Chapter 29

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(A/N: The chapter seems kinda short, but in my notebook, it was 10 pages long)

Clover POV


“Alice?!” I called while digging through a pile of scrap metal. “Where are you?!”

“Here!” a small voice called back. I whipped my head toward the sound of the voice. A thick piece of metal was pushed up against the wall and I could see a piece of cloth sticking out,

“Oh no! Alice!” I exclaimed then scrambled over to the piece of metal. It was as big as a refrigerator door, and after trying to push it away, I figured out it was really really heavy. I pounded on the metal.

“Alice, are you hurt?” I asked frantically.

“No!” she called back. “I’m just trapped!”

After a few minutes of tugging and pushing the metal slab, I stepped back with a frustrated growl. How hard could it be to push a stupid hunk of metal?! I decided to figure it out mathematically. I studied the slab for a few moments before snapping my fingers. I hit my bracelet, Wisdom, then wedged it between the hunk of metal and the wall. Using my make-shift lever, I pushed my end. The metal slab pulled away from the wall, but just barely. I set my jaw, then pushed harder. The metal pulled farther from the wall, and I spotted Alice helping.

After a few more minutes, the metal slab teetered, then crashed to the floor. I looked down at the metal, then toward Alice.

Apparently, during the explosion, the force was so strong, it dented the wall where Alice had been shot to. The hunk of thick heavy metal had fallen in front of her, trapping her in the shallow dent. Her shirt had ripped and that was what I had seen.

I rushed forward as Alice was getting up and hugged her.

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” I said, relief filling my tone. Alice hugged me back.

“I’m relieved that you are too,” she said. “Where’s Leo? And Calypso?” I took a deep breath and explain the past occurrences in a few words.

“Leo and I kissed, Calypso almost died, and the hunters of Artemis are coming to help us again. Come on, we have to meet them in battle.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the hole Calypso had been blasted through.

“But I don’t have a weapon,” Alice protested. I grabbed wisdom from the rubble, reached into my pocket, and gave her Mechanical Pencil.

“Use this. Click it once and it turns into a dagger. Click it twice, it spits out lead. Not as projectiles, just so you can write things.” I paused. “Maybe Leo could fix that for me…”

“Gotcha,” Alice said, snapping me back to the present. She clicked it and it morphed into a dagger. Her mouth stretched into a smile. “That’s wicked.”

“Yes it is. Come on,” I pulled her arm and we jumped out of the destroyed catapult. We started sprinting across the grass when Alice cried out:

“Wait!” She skidded to a stop. “What if we used the rocks the catapult was shooting? They could be great weapons!” I stopped and pondered her idea.

“Alright, it’s worth a try. We’ve got to hurry though!”




Nobody POV


“Piper!” Leo called, shifting Calypso’s weight. “Lower down the ladder!” Piper’s head popped over the edge of the boat.

“Leo!” She exclaimed with relief, but her voice was scratchy, like a bad TV channel. “Hold on, I’ll lower it!” She disappeared for a moment, leaving Leo and Calypso in the pouring rain. It stung, a lot, but Leo tried his best to shield Calypso. He could feel the coldness run through his hair and he noticed his clothes were becoming the same papery white as the grass.

Piper tossed a rope ladder over the edge of the Argo II and it landed in front of Leo. He bit his lip, then stepped onto the first rung. He wrapped his arm around the side as Piper began to pull him up.

Then, another hunting horn blasted across the valley. Leo jerked his head to see the oncoming forces. From the other side of the hill, the moral side, a single hunter ran toward the statue. She pulled down her hood, aiming her bow, then let loose an arrow. Leo watched in amazement as the arrow flew straight toward Octavian.

Before he could see how it ended, Piper pulled him over the edge. She extended her arms, partly  white from the rain and Leo gave her Calypso as he climbed over.

“What happened?” she asked, but due to the rain hurting her, it sounded like she had asked: ‘Wha-pend?’. Leo took a few deep breaths before responded.

“Explosion. Almost dead. True love’s kiss.” He opened his arms and Piper gave him back Calypso.

“You kissed her?” she asked. Leo shook his head, rain drops flying left and right from his hair.

“No, I kissed Clover. I’ve got to take her to the sick bay,” he responded, then rushed toward the stairs. With is feet pounding on the steps, he could hear more hunter’s charging into battle, He heard lion’s roaring, weapons clashing, and people screaming. Either with triumph or pain, Leo wasn’t sure.

He pushed the door open to the sick bay and it banged against the wall. Next to a bed occupied by Hazel, Frank jumped. He dropped the rag he was holding right on to her head with a SPLAT!

“Leo!” he exclaimed. His voice sounded better than Piper’s but still staticy.

“Help me,” Leo said, rushing toward an empty bed. Frank quickly got to his feet and placed the bowl he had been using on the side table.

“What happened to her? Is that Calypso?” Frank asked, rummaging through a cabinet to find some ambrosia. Leo didn’t respond immediately though. He ran his nimble fingers through her soft hair as he spoke.

“Yes, this is Calypso.” He turned to face the child of Mars. “And let’s just say that she is barely alive.” Frank looked back at Leo. He froze as he noticed the seriousness in the demigod's eyes.

“What?” Leo asked. “Is there something on my face?” He rubbed his hand over his nose and mouth. Frank shook his head to get out of his daze.

“No, no it’s nothing. He turned back to the cabinet quickly and pulled out a tupperware container full of ambrosia. He tossed Leo the medicine. “Here. One of the last batches we have.” Leo caught it and placed it on his lap. Before he opened it though, he looked up at Frank.

“Thanks man,” he said. Frank shrugged and walked back to Hazel.

“Least I could do. That’s probably the most useful thing I’ll be doing around here any time soon.” He sat in his chair and cupped Hazel’s limp hand in his.

“You don’t have to fight to be useful,” Leo mentioned, taking out a small piece of godly food. Frank lifted one shoulder as he spoke.

“Yeah, but its’ not like I’m doing much here.” Leo carefully fed Calypso the medicine as he contemplated for a moment.

“Well, there are many different roles in a battlefield. Some of the most praised is the big stuff, like Percy and his fight with Kronos right? Sometimes, the most important part to play is being there for someone else.” Frank let out a nervous laugh.

“You’re hanging out around Clover too much.” Leo cracked a smile, and it slowly grew into an easy laugh.

“W-what’s so funny..?”

Leo stopped laughing and turned to Calypso. Her eyes were half open and she had a small smile playing across her face. “Is it my face…? She asked. Leo smiled.

“Nah, it’s most likely Franks.”

“Hey!” he protested. Leo laughed and waved his hand.

“Just kidding man!” Calypso smiled a bit bigger. She removed her hands from her chest and tried to pull herself up into a sitting position.

“Uh-uh,” Leo scolded while wiggling a finger at her and shaking his head. “You need to rest.” Calypso’s smile was dampened for only a moment before she sighed.

“Alright… but I want to help.” Leo smiled and placed a hand on her arm.

“You have helped. Now, you need to rest.” He looked over at Frank. “You’ll look after her?”

Frank nodded. “Sure, as long as she doesn’t try to hurt me or make fun of my face.” Calypso let out a small laugh. Leo smiled at Frank.

“Thanks man.” He stood and clapped him on the back. THe gesture took Frank off guard, but her grinned. Leo faced the two of them as he backed out of the room.

“IF you will please excuse me, I’ve got some monster booties to kick.” Leo saluted to them sarcastically, then turned on his heel and ran for the stairs.

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