Chapter 7

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Clover POV

Rachel finally noticed my violent coughing after explaining the whole ordeal about the message. I was listening, but when you are coughing so hard that you are almost puking, it's hard to focus on a conversation. She bent down and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" I tried to respond and it came out in short words.

"No- Chiron- News-" I coughed so hard, I had to spit out blood. "Leo- me- help..." Rachel put an arm under me and pulled me up, having me put all my weight on her.

"Don't strain yourself... You can talk later when you have the breath," she said.

We stumbled out of the burnt workshop and through the woods. Rachel had to stop a few times for me to spit out blood. Something was definitely wrong. Rachel put a hand on my back as I coughing into my hand.

"What were you doing at the bunker?" She asked, very concerned with my condition. I spit some of the iron taste from my mouth, unsure how to respond.

"I-I just wanted to see it one last time..." My voice sounded similar to a frog if it could talk. "Leo is going to be devastated..."

Rachel nodded sadly, "He is going to miss it, but what do you think he would say if he could see you now? Coughing so hard?" I didn't answer. I knew how he would be.

He would be running around in circles, screaming his head off that his girlfriend was dying.

For some reason, the thought made me smile.

Rachel and I walked into the clearing, well, Rachel walked; I stumbled. Grover was a few yards away counting how many satyrs he had. When he saw us, his face lit up.

"Clover, there you are! Are you-" he cut off his sentence as I coughed into my hand and blood ran between my fingers. His face turned shocked. "Holy Demeter! Are you alright?" He rushed over to Rachel and I, or you could say he trotted over.

Rachel responded for me, "She's okay for now. Go get one of the Apollo kids."

Grover nodded and called, "Larry, we need some medical help!" One of the satyrs stepped out of line and rushed over. He was tall, had a mustache, and looked like one of the high school kids who would be playing on the basketball team. He had an old nurses hat tilted sideways between his horns, like he enjoyed the hat.

Grover ran off calling, "I'll go get one of the apollo kids!" Larry directed Rachel to lay me down. She did and I rested my head on the grass. I continued to cough and everything spun.

"Uuggghhhh...." I groaned, lifting my hand and rubbed my head.

"Tell me how you feel," Larry said. His voice was pretty deep, like a tough football players.

"T-the world is spinning..." I said between coughs. "A-and my lungs-" I cut off when I coughed up more blood. Larry pulled out a stethoscope and put it over my heart.

After a minute, he stated, "Her heart is beating faster than normal." He looked at me and asked, "what have you done the past hour?"

"Larry," Rachel said. "She was caught in the bunker fire and was transported to the Big House. I suspect she snuck away, against Chiron's orders, and went back to the bunker." I nodded. That was exactly what happened, without the time traveling part.

"I doubt that made this happen." Larry looked at me, "what else happened?"

"I-I... Traveled... In... Time..." I said between coughs.

Larry smirked, "As I thought. The travel probably damaged your lung or something. Your heart is trying to keep up with the demand of blood to the lung, which explains you coughing up blood."

I was only half listening. I was gazing at the ring on middle finger, unsure why Leo gave it to me. It reminded me of a promise ring, but I couldn't think like that. Leo was going to love someone else. And it was okay with me.

"Clover," Rachel said, snapping me out of my trance. I looked up and she held me out some ambrosia. I lifted my hand to get it, but Rachel took it away. "No, let me." I reluctantly opened my mouth and she placed the godly food on my mouth. The warm sensation spread through my body and eased my coughing a little bit.

Grover came trotting up with Will from the apollo cabin.

"I-I found someone." He huffed. Will knelt down next to me and put a hand in my forehead. He put his hands on my face, one on each cheek.

"I don't see why she should be like this... She feels fine."

"She traveled in time," Larry said, adjusting his nurses hat. Will's eyebrows furrowed.

"How is that possible?" He asked.

I raised my hand, "I-I can explain..." I coughed up less blood than before and I spat the iron taste from my mouth. I slowly sat up. My chest screamed at me to stay down, but I didn't.

"I-I went back in time to when I had my first encounter w-with the books..."

"What books?" Grover asked.

I sighed, "t-the ones that contain the future... I-I know that the Romans are in their way to attack us... I-I know how they will attack... I-I know how Percy and Annabeth are down in Tarturus... I-I know how the quest is going and who is going to die... I know it all... And I-I can change it... If I want..." Everyone stared at me in complete shock. I continued anyway.

"I-I was on the Argo II, but I erased it from the books... Now, I'm here... You guys don't remember me leaving on the ship, but I was there... I was there when the turtle attacked... But that's beside the point..."

I continued to tell them what happened in my time travel experience, even about the ring. When I was done, I held up my hand and revealed the ring.

"This ring has magical powers, as Leo said.... He wanted to give it to me before he left, but he knew I needed it for this specific moment...."

Rachel put a hand on my shoulder. "I am so sorry about Leo and you..." I shrugged.

"It's okay... He was destined to have Calypso anyway... But back to my point, we can use this ring to fight the Romans... It's our only chance.... We also need a lot of help... Rachel," I turned to her, "you and Grover go to meet the Romans. Read the note Annabeth sent. Talk to Reyna. Convince her." I turned to Will, "Go to Chiron and find a way to call the hunters. As I said, we will need all the help we can get." He nodded and Rachel, Grover, and Will left. My hand started to feel warm, but I pushed that aside.

I just realized my coughing had subsided while I was talking. I was happy for that. Plus, I sounded like the leader. It reminded me of Annabeth. It was sort of nice to sound like her... She had a lot of power in her words. Almost like Charmspeak.

I slowly rose onto my feet and got my balance. The satyrs and Grover were talking until Grover said something and they all straightened, like an army. I slowly took steps forward, surprised the ambrosia worked so fast. My hand was starting to feel dangerously warm, but I still tried to ignore it.

I looked up at Half Blood Hill. The Golden Fleece glittered in the lowest branch and the dragon was slowly snoring away.

This was our home. It wasn't going to be taken from us that easily. No one, not even an evil goddess of Earth was going to ruin the life I was left with.

The Romans were going down.




And that's what I did.


Hey guys! I am sorta sneaking on my computer cuz I got it taken away. I won't be able to do my updates this next week, but I will try my hardest to get stuff done! I promise! (oh, and I will change my profile pic soon) 

So, I want to send out a challange! 

I would like each of my readers to predict what happens next! Good luck!

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