Chapter 12

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Clover POV

After scouting the edges of of the roman camp, I was able to pick out most of the weak points. The hill was heavily guarded, so I knew that wouldn't be the best place to attack. Although, the guards by the woods were not the best. I talked to a few of them and they were really unhappy with their positions. Man, were their lives going to get energetic.

I had a small base (well, a tent) where I was able to take off my helmet. Long story short, I sort of convinced the 5th cohort to hide me. They knew who I was, and what I meant to Octavian, so that was why they let me stay. Everyone hated Octavian it seemed like.

When I was in the tent, the group would have to call me Gwen. When they asked where the real Gwen was, I told them that she had gone to Bunker nine. All of the roman campers wanted to go, but I said it would look too suspicious. So, instead, every few hours, one of the campers would slip away. It was a pretty good plan.

I walked into the tent, looked around nervously, just to make sure if there were any people I couldn't trust, then took off my helmet. My blonde hair tumbled down past my shoulders and I tucked the helmet under my arm. I made my way over to the very far beds. One was Dakoda's while the other one was Gwen's. I slowly sat down on Gwen's and took a shaky breath. I had no idea how long I would have to stay in the camp, but I suspected for a long time.

A few of the campers noticed me, then drifted over. I looked up as a young girl, maybe eleven, sat down next to me. She smiled up at me, and she reminded me of myself. She had the same determined eyes, except hers were green. She also had very wavy long brown hair that reminded me of tree bark. I smiled at her and hugged her.

"Hey Elise," I said. Elise smiled at me bigger. To many of the younger kids, I was their hero. I also thought it was very cruel of Octavian to bring the young kids. I had noticed that there was a boy in the 3rd cohort who looked like he was only 8 years old.

"Hi Clover," Elise responded happily. "Did you beat up Octavian today?" I shook my head.

"Sorry, but I didn't. I haven't seen him."

"You probably never will," someone said. I looked over and saw Dakoda trudging over to his bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Dakoda huffed.

"You probably will never see Octavian. He hasn't been in camp." Dakoda took a swig of his Kool Aid then sat down. I frowned and stared at the floor. I needed to come up with a better plan. I had an idea nagging at me, but I didn't know if it was safe. I would have to look into it...

"Dakoda," I asked. "Where are the other prisoners?"

He shrugged. "Rumors say they are in the catacombs under the Hephaestus cabin. Only a few special people know, and those special people are loyal to Octavian." He took a chug from his highly sugared drink.

Elise tapped my shoulder. "Why don't you go after them? You could free the other prisoners, get all the people who hate Octavian out to safety, then fight him one on one." She pumped her fists in front of her like she was punching a bag. I smiled sadly.

"I wish it was that easy. But that would cause too much attention. We need to have Octavian and his followers believe everything is fine." I stood up and motioned for Elise to follow. She got to her feet and tailed me toward a smart board one of the campers had discovered in the remains of the Athena cabin. Sadly, I recognized it, but I didn't want to make it a big deal.

I flipped on the switches and set up a brand new sheet I could use. I picked up the special pen and began to draw my thoughts.

"Here is a rough diagram of what the camp looks like," I narrated as I drew. "This is our tent here, the other cohorts tents along here, the burnt cabins, the Zeus and Hera cabins, the wood's edge and Half Blood Hill." I made a quick sketch of a few soldiers. Since this was a demigod smart board, I pushed a button on the pen and the diagram's pictures started to move where I wanted them to go. I drew a quick drawing of Octavian and a few more soldiers. Roman campers started to gather around, watching as I narrated my thoughts of a plan.

"I am planning to scout around for another day or so, and while I record my data, I can look for the weakest points where I can manipulate things." I pointed to Half Blood Hill. "This is the only spot we can receive reinforcements from the outside world, but with all of the security, I'm not even going to touch there." I tapped my finger at a place I drew a brown line that lead into the woods.

"This is the path I am having you take to get to the safe house." I made sure I didn't say Bunker nine. "I have friends, family, and people you know, who are safe and sound. If we can keep this path a secret, we can get you guys out faster."

One boy in the back raised his hand. "What about the other guards? They don't know about our plan and they will find it suspicious." A few of the campers mumbled in agreement. I took a deep breath.

"I'm having you slip onto the path the times I know when they aren't patrolling. Some of the best times are 4 am, 3pm and during dinner. Breakfast is also a good time. Speaking of that," I looked at the clock. "I would recommend the people I said were going tonight to start packing. I'll wake you when it's time to go. Anyway," I turned my attention back to the board. "With all of this security, I'm going to need some helpers distract guards at certain times. I will get into that later. But what I want to focus on now is our help. There are some campers coming to help us."

"Who are they?" A girl asked.

I smiled, "campers from a French demigod camp." There were many whispers of excitement, worry, and confusion. "Don't worry, I've contacted them and they are friendly. They should be here soon, but first..."

The rest of the evening, until dinner, I explained everything to the group. Percy was right. The 5th cohort did rule.

Rachel POV

"First, for our defense, we're going to talk about Greek fire."

Tyler held up a jar of the flames.

"This is a very dangerous substance that can burn anything, even underwater," I continued. "Us Greeks use it all the time, and the monsters do as well. Many of you may have used it to destroy our camp, but we aren't holding it against you. It's a great weapon." A few of the campers shifted uncomfortably. I turned to Tyler. "Would you demonstrate?" He nodded and faced the blast chambers. Tyler slowly opened the door then in a swift movement, he threw the jar on the ground and closed the door. Green flames exploded inside, lapping at the window and door. Many of the roman campers took a step back, mostly out of terror. That made a few of the Greek campers smirk.

"As you see, this is a very dangerous weapon. It will kill any living thing in it's path. It will hurt you if you aren't careful." I nodded to Will and he began to pass out some empty jars. "We are giving you empty jars to practice with, but be careful. Some of the jars have fireworks in them, so if you aren't far enough away, or you're not protected in someway, you will get hurt." The roman soldiers shifted with uncertainty.

"Don't worry," Will said, handing a few campers jars. "I am a trained medic and will help you if you are injured."

"Are you ready to begin?" I asked. The romans all nodded. "Then to your stations."

Clover POV

I quickly left the tent, securing my helmet. The late morning sun was slowly creeping up higher into the sky, making my shadow slowly become shorter.

I started my patrol of the camp. I had done this patrol for the past day and had memorized it. Yeah, I have a good memory. I was expecting back up today, and I had to stay on my toes.

"Gwen," a soldier said, nodding to me. I nodded in return. The soldiers had noticed me yesterday, so I explained to them that I would be patrolling. They accepted it. At first I was suspicious, then I realized I was in disguise as a centurion. Well, retired centurion. Same diff.

I walked up Half Blood Hill and looked out over camp. The cabins were stacks of rubble, the big house was still a heaping pile of nothing, and there were tents set up for the Romans. I sighed and turned away. I couldn't think about that. I finished climbing until I reached the borders of the guards. They were in rows of three and all of them were facing the camp. I stood at attention in front of them.

"I have requested orders to be let through," I bluntly stated. One of the guards looked me up and down.

"Who requested the orders?" My mind went blank.

"Uh... I did," I said. But it came out more like a question. The soldier looked at his comrade and shrugged.

"Sure. Go ahead." The column of the row scooted aside and I walked between them. It felt odd walking between my enemy. When I made it through, the Romans stepped back I to rank. I turned away from them and looked down the hill. Now, I just needed to wait until my back up came. I glanced down at a watch one of the Romans from the 5th cohort had given me. They should have been here by now.

Just then, a black van started coming down the road. Painted on the side was a language that I couldn't read. It looked like French. That's when I knew it was Alice.

I walked down the hill and ducked behind one of the Roman's trucks, so the Romans on the hill couldn't see me. As the black can drove by, the doors opened and three figures jumped out. They rolled across the pavement as I'd they had done it a million times. They were dressed in armor, but because of their skills, it didn't clank together too loudly. The van drove away, as if nothing had happened.

"Alice!" I whispered. One of the figures turned and looked at me. I could tell, even through the helmet, it was her. She looked quizzicaly at me and gripped her sword.

"Who are you?" She hissed. I took off my helmet carefully. When she saw my face, she relaxed.

"It's Clover. Come on, we need to smuggle you into camp."

(sorry if there are multiple of this chapter. Wattpad was being stupid)

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