Chapter 3

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Clover POV

I laid on my bed, my back against my blankets and my head facing the bunk above me. I had pictures attached to the bed's boards from underneath. Some were of my siblings, half and real. A few were drawings I had done. Then there was one that I had had there ever since he had left.

It was a picture of a boy with blonde hair, cut short, but not too short. Just enough to cover his forehead. He had amazing green eyes, that looked like the forest.

His name was Corbin Dolly.

I had known him so long ago, but there was still a hole in my heart. I had given him part of my heart. Then, I gave a piece to Leo. Now... I was full of holes. Corbin was gone. Leo was gone. I would never love anyone ever again. I would be the widow living in an old house at the end of the street.

I had to choose either to fight, or to assist the quest members.

I wanted to help Leo so bad, but I couldn't. I had erased too much from the book. Which meant, I was left to defend the camp. I knew when, where, and how they were going to attack. I could fight against Octavian's army, Camp Jupiter, or I could stop Gaea.

As much as I would love to punch dirt face in the nose, I couldn't. I had to stay here, or the camp would fall. A knock on the cabin door snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Clover?" The door creaked open and Grover Underwood stuck his head in.

He had begun to look a lot older. He had a goatee, his hair was curly and he wore only a Camp Half Blood shirt. His pipes dangled around his neck, sort of giving him a 60's hippy look. I smiled, but it was forced.

"Hey Grover. How can I help you?" Grover clopped nervously from his left hoof to his right.

"I-I just wanted to ask if the rumors are true..." I sat up in bed and stared at him.

"What do you mean by rumors?" I asked. Grover sighed and it looked as if he was eyeing my bed like a vegetarian casorole. I really didn't want a hole in my sheets and blankets.

"You know... With the Argo II and all..." Grover said, fiddling with his pipes.

I shook my head, "Sorry, but I don't know what you are talking about." Grover sighed, dropping his pipes.

"Rumor has it you were on the Argo II..." I looked at the floor and nodded.

"It's true... I was on the Argo II..." Grover's mood seemed to brighten.

"Are Percy and Annabeth still alive?" He asked excitedly. I didn't meet his eyes.

"Grover..." I began, and his mood dropped, "they took an unplanned trip..." Grover's eyes began to water.

"T-they're dead..?"

I shook my head, "No... Not yet..." Grover tilted his head.

"Where are they then?" He asked. I bit my lip, deciding if l should tell him.

"Percy and Annabeth are in Tarturus..." I finally said. Grover's face paled. He looked like may get sick.

"B-but..." He began.

I raised a hand, "Grover, for now, they are safe. Rachel should get something from them in the next twenty-four hours. Don't worry." Grover looked very worried. I stood up and walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Grover, you need to be strong. You're going to need help, not just to rescue Percy and Annabeth. An invasion is coming and we need people to fight. Round up all of the wood nymphs, nayids, and all of your satyrs." Grover nodded.

"W-who is fighting us?" He asked.

"The Romans." I said bluntly, as if I were saying they were our neighbors. Grover stood up straighter.

"I'll round them up."

I paused with a hopeful smile, "Thank you, Grover..." He puffed out his chest, like Coach Hedge when he was boasting. Grover turned to the door and was about to leave, but he looked back at me.

"Clover, thank you." I blinked.

"For what?"

"Everything." Grover turned and left, closing the door behind him.

I had known Grover ever since I was thirteen. He was one of my most trusted friends. He helped my friend, Carson, get...

I sighed. Those memories where to painful... I couldn't have them get to me... Even though they already had...

I touched my scars on my arm. The eighteen that I had on that arm had disappeared until only four remained. Those four represented someone I had lost. I looked at my other arm and three cuts were left. Each one of those were the memories Leo couldn't forget. Then last but not least... The one on my neck. That was the memory I would never forget.

Those memories would never be erased.

"Clover?" Someone asked behind me. I spun and saw a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a funny smile. His name was Tyler. I had met him a long time ago, and I wondered why he was in the Athena cabin.

He had a backpack in his hand, which he held out to me. "I believe this is yours." I took the bag and opened it. It held everything I had packed on the night Leo threw the party. Scrolls. Books. Clothes. My father must have brought it with me. He had to know more than I had thought he knew. I looked up at Tyler. He was a year older than I was and was from a different cabin, but it felt like he was my older brother.

"Thank you." I said. He smiled and started to walk away. "Tyler," I called and he turned. "What was camp like without me...?" Tyler hesitated.

"It was tough... Some of the campers said your name, then were really confused. Nobody knew who you where. Even Chiron was confused. Personally, I kept thinking of a blonde girl who slept there," he gestured to my bed. "I couldn't remember her name, or where she came from. I just remembered that she was nice, kind, and someone I could trust."

Every time he said a characteristic, he paused for effect. Each one made me blush, but I no idea why. He was just a random camper from some random cabin.

I nodded and tucked hair behind my ear. "Thanks..."

Tyler shrugged, "What are friends for?" He left the cabin, the door slowly swinging closed behind him.

I continued to stare at the door, my knees buckling. Then, I slapped myself.

Oh no... I'm falling again... What is with me and REALLY cute guys?!

First it was Corbin, then it was Leo, then it was Bryce, and now it's Tyler.

I groaned and smacked my head against the Athena cabin's wall. I was being a total Aphrodite girl... I had had enough... Why couldn't Piper be here to help me?

I looked inside the backpack and noticed something that I didn't recognize. I reached inside and pulled out a flat object. It was a folded up piece of lined paper that had only two words in a black pen written on it.



I almost smacked my head against the wall again. Why was I wanted by so many people? I had just dumped my boyfriend less than twenty four hours ago, and now I had just been asked to the campfire.

Is it just me, or am I special?

I stared at the piece of paper, unsure of what my feelings told me.




UUUUGGGGHHHH.... I hate feelings...

Readers! Comment what you want Clover to choose! Yes? No? Maybe? CHOOSE!!!! :D If you say yes, explain why she should. If you say no, explain why she shouldn't.


For an extra treat, comment what character you want brought back/brought in and why! For example: Clarisse La Rue so she can beat up Octavian! >:)

So yeah! Comment away!

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