Chapter 21

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Clover POV

Do it for Leo. Don't let him go. Don't let him leave. Don't let yourself reach for the light.


In... Out.

In... Out.

In... Out.


Nobody POV

Tyler ducked under some branches, which of course, Leo had to hit. They whipped him in the face and he groaned.

"Really?" He exclaimed. Tyler laughed.

"You just have to learn your way around," he said, stepping over a log. Leo climbed over as well.

"Are you kidding? I know these woods like the back of my hand." Tyler smiled and pulled back a branch. He turned and watched it hit Leo. He laughed as Leo cursed at him.

"Seriously man! What do you have against me?” Tyler good mood seemed to pause.

“Nothing I guess…”

“You guess? Dude, I know you don’t like me, but why? Oh…” The realization hit Leo. “It’s Clover, isn’t it?” Tyler’s face turned grim once more.

“I don’t really want to talk about that...” Leo decided it was his turn to have the fun.

“Nah, let’s keep going. You fell for her didn’t you? You’re jealous of me and her being together? Right? Huh huh huh?” With each ‘huh’ he got closer to Tyler’s face.

“Look man,” Tyler started. “It’s complicated and I think I’ve toyed with her feelings enough. Alright? We cool?”

“Oh, so are you backing down? This is over the best prize in the world.” Leo stopped in the middle of the path. “Over a girl.” Tyler’s faced hardened as he walked away, but Leo continued. “The best battles in history are over a girl. Sleeping beauty, Romeo and Juliet, and all that love stuff.”

“First off,” Tyler snapped, stopping on the path. “Those were fairy tales and stories, and second, lay off. I’m not trying to move in on your girl.”

“But you are,” Leo said, his tone growing more angry. “Did you cry when you figured out that she was dying? Did you run to your mommy or daddy? Or did you just run to get away from your feelings, like Nico did. Huh?” Tyler snapped. He shoved Leo against a tree, his arm pushing at Leo’s throat.

“Don’t you dare make fun of my feelings for her. Where were you when she was crying? On your quest. Where were you when she started dying? On your quest.” He leaned in closer, his eyes boring holes into Leo’s soul. “You were never there for her.”

“Oh yeah?” Leo croaked. “Where were you when she did her suicide attempt? Where were you when she first got the books from Rick? Huh?” Leo shot Tyler the same angry gaze. “Don’t you dare go into that territory of ‘I wasn’t there’. I did my best for her, and that is the best I can give to her.” The two boys stared each other down, both having the same jealous, angry eyes, until something flew between their heads and stuck to the tree behind them. They turned away from each other and pulled out their weapons: Leo with a hammer, Tyler with his sword.

“Will you two boys just knock it off? We have a real problem to take care of.” From out of the tree line, Aspen exploded into existence. She had the same yellow and orange dress she wore every day, but in her hands, she held a bow and arrow. She looked determined and ready to fight. Leo sighed and lowered his hammer.

“Fine, you’re right.” He shot Tyler one last look that said: We’ll finish this later. Tyler nodded in agreement.

"Now," Aspen said. "Leo, I presume you know Tyler." He nodded. "Good. I have an idea on how to heal Clover, but I won't do it if you two are tearing each others throats out." The two demigods sighed and nodded their heads. Aspen nodded and exploded once more. "Meet you at the bunker," her voice echoed around them. Tyler and Leo exchanged a look, then both ran in the right direction.


Clover POV

Don’t let go…. Breathe. Ask yourself questions…

Who do you love and couldn’t leave? My family… Alice and her friends… Leo… Tyler… Rachel…

Where would you live after all of this? Home… Just to be home with my family and have a normal life….

Who do you like more? Leo or Tyler?  


I don’t know.

Oh no… here she comes…

*internal screams*


Alice POV

Rachel pointed above us.

“There they are!” The Argo II sped past us at an incredible speed, heading toward the cabins.

“Do you think they will fire?” I asked, suddenly scared for all of the Greek demigods being held captive.

“I would hope not, but if they do, they need to do it strategically. Annabeth’s on board, so I wouldn’t worry about it.” I pulled out my weapon and looked at Rachel.

“Should we join the fight?” Rachel smiled and started to laugh.

“I would hope so!” I started out at a jog, and then picked up full speed when I noticed that Rachel was picking up her speed. We ran at the Romans on the hill as the Argo II floated menicingly toward them.

The soldiers didn’t even see us coming at first. Their gaze was fixed on the Greek trireme above their heads. Hmm… I wonder why?

I charged right at the thickest group, my sword raised high.

“AAAARRRRGGGGG!!!!” I screamed triumphantly.  

“FOR NARNIA!!!!” Rachel shouted, then slashed at the demigods. From out of nowhere, she had pulled out a sword. It had a green hue to it. About half the guards yelped and went for their swords. The other half blinked a couple of times, as if coming out of a trace. That’s when I noticed a girl’s screaming.

“Let’s party!” She shouted, leaning over the edge of the ship. Her hair was choppy and done up in small braids down the sides. For some reason, she was holding Leo’s Wii controller. “Turn in a circle and dance around!” The half that was listening to her, dropped their weapons, took a partner’s hand and turned in a circle, like some kind of hodown.

I started one on one combat with a brown haired kid. He his armor was crooked, and his hair was sticking up in random places. He was a good sword fighter, but he seemed out of it.

“Tired?” I asked over the noise.

“What?” he shouted.

“Octavian working you too hard?” He gave me a funny look, which I used to my advantage. I thrust my blade against his and it went skittering away. “See ya!” I smiled at him and pushed him down as I moved on. I soon faced a girl with short, black hair, that was about as long as her shoulders. She had a determined expression, like she couldn’t wait to take me down. Although, she had the same tired look as the other guy.

“You tired?” I asked. The girl gave me a confused look, but I stuck first. We soon got locked in combat. This girl was good, but I had to admit, Jerome taught me better. I pushed her to the ground, and she went sprawling. “Good luck and sleep well!” I smacked her on the head and she passed out.

Rachel wasn’t doing to bad herself. Her aura of power was confusing everyone she went up against. Whenever she slashed at someone, her sword hissed, and I realized she had a sword made up of misty snakes.


Then, on my right, I saw a young man with blonde hair, that looked like it had been once been closely cropped, but had gotten longer. His blue eyes were startling and he held a gold sword. On the other side of me, a girl with cinnamon colored hair and dark skin stabbed at someone with her longer than normal sword.

“Hazel! Duck!” From above me, an eagle soared down and landed on a few Romans. It morphed into a muscled kid, who looked to be chinese, with a bow and arrow slung over his back. He pulled them over his head and shot at a soldier. The arrow stuck out of the Roman’s breastplate, but didn’t seem to harm him. Above me, the Argo II fired. The mast head roared and spit fire into the sky.

“Now spin your partner round and round, into the night that’s going down!” the girl sang, her voice cheery, as if she were at a party instead a battle to the death. As I looked around some more, I realized that these demigods were part of The Seven.

The Seven!

I was in so much shock, I didn’t noticed one of the soldiers came up behind me. They raised their dagger and it came down.


I spun around and found the blonde kid blocking the blow. He smiled at me and thrust the attacker back. I smiled at him in return and returned to fighting.

We were beginning to win. Roman soldiers were falling back. I felt so powerful, but before we could finish up the battle, we heard a voice scream:


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