Chapter 19

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Clover POV

Will stared at me.

“You… you what?!”

“I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “Please… I need your help to pull this off.” Will looked down at the blue cloth that was laying across my chest and sighed.

“Alright… I’ll try my best.” I smirked sadly.

“Thank you… could you please help me stand?” Will’s head snapped up.

“Stand up? But you-”

“Will, I know.” I softly interrupted, wincing and putting a hand on my surgery. “But I need to finish what I started. Please,” I held out my hand and kicked my legs over the side of the bed. “Help me stand.” Will looked like he wanted to protest, but he didn’t. He took my hand and carefully helped me to my feet.

The room swirled. Tables turned upside down, the floor was the wall and my feet slipped out from under me.

“Woah,” Will said, wrapping his arm under mine to hold me up. “You okay?” I swallowed the sour taste in my mouth.

“I-I think so…” I looked down at my chest. The blue cloth had slipped off and had fallen to the floor, revealing the scars from the surgery work. It was an odd feeling to look at yourself and see stitches in the center of your stomach. My first thought was:

‘I’m a zombie.’

“Now that you’re up,” Will said while assisting me to the door. ”What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to find Octavian and take him down.” I coughed violently for a minute. Will almost choked on his own spit.

“What?! You can’t be serious…”

“Will,” I said, turning my head to glare at him. “I can’t just have all of my friends and family be destroyed.”

“But Clover,” Will pleaded. “You’re not in the right shape to do that.” He gestured to my chest. “Look at you, You barely have enough strength to stand, much less save the camp.” I looked sadly at the floor and muttered something that Will could barely hear:

“But I have to try… Even if it means dying..”

“Clover,” Will whispered quietly. “You aren’t alone. You have us.” He let go and I leaned up against the door frame. “You have Alice, Tyler, Penelope, Arthur, Rachel and I and the whole camp.” He walked out into the hallway and nodded to the others, telling them it was okay to come in. Penelope stood immediately and helped me support myself. Before the others got too close, Will whispered something in my ear:

"And everyone on the Argo II."

The thought made me sad, but after a few moments of being zoned out from the others conversation and turning the thought over in my head, I exclaimed, "That's it!"

The groups conversation came to a vault.  

"What is it?" Arthur asked. My eyes and soul lot up with hope. The others noticed it because Penelope slackened her grip on me.

"The Argo II. That's our-" Before I could finish, pain flared in my stomach. I groaned and my knees wobbled. I doubled over and hugged my stomach.

"Clover!" Penelope and Arthur exclaimed at once. I grit my teeth as the pain intensified. I began to crumple to the floor. Will gripped my shoulders and studied me. Raindrop sized droplets of sweat began to pop up on my neck and forehead.

The pain grew until I couldn't contain it any longer. I began to scream and cry.

"Tyler..." I sobbed so quietly, only I could hear. "What have I done...?" Tears and sweat mixed together. It poured off my nose and down my cheeks.  

Will, of course, was rushing around trying to help, but I knew he couldn't. I recognized the pain. I wept as I looked down at my arms.

The scars from my suicide were glowing.

"Will?" Penelope asked, her voice on the edge of panic. "What's happening to her?" He looked at her sadly.

"I don't know."

I raised a shaky hand and put it on Will's knee.

"House... Of... Hades..." I muttered. "In... Danger..."

"House of hades?" Arthur asked. "Is she going crazy?" Will understood immediately.

"Where is it?"

"At... Camp..."

"The roman camp?" I nodded slowly. Will looked up at Penelope. "We need to find it."

"Wait, what is it?" Penelope questioned.

"The house of hades is a book," Will explained. "It is of the future, or now..." He glanced down at me. "The past." Penelope's mouth fell open.


"I don't know, she didn't explain that part."

"Blood..." I moaned. "Of... Olympus..." My chest constructed and I began to cough.

"Clover," Arthur said. "Hang in there." He looked up at Will. "How do we stop this?"

"I-I don't know," Will stuttered. "I hate not knowing..." I reached into my pocket with a shaky hand and pulled out my Mechanical Pencil. I clicked it twice, which took most of my will power. It didn't turn into a dagger (thank goodness) and I switched it to my right hand.

"P-paper..." I groaned. Arthur shot to his feet and ran into the operation room.

"What do you need the paper for?" Will asked. I swallowed.

"Instructions... Y-you'll... need them..."

"What? Why can't you tell us? Why do you have to write them down?" Penelope asked. I gave her a weak smile, but didn't say anything. Her face paled. "No... Clover, no. You can't." Arthur came back with the paper. He set it on the floor for me and I placed my pencil on the paper. I took a deep breath, and with the last bit of my strength, I wrote down everything. It even took up the back of the paper.

After I few minutes, my vision began to blur. I wrote one last line before the world blacked into nothing:

'Leo, I'm sorry.'

Alice POV

Rachel's plan was brilliant. I was surprised how well it turned out because at first, I thought it would fail.

We waited.

Yes, that's correct. We 'waited'.

I shifted on my bum, since it was getting numb from all the sitting. "Sooo..." I started. "We just sit here? While Octavian tries to kill your friends?"

"Yep," Rachel replied.

"While Clover is in extreme pain?"


"While Tyler is who knows where?"


"You are pretty stubborn."

"Why thank you." Rachel gave her a big smile.

"What do you expect to happen?" I asked, watching the guards carefully. She smirked then raised a finger.

"In about five minutes, they will come over that tree line." Rachel pointed to the east.

"They?" I asked.

"Just wait." Rachel had a smile that told me that she knew who they were and that it was good for us.


Rick shuffled through the papers on his desk in disbelief.

It wasn't possible...

Words, from out of nowhere, were being written down in the Blood of Olympus. He watched them pop up and read:

Leo took the helm as the other demigods gathered around. Well, except for Percy, since he was down in the sick bay. Annabeth didn't want to leave him, but they convinced her that Coach Hedge would take good care of him.

"Are we almost there?" Piper asked, looking off into the distance.

"We should be," Leo responded, clicking the A button on his Wii remote repeatedly.

"We should first find the others," Jason said, his face tight. "If Coach hasn't done something already, we should be fine."

"I agree," Annabeth piped up. "We need to find them."

"But where would they be?" Hazel questioned. Jason sighed.

"I don't know, but we have to get to them. We can't have the madness break out."

"What if it already has?" Frank asked. That brought silence to the group.

"No," Leo said with determination. "Clover would never have let it happen. We need to find her first. She will know what to do."


Of course! They were headed back to camp.

But why was the story writing itself?

Rick continued to flip through papers. He got at least five paper cuts, but the syory was too important for him to notice. He quickly pulled out a pencil from his desk's metal pencil cup and tried to erase the words.

It didn't work.

He tried somewhere else.

Still didn't work.

Rick sighed and closed the folder. Since it wasn't in book form yet, he just kept the papers in a folder. On the front read: Blood of Olympus.

No... It was changing.

The words Blood and Of we're being slowly replaced. Rick's eyes widened with astonishment at the new title.


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