Chapter 30

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Nobody POV


Clover and Alice hefted the last rock into place.

“Alright,” Clover said while wiping her brow of sweat and rain. “Our trap is set.”

“Are you sure they will come this way?” Alice asked, but her voice was starting to become like a static filled radio. Clover shrugged.

“Your guess is as good as mine, but with the way the battle is going, I would say yes.”




“Clover!” Leo called, yelling as loud as he could across the battlefield.

No response.

He cursed under his breath then stomped toward the console.

“Honestly,” he heaved. “Where is she when I need her?” He hovered his hand above the controls, then pulled a random switch. Out of a hidden slot, a bluetooth device popped out. Leo picked it up and put it into his ear. He hit the connect button on the side and the sides of the Argo II started to rumble. From each of the four sides of the ship, a speaker peaked itself out of hiding.

“Testing, one two!” He yelled. His voice echoed across the battle and many people put their hands over their ears, only to be stabbed or hurt by their opponent. “Oh woops. Sorry.” Leo said, returning his voice to normal volume.

“What are you doing?!” Piper yelled to him, but Leo barely understood her with all the static in her voice. With all the rain, she appeared to be fading. Her brown choppy hair looked like mud that was being washed away. Her clothes looked washed out and dull, even though they were bright earlier.

“I’m calling a friend,” Leo replied. “Yo Clover? You hearing this?”

From across the field, Leo heard a reply. “How could I not?!”

Leo rushed to the edge and looked over. Near the pine tree, hunters began spilling into the valley, shooting at the enemy and trying to get the battle under control. In all of that mess, Leo spotted Clover and Alice by a hole that he hadn’t noticed before. It was probably a monster’s butt print. Clover was waving her arms up and down, as if trying to be spotted by someone in space. Alice was next to her, looking up at the Argo II expectantly, as if she were waiting for it to explode.

That wasn’t a very cheerful thought.

“Clover, I need you back here,” Leo said. He watched as her expression shifted into confusion.

“But why?!” she called back. Leo bit his lip. He didn’t know how his plan was suppose to work, it just needed to.

“I just need you up here. I’ll explain later.”

From up high, Leo watched as some of the Roman’s turned and faced Clover, knowing that they had to stop her from getting to the ship.

Leo knew his plan was about to fall apart. He scrambled to the control console and scanned his controls, his hands hovering and flinching every few milliseconds.

Clover held up her sword in defiance. Her eyes gleamed a sharp angry grey and her blonde strands fell across her face. Her scowl was fierce and both she and her enemy knew that she would tear them apart.

“You’re not gonna stop me,” She whispered. Even with all the commotion around them, the Romans heard her perfectly. They exchanged looks with each other, then charged. Clover dodged a soldier, then stabbed another. The more Romans who charged her, the more enemies fell at her feet.

Soon, her enemy began to get smart. Several of them began to circle her, trapping her in the middle. Clover spun around, trying to find a way out.

“Well well… Looks like we have caught Miss Sneaky.” Clover jerked toward the voice. The Romans split to let someone in. It was Octavian.

Clover scowled at him and muttered, “Oh I seriously hate you…” Octavian smiled and spread his hands.

“What can I say? I have a very hateful personality.” He pulled out his sword then raised it. “I’ve been wanting to do this for such a long time…” He charged at her.

Clover ducked his first strike then met Octavian’s blade. CLANG! She twisted her sword and curled her blade around his. Her nose was an inch away from his.

“I’ve been wanting to kill you for the longest time,” she whispered. Goosebumps formed on Octavian’s arms and his hairs stood up on the back of his neck. Clover gazed into his eyes with pure hatred and she could tell that Octavian was scared. Then, she watched the glint in his eyes change to mischevious

“If you’re going to be this close…” Octavian leaned toward her, his lips ready to meet hers. Clover screamed and backed off, her eyes flaring with anger.

“How dare you?!” She screamed at him. She raised her sword and started hacking at him with incredible speed. Octavian blocked each one with ease.

“Do you really think you can really beat me? I have the freaking EARTH on my side! You can’t defeat me!”

Clover watched as Octavian’s eyes changed color. They slowly faded into an ugly black.

“Daughter of Athena…” Gaea coaxed. “The great one who controls the future… You knew everything before it even happened… Many would ask why you didn’t stop anything…”

“I did as I was told, Dirt Face!” Clover raised her sword higher. “Go away!” She swiped at Octavian/Gaea. Her sword grazed his cheek, allowing blood to seep through. Octavian looked back at her, then wiped the cut absently. He raised his sword, and the blackness in his eyes faded.

“Goodbye Clover,” he replied mockingly. He swung at her and Clover deflected it. Octavian spun on his heel while swinging his sword. Clover fell back and the sword swept across her cut on her neck. Pain flared up inside her and she screamed. She collapsed to her knees and grasped her neck. Blood dripped between her fingers and onto the faded grass.

Octavian stalked toward her, then kicked her side. She yelped and landed on her side in pain. Wincing through her pain, she tried to get to her knees. Octavian kicked her again and leaned down.

“You are a worthless piece of demigod trash.”

Clover grimaced then pulled herself up to her hands and knees.

“I’m not a demigod… I’m a fangirl!”

She shot to her feet and swung at Octavian. He backed up, surprised and uneasy. Clover stomped toward him screaming and swinging her sword.

“You are the worthless piece of trash! I hate you! You and Gaea have ruined my life in so many ways!” She thrust her sword at Octavian and it stabbed him in the side. He cried out but Clover kept going.

“You have hurt all of my friends and family! Get out of my life! Leave us ALONE!” She dropped her sword and pushed him. To Octavian’s surprise, he fell over the lip of the hole Alice and Clover had dug. He landed on his back and gasped as he tried to get his breath back. Octavian had landed on a pile of rocks and a sharp one had gotten him square in the back. He groaned as he tried to sit up, but Clover glared down at him.

“Thalia,” she said calmly. “All yours.”

Thalia, who had been watching secretly from behind the group, came forward and gazed down at Octavian. She pulled out her bow and arrows then aimed at Octavian. Octavian's eyes widened and he raised his hands.

"No... Please don't shoot me..." He pleaded. Thalia looked over at Clover. Clover held out her hand and Thalia handed her the now. Clover looked down at Octavian then pulled back the arrow.

"For the peace of Greeks and Romans."

Clover let the arrow fly.  

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