These doors were destroyed by the beast

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 FH: Another translated chapter~! I hope You like it ^^


   We walked in silence and thit silence irritated me. Ink always started conversations;  made any contact with me ... But now he goes in silence, as if he was afraid to say anything. And he was crying. I never saw him cry before.. Maybe he cann't stand it anymore.. he may never standit before...( Maybe I should stop destroying his work...).

- Hey Ink! Why are you soquiet? -I finally decided to break this awkward situation.

- H-hę? -

- "H-hę?" isn't anserw to my question. -

- S-sorry, Sorry, I just thought a-and I d-don't know what you asked..  C-could you r-repeat? - Why is he stuttering so? Maybe something happened to him when I fell on  him? Wait a moment.. Why was he under me when we fell?

( Past time )


[FH: It's something like "time skip" but conversely ]

~I'm falling down. I'm falling down? O shit, I'm falling down! So that's how I die? Hitting on something? Or maybe I'll fall forever? Hę?! Whose hand is it? Ink?! Why did he grab my hand?! Idiot! Now he's falling down too.. What he is doing?! *BOOM* Ouch! My head.. H-hę?! Why am I lying on Ink?! *I stepped aside a little* But he was over me.. Did he.. Did he amortize my fall with his own bones? Did he just save me? And maybe it was just a acciedent? - Ink? - He doesn't react. Mayby he's dead? - Ink! - Still nothing! - Hello! - Fuck! Why does he not wake up? - Get up! - Fuck! Fuck! FUUUUCK!  Get up you idiot! Don't do this to me.. - Wake up you rainbow ass! - Oh! He's waking up! Why does it make me happy? I schouldn't.. But it's stronger than me.. I'm so glad he's wake up ...~

   I shook my head. I schouldn't thinking about it now. Maby I schould ask him about it?. NO! ... It's stupid..
- I asked, "Why are you soquiet?" -

- I thought and admired it AU. These plants, animals, sky, rivers are wonderful! I'm curious who is the author of this universe.. - I stopped. Ink walked a few steps and stopped too. He turned and looked at me quizzically.

You are not the creator of this AU? - I asked a little suprised.

No.. -

-Then how did you know that the place you fall into isn't dangerous? - I don't know why, but all this situation started to annoy me.

- I don't know it.. -

- You don't? You don't?! So you just thought you'd fall behind me to a hole that does not know where to lead?! So you just decided to amortise my fall with your own body, not knowing what the ground is here! -In his eyebrows appeared the first, shiny, rainbow tears; Maybe I raised my voice too much...

- I don't know it! Why are you asking me all this ?! Is it so hard for you to understand that I was just worried about you ?! That I did not want anything to happen to you ?! That despite it all I very much lo.. -At that moment he was crying quite well and ran towards the building to which we were heading, and I was just standing unable to move even the smallest bones. Did he say he was worried about me ?! That he didn't want to something happen to me? That, despite all this,  he very much me ... Exactly, what is he "very much" me? Why didn't he finish?.

   I ran as fast as I could in the direction where he had already disappear from my eyes. The building we saw on the horizon was actually a villa. I was in the back, so I was halfway through it. Ink was already there. With a great visible shock, which was painted on his skull, he looked at the residence, which was so huge. I looked where he was looking. The large wooden doors were well balanced, with holes and cracks in them, but also visible scratches.. Apparently, some big predatory animal tried to get in, and apparently he succeeded...

- Ink.. Wha's happend here? - I asked in shock as I approached him and the door, or rather what was left of .


FH: Yay! What's up? A next chapter in English~!  I hope You like it~! 

If something in tekst is wrong pease write to me, I will correct it ^^

I hope for  stars and comments xD

Bye =)

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