Corridors lead to ..

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   We went inside, and there we found an open-previously closed and hidden-passage in the wall. We approached him. On the other side was a hole down and a metal ladder.

- It's so dark there ... -I said in a slightly frightened voice; I won't lie, I am terribly afraid of the dark ...

-Easy, I saw a flashlight in the clipboard. - Error go out from a room and after a while he returned to it with the device in his hand.

   With out a word, he entered the first step and illuminated our way, but the view we saw didn't encourage us to continue our journey... A copper ladder with many dents, it shook slightly, and its end was not visible. I shuddered at the thought of a fall from a height that was quite likely at the current state of this ladder.

The first with the flashlight in his mouth came Error, I followed him at once, or in this situation - right above him, heh, such a joke ~( All in all it's interesting, if I was with him, I would be top or bott... O MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, INK?! SOMEONE CALL EXORCIST, BECAUSE SOMETHING MUST HAVE POSSESD ME! )

Fortunately, my thoughts, which went in a strange direction, stopped flying through my skull when I got off the last step, and my companion lit a flashlight and lit the corridor. It looked like what is in many of Alphys and Gaster's labs. We walked slowly, bearing in mind that there are traps in some universes, but for now it was quiet, until suddenly, boom! Bifurcation.

Which way? - I asked and looked at Error.

I do not know, but maybe these tablets will help us ... - in fact, on the wall in front of us were hung two plaques making a signpost. Left - B6 ; Right - D4.. After all, D4 is the field on which the first queen stood! The tiles on the wall are black !! It must be ~!

- We are going to the right, as it was on the chessboard! I said that it makes sense! Hah! - I said cheerfully and moved on, Error just barked something under his nose and rolled his eyes and then followed me. He took a step with me, and when we passed a small piece of the road, behind us came the great iron passage.

- What the hel?!  - Error began to hit the metal wall, but that didn't help. There was anger and panic on his face. At the beginning I tried to pull him away from those "doors", but it didn't give anything, so I moved away to a safe distance, so as not to get hit by a so-called backfire ... After the time Error, apparently tired, breathing heavily, he slumped on the iron plate and sat down - Can't make it, That damn thing didn't even crumple ... Damn it! 

- U-unless we just have to go further ... - I said, scared with all this situation, and slightly swaying on my feet, I went on along with mine friend(?)/enemy(?)/lover(?) ... ( Just who is he for me? Who am I for him? Heh .. This second question is stupid, it's obvious that I'm an enemy, a junk for him... We just hung up our guns to get out of here... And when we come back ... When we come back, everything will come back to what it was, right? We will fight again, he will destroy again, and I will repair and suffer again ... But still, I will still love him ... "still love"? "STILL LOVE"? Hah.. Hahahaah, I really love him! And I loved! I am crazy. How can I be in love with Him ?! Crazy .. How did I fall in love with my enemy ?! When?! It's not logical ... But is love logic. . .)

      Another turn, but suddenly the tiles took on white colors, the corridor was decorated with glowing lamps and some monitors. We approached the first, and the text appeared on it:

"Hello! I am Sans, but I prefer to be called Sam. Why? This has its logical reason. Because there are other universas and other Sans, but I'm different. I'm not an ordinary Sans; I'm not lazy; I am not waiting for the last moment to join the game, so I do not want to be associated with them or the more confused with them.(Although if YOU read this, you know it already, and the chance that someone else has reached here is 1 to 100, only 1%, so why am I straining at all? Are my hopes ARE correct? Because they certainly have no support in learning and probability.)"

      I looked surprised at Error, who in conclusion after his expression also didn't really know what's going on.( Where did this guy know about other AUs ?! And who is "YOU"? WHAT THIS IS ABOUT?! )We approached the next monitor:

" You probably are also different - smart, since you got here, solving my ROYAL riddle, heh heh ... ...( or you are just YOU ..) "

      I laughed under my breath and went to another monitor with a black-bone skeleton:

" Eh .. But let's get to the details. How do I know about other universs? Perhaps the best way to start this story from the beginning .. From the history of our AU. . .( If it's YOU then you can still turn back ... Please, go away. . .)"

And ther's go another bifurcation: Left- F5 ; Right - A8,ofcours we go left.. There again another iron gate slammed behind us. This corridor was also white and lit but apparently longer, which means that probably the story is also long ..

At first people and monsters lived in harmony. However, after some time people started to be afraid of monsters and using the spell they closed the monsters. . .but not like in other universs - underground. They locked us under the barrier, but on the surface, as if under a glass cover. It is impossible to cross it even after absorbing the human soul. Since we are already with these souls, i have to mention that the absorption of any soul by us works a bit differently than in other AUs, which I immediately warn against: Do not absorb the souls of others, for a fate like mine awaits you; bizarre freak ...( For YOU, it's too late .... But YOU think it's my fault, right? Or maybe in the end you will look the truth and admit that it is really YOURS? Anyways, now it doesn't metter now, right? YOU kill me anyways. Sins you went so far... You will not came back now. I do know YOU. YOU'RE megalomaniac... )"

- Prabobly that's why he had one half human body... - I think laud.

- Sure. - said Error, and in his voice could have been heard a little fear.

We went to the next monitor. I looked at Error - he was looking at me, but when our eyes crossed, he blushed slightly and looked away as I did ...

You probably wonder what's going on ... I will not say. I will not reveal any informations about my research, because YOU can read it. Yes, I am talking about YOU. I will not reveal anything to YOU because you betrayed me! And if you get my notes it will be the end. That's why I hid them."

Well, now I don't understand anything completely. . . Eh.. We went to the next monitor.

"... But if someone else is reading this ... I sincerely hope that you will be able to get to my laboratory ... As you will read my notes carefully there, there is a manual of what you will have to do to save not only this world, but all AU .."

Now I'm really scared. What's going on!? 

"  Returning to history. As in many AU, the king and queen are Asgor and Toriel, but they do not have a son here ... There was no Chara and Flowey with us ... I do not have a brother, there is no Gaster here ... Alphys works in guard royal, but totally unfit for it .. Undyne ... I prefer not to say anything about her now, you will learn later from my notes, which accurately present to you the mistakes that I made. . ."

What's going on with this dude!? What did he done here?! And who the hell is "YOU"? We went to the next monitor.

As you can see, I write quite chaotically and often change threads, there is no hidden riddle or subtext. I say that you do not waste time analyzing my entries here. I did not have time to get anything deeper here, in the end I do not have much time .. But calmly in the laboratory I have everything described so that you understand it ..."

      And here's go next bifurcation. Left - E6 ; Right - B5.
      So we should go..

- What? - I asked when Error stoped me by puting hend on my arm.

- The tiles here are white so the queen for whom we should be guided is also white. Which means we have to go left. . .- he said calmly and pulled me in the opposite direction. - Why don't you say anything? - He asked and  looked at me. My face was now definitely covered by a big rainbow, because I felt my cheekbones burn. He looked at me carefully and only now he understand that we were holding hands. His face immediately took on the color of gold - W-what..? You have a problem with this?! I-i just randomly grab it...I can let go if you want...  -  he said.

- N-no! ... I-i mean.. we could hold hends.. just for a moment...- What am I talking about?! After all, if he keeps me that way, I will be tense all the time! I feel uncomfortable.. But still.. i don't want him tolet go.. .

      The next corridor was kept in dark colors, but this time we didn't light a flashlight, because in total we knew how the scheme of these tunel-corridors looks like. Kind of..

Okay, this is the penultimate corridor, as you probably guess ... You're right. It is possible that even the last one for you. . . Certainly the last one if she catches you. heh .. So be careful and listen, SHE always makes a lot of noise .."

- What do you think, WHO is SHE? - asked Error stopping before the bend.

Probably the result of some experiments with soul absorption .. I think so. .. -

- Actually, it's quite likely ... I wonder what will happen in this laboratory ... -  he still doesn't release my hand ...(Maybe I mean something to him? He kissed me ... twice! And he hugged me. . I'm the first person he touched ... That means something, right? Well, damn, I think I will die if I don't know!).

- Error, who am I for you?.. - I asked, probably too quietly, because Error, although he said something, it was not the answer to my question. . .

- With way now? - I sighed deeply, deciding not to repeat my question and looked at the tablets.

- Right.. - and we go next...



WOW it was ALMOST 2 YEAR sins I translate last chapter! 


I was thinking i done the translation... ugh. I am ashamed...

I try to translate the rest as soon as it posibble..

Bye bye~~


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