Chapter 27

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A/N: This took me forever to come up with, so please... I know the end kinda sucks, but I needed to get things moving and I had very little time to write before YW at the veterins home. Okay? Okay... Now, sit back, and enjoy the story. :)

Clover POV

Screw Rick and his plans!

Right as I spill my feelings and the truth in front of everyone, he sends in Leo's assigned girlfriend!

What was this?! Heartbreak Warfare?!

I better get fanart for this, I thought bitterly.

"L-leo?" Calypso stuttered. "W-what-?"

"Calypso, I can explain," Leo said, but he didn't let go of my hand.

"What's she doing here?" I asked, or more like demanded. (Hey! I was upset!) Calypso looked back and forth between Leo and I, unsure what she was seeing.

"Leo, who is that?" Calypso asked, as if she was disgusted. I twisted my once-amazing smile into a sneer.

"His girlfriend!" I spat. "What do you want, miss princess?!"

"E-excuse me?" Calypso almost choked. "What do you mean, his girlfriend? I totally kissed him first!" I growled, my eyes narrowed into small slits.

The other campers (basically our whole team of Roman and Greek demigods) watched the whole thing play out like a tennis match. They couldn't tell who was winning.

Leo stepped between us.

"Woah, woah! Ladies, tone it down a few notches!"

"You totally didn't mention already having a girlfriend!" Calypso shouted at him. Leo grimaced and spread his hands, which made me have to let go of his hand.

"Calypso, I told you, I can explain. The short version is that Rick Riordan placed me on your island, but my memory was taken by Clover to protect the whole story from imploding. Okay? Okay."

Calypso looked completely lost, which made me smirk smugly.

"Get used to being confused," I put in. "I can be very confusing if you have a small brain, like yours." Leo glared at me. I shrugged, my smirk still plastered on my face. Calypso looked so mad, I could imagine her red face burning the flowers in her hair.


"Clover," Leo hissed. "Not. Helping."

"Hey," I protested. "I'm just competing for the ultimate prize." His eyebrows furrowed  

"You stole that quote, didn't you?" He asked. I beamed.

"Love ya!"

Calypso, rage running through her veins, stepped forward and swing a fist at me. I had no preparation whatsoever. All I saw was a manicured fist coming at powerful speed toward my face, then my nose flaring in pain. The power of the impact made me fall straight on my behind. I gasped, putting a hand on my nose. Blood was oozing out like a waterfall.

"Woah!" Leo stepped in front of me and held his hands out to stop Calypso if she came charging. "Let's not throw fists!"

"She was being a jerk!" Calypso protested. Will rushed forward and helped me up. He reached into his pocket and handed me a square of ambrosia. I nibbled on it as Will got me a cold washcloth.

"Calypso," Leo said firmly. "I know. But please, let's at least be civilized." Calypso stopped, tilted her head, then furrowed her eyebrows.

"Since when have you had this side of you? I've always known you as a jokester." She asked carefully. Leo scowled.

"I've always had it. I just choose to hide it, but when you hurt someone I love, that's a whole different story." He responded fiercely.

As I put the cold washcloth under my nose to stop the bleeding, I noticed something happen to Calypso's face. Her eyes seemed to shatter into a million pieces, like her soul had crushed. Her mouth opened slightly, as if she was holding back a lot of feelings from escaping her lips.

"You... love her?" She asked, her tone crushed. Leo's lips curled inward as he bit them. It was as if he couldn't decide.

"I do," he said. "I did love you. Just... It's complicated. I just feel like Clover has taught me more about life and has helped me more." My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open like I had suddenly lost my jaw.

Oh no, he didn't! I thought.

Calypso looked at her feet.

"Oh... Okay..." She replied quietly. I immediately felt bad for her. I sighed and lowered my washcloth. The bleeding had stopped.

"Calypso... I'm sorry. I know you've been rejected for centuries, and I know it was hard, but maybe you just haven't doubt the right person yet." I said sadly. I felt so guilty taking Leo away from her. Just like Annabeth with Percy.

"It doesn't matter," Calypso insisted, but I could tell that her voice almost broke. "I should just accept the fact that no one will love me." She stood up and put on a determined face. "Why am I here?" She asked. Leo and I exchanged looks.

"Well," Leo started. "Rick told me that you and I should go away somewhere alone... But I don't really trust that."

"Neither do I," I imputed, crossing my arms. "No offense, but I don't want anything fishy going on." That caused both Leo and Calypso to blush a bright red.

"Good point," Leo said.

"But what do we do?" Calypso questioned. I scratched my head.

"I guess we join the fight on Half Blood hill. The more people on our side, the better." Leo nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." He turned to the group of demigods that had kept quiet the whole time. "Who's ready to kick some Octavian booty?!" He cried.

The crowd cheered and stood, banging their weapons against their shields. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Clarisse handing out shields and weapons to people who didn't have any. Clever girl.

I stepped forward, my mechanical pencil in my hand. I thrust my fist into the air and shouted:

"Lets do this!"

Alice POV

I was about ready to cry and give up. We had been fighting the Romans for at least the past hour and none of their forces seemed to get smaller.

Ours wasn't so lucky.

Hazel went down while fighting a child of Mars, and Frank was standing over her, shouting at the enemy to keep away or he would personally kill them.

Percy and Annabeth stood back to back, thrusting, stabbing and swinging at the enemy. They both looked angry, as if they had been waiting in a waiting room for hours.

Piper, being smart, was still up on the Argo II shouting commands. I could tell, though, that her voice was starting to crack. She had been yelling for way too long. She would soon go hoarse.

Jason was next to me, disarming, pushing and apologizing.

"Sorry Nancy! Sorry Benny! Sorry Kyle!"

Rachel was to my left. She seemed to be dancing in a swirl of green mist, but when I looked over, she was standing completely still, her palms facing the sky. The mist around her had created a giant snake. As the enemy came forward, the snake would snap at them, hissing and spitting venom.

"You're amazing at that fighting style!" Percy shouted to me, while I stabbed a roman in the shoulder.

"Thanks!" I shouted back.

"What?" He asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I switched to Ancient Greek instead.

"Right back at ya!" It took Percy a minute to respond, but he smiled.

"Thanks! What style is yours?" He asked in Ancient Greek.

"French!" I responded in the same language. I stepped away from Jason and started wading through the enemy's main force.

In my mind, I could see the enemy force falling to the hands of the seven, Rachel and I. Octavian was going down!

My plans were ruined by one soldier, who stepped forward and thrust his blade toward me. I thought he would miss me, but my sword arm soon screamed in pain. I let out a scream, then fell to my knees. I placed my free hand over my deep wound and tried to put pressure on it. Blood was everywhere.

The soldier who had stabbed me stepped forward and put his sword under my chin. I slowly lifted my gaze to his eyes. They were… sad. Like he didn’t want to hurt me. One thing I noticed, though, was the pink stain around his lips.

“Surrender to Rome,” he said firmly. I tightened my jaw and glared at him.

“No.” The soldier took out a flask and took a swig of… kool-aid?

“Well, I guess I’ll have to kill you then,” he said, digging his sword point into my throat. Then, something happened that really surprised me.

The sky thundered and boomed. Rain came pouring down in the bucket loads. When each raindrop hit my skin, it hissed and my skin turned a faded white color, like wet paper. I let out a squeak when a couple hit my wound. The grass around us began to fade to the same color wherever the rain hit.

The kool-aid freak looked up at the sky in confusion, and so did I. The cracks in the sky began to widen and I could see dark clouds high above. It was as if an evil heaven was cracking reality.

“Dakoda! Get away from her!”

I finally looked away and almost missed Jason body slamming the kool-aid freak. They went tumbling into the grass, grappling with each other. I stood up, tore the sleeve off my shirt, then wrapped it around my wound. It would have to do for now. I bent down, picked up my sword, but before I could charge yet, I heard the sound of music.

Was that The Circle of Life?


Everyone on the hill stopped fighting, and turned toward the voice. Out of the trees, thousands, and I mean, thousands of nymphs, satyrs, water spirits, wind gusts, harpies, wild boars, bears, and almost every kind of animal alive that has some sharp thing on their body.

In the very front of the pack Grover lead the way, playing his pipes horribly.

“Yeah!” Percy cheered. “That’s our Grover!”

The roman soldiers around us turned their gaze over toward Octavian. The auger scowled deeper.

“Gaea! I call down to you to use your power!” He shouted, then he drove his dagger into the earth. Nothing happened at first. I was about to laugh and point out how stupid he was, but the ground began to rumble. I spread my legs to keep my balance as the earth shook under my feet.

Then, the first hand broke the surface.

Clay figures began to break through the grass. One pulled through the ground three feet away from me. They stood, ten feet tall, towering over me. They lifted their heads and roared at the sky.

I have to admit, my courage sank into my shoes and melted into a puddle of fear.

The one closest to me turned and looked down on me. I made a very heroic whimpering sound. The giant bent down, and before I could run, it gripped me around the waist! I screamed, pounding my fists into it’s clay hands.

“Let go! Help! Let go of me!!” I looked around for my sword, but it was still on the ground far below.

“Hold on Alice!” Jason shouted, but I knew that either the ten foot tall clay giant would either drop me, or it would squeeze the life out of me.

Grover’s forces hit the romans. I actually liked the overhead view of the fight. I saw romans being trampled by wild boars, tossed into the air by wind spirits, and being whacked over the head by the satyrs. Percy and Annabeth, being the incredible duo they are, waded through the clay giants, cutting off their legs and… sadly, their loincloths. Luckily, they exploded before anything was revealed.

Grover continued to play his pipes, which hurt my ears, but wasn’t that bad after a while.

The rest of the seven, except Frank and Hazel since Frank had quickly rushed Hazel to the Argo II’s sick bay, fought like never before. Piper was still up on the deck of the Argo II, launching pineapples, watermelons, and all kinds of assorted fruit down onto the fight. Whenever a watermelon broke on someone’s head, they would pass out.

That’s one way to do it, I thought.

Rachel was soon becoming surrounded. Her snake was slowly being reduced to smoke and she looked exhausted. I wanted to help her, but I had my own problems.

The giant began to squeeze me. I let out a strangled scream and fought harder. Everyone seemed too busy to help me, so I guessed I was stuck alone in the hands of this giant.

“Heads up!” someone screamed. From the side of the woods, something huge rolled out. It was made of wood and had four wheels. I was in complete shock as I realized what it was.

A catapult.


Rocks went flying through the air. Some missed their mark while the rest hit their target. A rock hit the giant that had hold of me. I watched as the giant’s clay eyes went cross eyed before rolling back into its head. Then, the giant collapsed. I screamed as its body hit the ground. \

I was being squashed under a pile of mud.

“Alice!” A familiar voice called. I looked up and spotted Arthur running full speed toward me.

“Arthur!” I exclaimed with relief. He rushed to my side and helped pull me out of the gross mud. I threw my arms around him in a hug. “Oh Arthur, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“DUCK!” He shouted, which didn’t really answer my question. Arthur pulled me down to the ground as a rock sailed over our heads. All around us, more forces came charging into battle.


“Clover has a plan! Hurry! We have to get you to the catapult!” Arthur insisted. He gripped my arm and ran toward the huge catapult. I followed him, ducking attacks, and trying my best to stay alive.

With luck, we made it over to the gigantic weapon. I recognized Leo at the controls and Clover standing next to him in the control box, pointing out weak spots. On the other side of Leo, a girl in a flowy dress, braided hair, and a dagger in her hand seemed to be chanting a song.

“Come on!” Arthur urged. “We need you for a minute!” He pulled me over to the booth and helped me up. When I stepped in, Leo pointed to some controls.

“Can you work those?” He asked, or more like demanded. I looked down at them and sighed.

It would be a long day.

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