Chapter 5

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Clover POV

I beat up the dummy like it was Drew. Sweat dripped from my forehead as I hacked at the straw dummy. My sword, Wisdom, slashed like a deadly arch. I was angry. No. Not even angry described what I felt. I was outraged, nervous, scared, anxious, giddy….


Lets just say, I have mixed emotions.

“Wise Doll.” Someone called from behind me. I swung my sword, almost cutting off Clarisse’s face, but she had quick reflexes. She raised her javelin, Mamier, and blocked my attack.

“Clarisse?” I asked, totally confused.

She smirked, “Surprised to see me?”

I nodded, “How long have you..?” She laughed.

“Since you arrived. Duh. I laughed at you at breakfast." My face reddened slightly.

"Don't even talk about that..." I lowered my sword, but I still gripped it tight. "I hate Drew..." Clarisse nodded, not putting her weapon away either.

"She is such a doll face... She's nothing like Silena..." I cringed. That wasn't a subject Clarisse brought up in a normal conversation.

"Yeah, you've got a point..." Clarisse looked at me with a questionable look.

"You knew Silena?" I shrugged.

"Sorta..." I didn't really know her personally, but I knew who she was, what she did, and how she impacted the camp. "I knew what she was like... And what she did..."

Clarisse scowled, "Everybody knows her like that... No one knew what her personality was like... It's always, 'Oh yeah! She was the traitor who sacrificed her life. She was really special.' Nobody really knew her except for only three people." Clarisse held up her fingers, ticking off each person. "Her dad, Beckendorf, and me." She jabbed her thumb at her chest. Clarisse exhaled and apologized, "Sorry you had to hear my rant."

I shook my head, "No no, you're okay..." I sighed, "you may hear me rant later..." Clarisse nodded, then put in her serious face.

"So, Wise Doll-" I raised my hand.

"Sorry, but what do you mean by that?" Clarisse scowled like her normal self.

"Wise Doll. You're wise. You're a doll. Can we fight now?” I hesitated. Wise Doll? How was I a doll? Clarisse read my expression.

"You're a doll because, even I know, every boy in camp wants you. You're the doll many boys want to play with. I can't believe you don't know that." She explained while stabbing the dummy next to her with her javelin.

I shook my head, "Why do boys want me?" Clarisse scowled.

"If you want to talk like that, go hunt down Drew." She said, kicking the straw on the floor. "Do I look like an Aphrodite kid?" She opened her arms like 'really?!'. Even with Clarisse's expression, I laughed.

"No, no you don't."

"Good." Clarisse growled. "Can we fight now?" I nodded and held up Wisdom, but before I could strike, someone came running into the training arena. It was Zoe.

"Clover! Clover!" She yelled, tripping over the destroyed dummies. "Bunker 9 is on fire!" My mouth dropped and my sword slipped out of my hands. It clattered against the floor and the sound echoed around the arena.

"Show me!" I demanded. Zoe turned and ran out of the arena, and I followed. We ran full sprint to the edge of the woods. Smoke billowed from the tips of the trees and my heart shattered.

Leo's favorite place was dying in his own element.

I pushed through the trees, some of the branches cutting my arms and face.  My heart, even in a million pieces, pounded against my chest. I tripped into the clearing, which was still dented from our experiment tests of the Argo II. The door of the bunker was lapping with flames. Heat radiated from the doorway.

I cried, "No! No! No!" I sobbed and watched the fire eat away the workshop. I stood up and ran toward the fire. Chiron and some of the campers came running into the dented field.

"Clover," Chiron scolded, "get away from there!" I didn't listen. The heat was so intense, it burnt the hair off my arms, but I didn't stop. I jumped over the flames in the doorway and rolled inside. Flames were chewing at the support beams, eating the supply tables, and swallowed the tools. Some of them were becoming white hot. I looked down at the ground and saw a hand held mirror shimmering and reflecting the orange light if the fire. I quickly snatched it up and looked around for something, anything, I could save from the fire.

Then, I spotted it.

To my left, I saw the velvet cloth that Festus's head had been wrapped in. I quickly snatched it and pulled it out of the flames that were now coming closer to me. Part of the velvet was on fire, but I batted it out with my shoe. I was about to run to the door, but the flames were now too big to jump over. I coughed and covered my head from the smoke.

There were no windows. No other doorway. There was no air. I had to try.

I backed up as far as I could and ran at the open doorway. The flames were at least six feet high and were getting bigger. At the last minute, I put all my energy into jumping. Instead of clearing the flames, I dove straight through them.

I landed safely on the grass, but my knees gave out, and I tumbled onto the ground. I rolled for a few feet then I came to a stop. I coughed and retched. I held tightly to the cloth and the mirror, even though both were searing hot.

Chiron and my siblings came running up to me. Zoe and Amanda knelt next to me, shaking me and shouting for me to stay awake. Chiron knelt, as best he could with his horse legs, and put a hand on my forehead. He muttered something to Amanda. When he was done, he scooped his arms under me and picked me up. I continued to cough, as if my lungs couldn't find the clean air. Everything seemed to be ringing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Tyler watching me with deep concern written in his expression. I tried not to feel bad, but I had made him worry about me. That just have me more guilt.  

The velvet cloth fluttered in the wind as Chiron galloped to the big house. I wanted to scream for him to get people to put out the fire, but I was coughing so hard, I couldn't talk. With the objects gripped in my hands, I held them close. I was never letting go of the cloth and I knew who had set the place on fire.

There was only one person who owned a mirror like this...

It was Drew's.

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