately paled with fear and he nodded. I looked at all of them, smiling proudly. “You guys were brilliant. Now, we need to find a way out of here.” I looked at Rachel, “I think I have an idea, but I need you to lead everyone to Bunker 9.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “We can’t leave you again.” I walked over to her and knelt.

“Rachel, I can’t have my younger siblings in danger. They’re going to get hurt and I couldn’t live with myself if they did. You, Tyler, Grover and Will have been through enough for my sake. I need you to take them to the bunker. It may be destroyed, but there are rooms deeper in the cliff. There has to be one that isn’t burnt.”

“No Clover. We can’t leave you to Octavian and the Romans.” She protested.

“Rachel…please… I can’t have Tyler get hurt anymore than he is… This room will freeze him to death… I will continue to stay undercover. When you get to the bunker, someone will hopefully be there. Her name is Gwen. She is a roman, but do not hurt her. I will continue to send romans to the bunker. Most of them-”

“No…” someone groaned, interrupting me. Tyler had woken up and was stirring. I held back the urge to run to his aid. I had to finish my message. I looked at Rachel and continued.

“I need you to keep the peace between the two camps. Most of the romans don’t want to follow Octavian. They knew when Reyna left that Octavian would try to take charge. Now that he has, they don’t want to follow him. Their minds are clearing. Octavian is going to hurt-”

“Clover…” Tyler groaned. I reached out my hand and gripped his. He held it and I continued.

“Octavian is going to hurt any of them who turn against him. Something is different about him. We need to find a way to put his own soldiers against him, and that’s what I’m doing. Take them to Bunker 9 and wait for me. I will join you soon. I promise.” Rachel sighed, then nodded.

“You have a good plan Clover. I will try my best. Good luck with the others. We were tossed in here because Octavian knew you would come after us. He didn’t want you stopping his plan. He will soon be here. I’ll get the others out. “ I hugged her with my free arm and turned to Will.

“Wake Grover and tell him it’s time to go.” He nodded. I finally gave into the urge and quickly moved to Tyler’s side. “Are you okay?” I asked him carefully. His blue eyes shone with determination.

“Y-you were right…” he croaked. “Octavian is d-different…He seems more p-powerful than he should b-be…” he winced and tightened his grip on my hand. I put my other hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t strain yourself… Rachel is going to take you to the bunker. I can’t have you get hurt more than you are.” Instead of the nod I was expecting, he shook his head.

“Y-you can’t do it all… You’ll k-kill y-yourself…” He protested.

“It’s for the better,” I tried reassuring him. He lifted his hand and ran his finger against my neck. The cut stung and I winced.

“You’re g-going to die from that…” Tyler stated. “N-not from anything e-else…” I held back the tears that were fighting to fall.

“Tyler, I need to get you to safety. I will do anything to keep you safe... Everything else in my life has been erased and I don’t want you to join that group of memories…” The tears won the battle and fell. I let go of his hand and I looked at Will. “Be careful.” Will nodded and picked up Tyler. He sent me one last message as Will carried him away.

Don’t die on me.

I did my best to send one back.

I can’t promise that.

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