Chapter 24

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Nobody's POV


Will scrambled across the rocks toward where Tyler and Leo had fallen. He had a group of demigods behind him, ready for anything. In Will's mind, he kept trying to push away the horrible thoughts.

You'll never win.,.

They're dead. Leave now....

Useless to keep trying...

"Fan out," Will ordered. "We need to find them." The group of Roman and Greek demigods nodded.

A beefy Ares girl, bandanna and all, kicked her way forward. Rocks tumbled into small casims, but she was determined and on a mission. Her brown stringy hair was falling out and getting in her face. She blew it out of her eyes and stepped forward. Immediately, her boot shot through the ground. She cursed loudly and before she could pull it out, something grabbed it. She screamed and kicked.

"Owwww!" Someone cried out. Their voice was muffled by the rocks. "Really? What was that for?" The girls eyes narrowed and she began to dig.

"I found someone!" She screamed to the group. Three of the demigods scrambled over to help. The group digged around the Ares girl's foot.

"Anyone there?" One of the girls asked. She had brown hair, that for some reason was slightly singed.

"Here!" Someone else called out, their voice also muffled. "There are two of us!"

"We'll get you out!" A girl with blonde hair and a soft voice said confidently. The group continued to dig, from both underneath and above. Once the rocks, dirt and grass were cleared, the two boys came into view.

“Geez, took you guys long enough,” Leo said, pushing a rock off his lap. Tyler laughed.

“And I never expected that Clarisse of all people would save us,” he said. Leo joined in with the laughter. Clarisse harrumphed and crossed her arms.

“It was my boot who saved you, not me,” she protested. The blonde haired girl extended a hand.

“Here, let me help you.” Tyler took her hand and was pulled up with the help of the brown haired girl. They both look about the same age.

“Are you two sisters?” Tyler asked, pointing to the two girls. The brown haired girl shrugged.

“We’re half sisters.” She extended a hand. “I’m Rebecca, daughter of Aphrodite.” Tyler shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you-” then he turned to the blonde girl. “-and you are?”

“Claire..” She responded quietly.

“Come on! Get of there!” Clarisse growled at Leo, who was still sitting in the pit like it was a lounge chair. Leo spread his hands.

“What if I don’t want to?”

Clarisse cursed at him, then stomped away while screaming, “Will! I found them!” Rebecca sighed while Claire rubbed her arm. Tyler turned back to the pit.

“You sure you want out? You’ll probably not like it…” Leo shrugged.

“I’ll come out, but I don’t exactly want to move.” He gestured to his foot, which still looked bent at a scary angle.

“I’ll help you out,” Tyler said while jumping down. “it’s not that bad.” He bent and Leo threw his arm around his shoulders. After a couple moments of readjusting, Leo was able to stand.

“You ready?” Tyler asked. Leo nodded, his face grim and determined. “One… Two.. THREE!” Tyler hoisted Leo up and Claire and Rebecca grabbed his arms. Leo screamed as his foot banged against the wall of the pit, but the girls pulled him to the top. Tyler jumped and scrambled to the top once Leo was out of the way. When Tyler reached the top, Will was already on his way over.

“Oh gods! Are you guys okay?”

“Fine,” Leo moaned. “Unless you count broken ankles as not okay.” Will jumped over the pit and landed next to the girls.

“You two, go get some of my medical supplies. They’re…” He trailed off when he saw the bunker. “Oh gods…”

The bunker was almost just a black hollowed out shell. The explosion had sent tables flying, support beams tumbling down, and basically a huge mess. Tyler, Leo, Clare and Rebecca all stared at the destruction.

“The bunker!” Claire gasped.

“Aspen…” Will uttered in disbelief.

“Clover…” Tyler and Leo spoke at once. They locked eyes.

“I need to go find her,” Tyler said to Will. “She could be severely hurt.” Will nodded.

“Sounds like a plan. Take the girls with you, in case you need help.” Tyler looked down at Leo, a flare of determination flashing in his blue eyes.

“I’m gonna find her, and I will bring her here.” Leo nodded.

“Be careful,” he said. Tyler laughed.

“When am I ever careful with anything?” He turned to the girls. “You ready?”

“As we’ll ever be!” Rebecca cheered. Tyler smiled then give Leo one last glance before taking off toward the bunker.


Nobody POV


Reyna faced Nico.

“Is the plan working?” she asked, her voice steely. Nico closed his eyes and concentrated. The room soon got cold and Reyna could see her breath.

“I sense that it is working…” Nico responded, his voice sending chills down Reyna’s spine. “The seven are at Half-Blood hill…” Reyna bent down and picked up one of the ripped pages of the House of Hades book.

“Has our past been destroyed?” she asked. Nico opened his eyes. The room returned to normal temperature and he shook his head.

“No. It is just in pieces. The one person who can put it back together is the person it was meant for.” Reyna and Nico’s gaze locked. “And you know who I mean,” Nico continued. Reyna took a deep breath and set the page on Octavian’s table.

“We must find her. She’s the last thing holding this world together.”

Above them, thunder boomed. Both NIco and Reyna rushed to the door and looked up. The sky was cracking wider. Rain fell through like blood and splashed down on the grass. Everywhere where one hit, the grass seemed to lose it’s color.

Reyna extended her hand and when the rain hit her palm, she winced and pulled it back. In the very center of her hand, the size of the raindrop, was a circle of no color. Nico looked at it quizzically.

“What is that?” He asked. Reyna closed her hand and tightened it into a fist.

“I don’t know, but it isn’t good. I'll be fine though."

"Reyna-" Nico started, but she cut him off.

"There is no use worry about me when the world is ending." Nico looked like he wanted to protest, but the roar of people's voices stopped him from saying anything. Reyna stood taller.

"We need to help them."  Nico nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." He took her arm. "Let's shadow travel, just to be safe. I don't trust that rain." He glared at the drops. Reyna gave him a sideways look then sighed.

"You have a point. Come on. We need to meet our comrades in battle."



I watched Tyler run off with the Aphrodite girls. Every time his feet hit the rocks, I felt my heart ache that I wasn't going with him.

Clover, I don't mean to leave you, I thought.

'She'll be fine'. Someone responded. I groaned out loud.

"Rick, go away!" Will looked down at me.

"Excuse me?" He asked. I waved my hand.


'Remember, Leo, none of this is your fault.'

'Psh! Yeah right. I failed. Gaea is about to rise and the Romans are about to destroy us.'

'Leo,' Rick's voice scolded. 'Clover accepted the consequences. She learned the future, tried to change it, and ended up where she is now.'

I grit my teeth and slammed my fist on a rock. Will bent down.

"Leo? What's wrong?"

"Will, it's none of your concern," I snapped. I immediately felt bad. “Will,” I started again, but he cut me off.

“No, it’s fine.” He stood and waved over an Apollo girl. She came toward him, a bag of medical supplies sling across her shoulder.

‘Leo, you need to accept her choices.’

‘And what if I don’t?’

‘Then the world ends.’ I sat in silence before Rick continued. Leo, I know it’s hard, but that’s the thing about loving someone. You need to accept their choices and make it better.’ I sighed.

‘You’ve got a point… When I find her, I’ll make things right.’ I could almost hear Rick wince.

‘Leo, I’m sending someone. Don’t ask how or why she is here. I just need you and her to go off somewhere. Don’t question it. The world will end if you don’t.’

‘Are you threatening me?’

Rick didn’t respond.

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