Second kiss and two bedrooms

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I ran quickly to the place where Ink's scream came from.
-Ink! - I shouted, turning into the last corner.

- Finally. - The painter stood at the last shelf and smiled at me -Look what I found! Behind these books are the door. Come, help me move it. -he replied calmly. I do not know when I was next to him, it just happened. I quickly embraced him and hid my face in his scarf -E-Error?! W-what happend ? - he asked, clearly surprised and worried.
- Never scare me like that ever again, you idiot! - I snapped and nestled harder.
- W-wha?. B-But.. I just called you. - he chuckled and then stroked my skull with his free hand - There, there.. I promise that it will not happen again. - he lifted my chin and smacked me in the frontal lobe. Now I decided to take the initiative and rose up, sticking into his mouth. The kiss lasted a long time, and our tongues fought for domination in it, we stopped only when we ran out of breath.

- Ink.. - I broke the silence, that came after we caught our breaths.


- Ink.. - Error's voice snatched me out of my breath, I looked into his beautiful eyes and  I felt my cheekbones begin to burn with color.

-Y-yes?.. -I asked in a trembling voice, still panting slightly after our kiss.

- I-i.. - he stammered, but not as he once did, his voice was normal, he just stuttered, just like me sometimes when I'm confused.

- Y-yes?.. - I spoke to give him courage.

- I...I..- he apparently became stunned- I Lov... - he began to run away from my eyes. Lov?.Love?! Love who? Maby.. me?! I beg you let this be it!  - I.. I Love the color of these bookshelves!Yeah!It's beatiful brown!!.. -  he began to stroke the bookshelf next to him. Well, it would be too beautiful .. It is impossible for him to love me. The fact that we buried a war ax for the time of our stay here and these two kisses does not mean anything ... H-hę? A-am I crying?. Pathetic.. - Ink? Why are you crying ? Does something hurt you? - in his eyes I saw a concern, but what about? Because I doubt it's about me ...

- N-no, everything is fine. Just.. I just remembered something.. From Past..Just it... Better, let's move this bookcase. - I said, wiping wet cheekbones.

- If you say so... - he gave me a suspicious look and we took up the shelf.

The move of this piece of furniture didn't last long, because Error is quite strong. The next room was a large bedroom. There was a big four-poster bed, a wardrobe and a fireplace in it.

- There is no chess board .. - I thought out loud

-And I don't see any parts of the picture ... - added my black-bone companion

- Hmm...Search the wardrobe, I searched in the fireplace and under the bed. - I decided and went to the fireplace. The ash was cold and dispersed, i.e. it had not been smoked for a long time, under the bed and there was only dust, and there was absolutely nothing under the bedding. Error, the only thing he found in the closet are clothes folded into cubes and about 12 coats on hangers.We left the second door and it turned out that they were leading to the corridor and a piece behind the fallen chandeliers, which meant that we would not have to move them to go from one to the other end of the corridor. I looked around.We have two doors left. - Which one first? - I asked.

- Those on the opposite side, those on the right are probably a broom box. 

- Where does this assumption come from?- I looked at him surprised, and he just shrugged. -Okey. - we entered the door opposite those from which we left just a moment ago.

It was another bedroom and it would look exactly the same as the previous one were it not for the fact that there was a chessboard here. This time the king was presented. He stood on the C6 field.I went to Error, who was standing by the bed. I looked over his shoulder and noticed how he was putting pieces of the picture .Now, we had half of it together. There was half a skeleton-half human visible on it and a turquoise arm on his shoulder.He seemed happy, so the hand that embraced him must have belonged to someone close to him.

- In that case, let's go to this clipboard, we will not find anything here ... -I said and left, and immediately after me, the room left the black-bone monster.

I opened the door and what do I see?.... Brooms, mops, brushes and everything in the broom cupboard should be! Error is probably a prophet or fortune teller or clairvoyant; in fact, it's practically the same but whatever! I laughed. However, when I looked at Error, the smile fell off my face. He was clearly upset, went into the closet and started to turn his broom and blow all the equipment down the hall.

- Error, what are you doing? - I asked, surprised and slightly panicked

- There must be something here! This building still has towers! I ran on her side and I know that there is no entrance from outside, that is, it must be inside! - he spoke quite loudly, in total he almost shouted. - There is! - he yelled overjoyed. I looked over his shoulder and saw the levers.

- How do you know this is it?-

- Nothing else here - he replied and pulled the lever. We heard a loud sound from the room through which we got to this side of the corridor. Without a word, we headed in that direction.




there was no chapter for a long time

I will now mobilize with this translation

so soon there should be another chapter in English

Bye Bye 


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