Chapter 8

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Hey guys! I did a little switch so, TADA! Rachel's POV! 

Rachel POV

I walked back into camp, rubbing my forehead. I hoped I did what Clover and Annabeth wanted me to do. Talking to those Romans hurt. The oracle was stirring inside me and it felt like I was teetering at the top of a roller coaster, unsure when I was going to fall.

“Rachel?” Grover asked. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head, “Nothing. It’s nothing.” Grover didn’t look convinced, but he dropped the subject. We walked past the pine tree and I felt myself grow stronger. Once I knew I was inside the borders, the feeling subsided.

"Rachel, Grover!" Someone called. A few feet away from Grover and I, a blonde haired boy was waving at us frantically. I exchanged a nervous look with Grover then ran to see what was the matter. When Grover and I got close, the boy began to tell us the story about what happened. I could see the worry in his blue eyes.

"Thank goodness you guys are back! Clover passed out right as you guys left. She is in the Apollo cabin with Will. He's not sure what happened to her, but her hand is dangerously hot. Come on!" He took off toward the Apollo cabin.

I had to run full sprint to keep up. Grover was trotting as fast as he could, but we managed to stay with the boy. Clover had passed out? How come we didn't see it? Questions like that swirled around in my head, bumping against the side of my brain like a trampoline.

The boy stopped in front of the Apollo cabin and waited for us. Grover was huffing and puffing like I imaged the Big Bad Wolf would. I was breathing deeply myself, but I was able to keep it to a low level of raspiness. The blonde haired kid opened the door and lead us inside.

On one of the beds, Clover was shivering. Her legs were tucked up against her chest like she was cold. Her blond hair looked red and orange in the sunlight, like it was on fire. Her legs were wrapped in a blanket, as if trying to keep them warm.

Will was sitting in a chair next to her, examining her hand. It was the same hand with the ring Leo had given her.

"Will," I asked. "What's going on?" He looked up at Grover and I. I could tell he was almost as worried as the blonde kid.

"Clover is in serious trouble," he said. "All the warmth from her body is collecting in her hand. While the rest of her is freezing, her hand is burning up." I walked over and knelt down next to Will. Sure enough, Clover's hand was red and very hot. I slowly tried to touch the ring, but Will put a hand on mine.

"Don't touch it," he warned. "You could seriously get hurt." I nodded and  pulled my hand away. Clover shivered and huddled closer. She looked like she was watching a nightmare, which wasn't abnormal. Especially for demigod standards.

The blonde kid stepped forward and pulled the blanket closer to Clover's freezing body. "How long do you think she will last?" He asked. Will shrugged.

"I'm not sure... I've never seen something like this before."

I looked up at the blonde kid and asked, "uh, who are you?" The boy cracked a smile.

"I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you too Rachel Elizabeth Dare." He turned back to Clover and grabbed another blanket. He draped it over her arms and covered her the best he could. I helped, but Tyler looked like he had it under control.

Grover raised his hand, "How long do you thi-"

He was cut off by an explosion.

All of us wiped around. Outside, Half Blood Hill was on fire. I quickly stood and ran to the door. I flung it open and my mouth dropped open with horror. Up on the hill, in the midst of the flames, an army stepped across the boarder. In the lead, a tall boy in a toga with five teddy bears around his belt and a dagger in his hand, stood tall and in control.

It was Octavian.

Campers ran out of the cabins, with swords and shields, decked head to toe in armor. The Ares cabin had all kinds of nasty toys, that I didn't want to find out what they did.

I turned to the others, "We're under attack!"

Will quickly stood and began to put his armor on. "We don't have a lot of time. Who can fight?" Grover and Tyler raised their hands. "Good," Will said, and tossed them each a sword. "We'll need you in the fight."

Grover looked nervously at the blade. "Do I have to fight with a sword?" He wined. No one answered.

Tyler looked at Clover, "but what about her?"

I stepped forward. "I'll watch over her. I won't let her get hurt." Tyler looked a little depressed to have me watch her, but he put on a brave face.

"Alright," he turned to Grover. "Lets go get our backup." He turned to me. "Take care of her." I nodded and the three boys ran out to join the battle. I watched them and a dozen other campers run toward the hill and start one on one combat.

It was crazy. The Roman forces were pushing through our forces. Campers from both sides fell. I peered past the fight and saw some of the romans pushing a catapult into range.

“Oh no…” I knew what was going to happen. I had had dreams of this moment.

Just then, a hunting horn sounded, echoing around the valley. That wasn't right... That hadn't happened in my vision...

Out of the woods, hunters in decked in silver robes came charging into the battle. They shot arrows, fart arrows, at the enemy. I paled. I quickly closed the curtains and locked the door.


The huge explosion's sound wave slammed on the door like the FBI trying to break in. I was sprawled on the floor, debating whether or not if it was safe outside. When I couldn't hold back my urge, I flung open the door. The roman forces looked like they had taken a minute to realize what had happened. Their catapult was in pieces, their army was falling down soldier by soldier, but Octavian looked just fine. Our campers were shocked, even more shocked than when the army arrived.

The hunters had stopped right in front of the army, their bows ready to fire. Thalia Grace, Artemis's lead lieutenant, stood directly in front of Octavian, her notched arrow a few inches away from his long nose. Her silver circlet tiara was sparkling in the light, except instead of sunlight, it looked like moonlight.

"Leave our camp alone," she demanded, stepping closer to Octavian. Her arrow's point rested on Octavian's nose, but he didn't seem to worried about it. How? I'm not sure...

I turned away from the door and picked up Clover, careful not to touch her warm hand. I made sure her blankets were still on her, then walked outside. Clover shivered in my arms, and I knew I couldn't do many sudden movements. I could break her if I wasn't careful, like a glass teacup. I walked toward the crowd of campers, who were starting to gather at the bottom of the hill. Grover stood near the front of the group, trotting nervously. The sword he was been given was gone and he gripped a tree club instead.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

Grover shrugged, "I think so. Those hunters better teach those Romans a lesson." I nodded and watched the scene.

Thalia said something, making Octavian smirk. He responded in a mocking tone, and Thalia pressed the arrow into his nose. Octavian leaned away from her, but clearly unimpressed.

Will, Tyler, and some other campers slowly started to climb the hill. The other campers who were still standing followed their lead. I stayed back, holding Clover's freezing body close.

Thalia spotted the campers coming slowly up the hill out of the corner of her eye. She eased a little bit, but not enough to allow the army to know.

"Octavian," Tyler demanded, "leave here now, before we torture everyone on your side and kill you." The soldiers behind Octavian tensed, but Octavian just laughed.

"You think I will leave? Just like that?" He laughed harder, "I will never leave until I know all of you putrid Greeks are wiped off the face of Gaea!" He turned and shouted, "NOW!"

From behind Octavian's soldiers, fire balls went shooting into the sky. The campers down at the cabins screamed and ran. One fireball hit the Hermes cabin and it went up in a big explosion.


Funny... I knew their cabin stunk, but not that bad!

Other fireballs landed in the woods and I could hear the screaming tree nymphs from where I stood. Clover mumbled something in her sleep, but I couldn't make it out. Another fireball fell just short of the Big House and hit the volleyball pits. The nets caught flame and it looked like a spider had lit up it's own web.

"You Are Under Roman Rule!" Octavian shouted. "No One Leaves!" Thalia pointed her notched arrow at Octavian's chest.

"As long as we live, you are never welcomed here," She commanded. "We will die in protection of our home!" Octavian shrugged.

"Suit yourselves." He turned to his army and shouted, "CHARGE!!" The roman soldiers screamed with determination and charged at our forces. Tyler fell back, along with Will and came to protect Clover and I.

"We will need to find some cover," Will shouted over the sound of swords clashing. "Clover can't be out here in this chaos!" Tyler and I nodded.

"Grover!" Tyler called. Across the battlefield Grover came running, smacking the enemies right and left. When he reached us, he looked like he had run through a nuclear wasteland.

"That was hard," he panted. "Is she alright?" He gestured to Clover.

"For now," I replied. "But we need to find a place for her to rest away from the battle." I thought about places we could hide.

"The Big House?" Will asked.

I shook my head, "no... Somewhere else. Like-" I cut off and snapped my fingers. "I've got the perfect place! Help me get to my cave! Come on!" I turned and started to run. Will, Tyler, and Grover followed.

We passed so many fights, I lost count. I spotted the Stoll brothers spraying silly sting at a roman soldier. It was getting in the Roman's eyes and I guessed that wasn't pleasant at all. Drew, for all she was worth, was drawing lipstick on dozens of the male soldiers, but the best part was when they would chase after her, like they were stalking the cute cheerleader from school. She herded them up into a group and the hunters attacked them.

I dodged a sword that almost cut Clover's head off. Tyler returned the attacker's strike and knocked the soldier down. Tyler soon got in front of me and made a path way. Will was shooting arrows at any open victim he could find. Almost all of the arrows found their target. Clover continued to shiver in my arms, and I swear her body had dropped another ten degrees.

If she didn't get warm soon, she was going to die.

I could see my cave's pathway, and I ran faster. We needed to get Clover to safety as fast as possible. Will, Tyler, and Grover seemed to have the same thought. We all ran full speed toward the path until someone pointed a sword at us as yelled,

"Stop!" It was Octavian. I thought he was somewhere else fighting, but he had followed us. I came to a hard stop and just in time. Octavian's sword was pointed at my throat. The cold metal was death breathing down my neck.

Tyler stepped forward, his sword pointed at Octavian. "What do you want?" He snarled. Octavian smirked.

"I can't have you getting away without joining the party, and-" he stroked Clover's hair, "this girl has too much information that threatens my employer."

"Your employer?" Will asked. Octavian smiled.

"Good, You were listening." He focused on me and pressed the sword against my neck harder. "Now, down to business-" he leaned in close so I could hear him whisper, "give her to me, or I will cut you're head off like a teddy bear." I stood my ground, holding Clover tightly.

"No." I said simply. Octavian's eyes flared like a stick of dynamite that was about to go off in my face.

"I said, give her to me," He said firmly. I stood up taller.

"No. You will never have her. Not as long as we're here to guard her." Octavian faked a pout.

"Aww... Isn't that cute?" He gripped Clover's arm. "It'll be sad when I kill her!" I tried to pull Clover away, but Octavian held her tightly. Clover moaned in my arms, as if she were about to wake. Octavian placed his sword instead of against my neck, but against Clover's. I didn't dare move.

"Hand her over, or she dies," he demanded. That's when Tyler snapped. He shoved Octavian away and tried to knock Octavian's sword out of his hand. Sadly, Octavian had a strong grip on his weapon. He swung his sword, but Tyler blocked his attack.

"You are never going to hurt her. Never!" Tyler shoved Octavian away. Octavian growled and stuck again.

"She will crush this world and all it's inhabitace! She is a threat to the existence of us all!" Octavian demanded, slashing and stabbing. Tyler was doing his best to defend himself and us, but he was failing.

"Get out of here!" he called behind him. "Get Clover to safety!" I understood immediately. I shifted Clover in my arms and started to run up the path. Grover followed me and Will covered our retreat.

"Go go go!" Tyler shouted, holding back a strong strike from Octavian. "I'll meet you up there!" Our small group ran up the hill, tripping over rocks and boulders. Once we reached the top, I saw the once beautiful view of camp. The cabins were on fire, the campers were fighting and running for their lives. I saw campers laying on the ground in their own pools of blood, dying while everything fell around them.

Then I saw the Big House. Octavian's Romans had jars of Greek fire blazing in their hands. Their faces were murderous and triumphant, as if they were thinking,

Yeah! I get to destroy puny Greeks!

They threw the jars like baseballs through the windows. The jars broke on impact and started to burn down the giant blue house.

"No!" I screamed. I knew it wouldn't do any good, but I couldn't help it. Will put a hand on my shoulder.

"Rachel, we need to get Clover inside." I nodded and tried to hold back the tears that were cascading down my face. Will, Grover and I walked inside. I set Clover down on the couch and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Clover had been heavier than I had thought. I walked over to an open wall and ran my fingers along the rock.

"What are you doing?" Grover asked. I found the spot I was looking for and pushed inward. The wall shuttered and rumbled open. I turned back to the others.

"Finding my secret passage way."

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