👾CH. 32👾

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"If only we could use a damn tank to go there. Any monster? Shot. Any tree on the way? Gone. And we'd all just be chilling inside our giant tank, munching away on our food and chucking our water."

"Who'll be the driver? The one who isn't chilling? What about the one who will be shooting?" Jungkook probed with a chortle.

I grinned, shrugging with a giggle, "Anyone but me, of course." I pointed and he scoffed, "You'll be the one person who eats all the food and drinks all the water while everyone else starves." He stated and I gasped in mock offense, "I wouldn't!" I denied.

"In fact, I might even share." I grinned and he mirrored it, "With me?" He asked and for the fun of it, I clicked my tongue in denial, holding back a laugh when he scowled.

"You'll be the one shooting the monsters." I stated, "You have no time to rest, bambi." I said and he rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't need rest, anyway." He played along.

I laughed whilst he scoffed, "Why are you laughing?! I don't need rest!" He repeated with wide eyes, "Don't flatter yourself. Everyone needs rest." I chuckled.

"I know I won't be the one tired after a certain something." He mumbled under his breath and I shook my head dismissively, "I'm just kidding, silly. I know you have a lot of stamina. Courtesy of all the activities you do one after another. Even in the real world." I pointed before thinking back to his last sentence.

"Also, what is that 'something' you claim you wouldn't grow tired of?" I asked curiously and he shrugged, "Against you? Anything really." He pointed before chuckling as I shoved at his shoulder, "If I didn't have a sprain right now, I'd be kicking your ass." I scowled playfully.

"Don't push me off the bed, now." He huffed when I shoved at his shoulder again, bringing him closer towards toppling over and onto the ground from my jabbing.

"What if I want you off the bed?" I retorted and squealed in surprise when I ended up in a wrestling position against kook as he pushed on my hands holding his own, pushing as well.

"You can't make me even if you wanted to." He stated and I tutted, "Don't underestimate my power." I grinned and subtly lifted my good foot to push as his thigh, making him stagger on his knees as he propped himself up whilst I remained with my back to my bed.

"That's foul play." He rasped out with a devious grin. My own cheeky grin grew grim and tight at that.


"Ah! Stop! No!" I shrieked when one of his hands brought both of mine pinned above my head whilst his other began poking and tickling my sides, bringing me to tears as I laughed out loud and pleaded for him to stop.

"Dude my- my stomach hurts!" I cried out through my laugh, "Good!" He countered.


"Man, flip off." I panted, laying limply on my bed while Jungkook cracked up as he mockingly hovered his fingers over my stomach, where I protectively covered any weak spots with my arms.

"You don't really curse, do you? Except that one time we scared you. You're unfiltered when you're angry." He giggled breathily.

"Took you long enough to realise," I rolled my eyes playfully. Kook scoffed, "I knew that since the start. I just decided to ask you now of all times." He shrugged, grunting as he made himself comfortable on the bed beside me.

I hummed, "I don't know. I think I used to say cuss words uncensored, but I guess something changed and I've made it a habit to not curse." I mumbled. "Really? Just like that?" He asked and I shrugged, "I said I don't know." I chortled.

"Maybe it's because you didn't want to slip up in front of your br-" he paused with a sudden realisation and I turned to face him inquisitively.

"In front of?" I pressed and he pursed his lips with conflicted eyes.

I watched with furrowed brows as he abruptly propped himself up with his elbow, peering down at me with serious eyes. I frowned in worry and confusion, "What?" I asked

"Diana..." he breathed out and I urged for him to continue. His eyes dimmed from their normal shine and he shook his head slightly, "Never mind." He shook off with an empty laugh.

I raised a brow, "No, no, tell me." I insisted as I propped myself up with my elbows, urging him.

A few days ago, Taehyung did the same thing and when he was going to say something, he hesitated and never elaborated, leaving me wondering what it was about.

"You know, when we get out here, we should meet up with our dogs!" He smiled, "I have a small Pomeranian, a lil' fluff ball at home. It would be nice if he had another friend." He pointed and I smiled, though slightly confused, "It would be nice, Tae, but I don't have a pet of my own, you know? Though, I hope to have one. Maybe then, they could go on a little date." I giggled.

However, my grin faltered when his eyes grew sad despite the small smile he returned. He seemed conflicted as he adjusted himself on his spot to properly face me; he seemed to want to say something but he never spoke up. I raised a brow, "What?" I asked and he pursed his lips.

"It's nothing." He chuckled softly, "Lets set up my pup and.. your future pup with the best date." He continued.

I smiled at that, "You bet it will be! Also what's your pup's name?" I asked and he chuffed a small grin, easing up, "Yeontan." He answered. "And y- uh, what... will be your's?" He winced slightly as he asked.

I didn't put much thought into that and pondered over my future dog's name, "I don't know. It'll probably depend on what breed I get. If it's.. suppose a German Shepard, I'd name it Coco! Don't ask why. It just seemed to suit 'em." I giggled before pausing, "It wouldn't matter if it's a girl or a boy, right? Coco could suit any type, honestly." I nodded.

He nodded and swallowed thickly, which finally urged me to confront his clear squabble with himself. "Hey, you can tell me if something's bothering you." I conveyed and he nodded, "Of course; I know that." He agreed.

"You seem conflicted, though." I pointed with a worried frown and he shook his head dismissively, "Nah, you're seeing things." He smiled. I breathed through my nose and gave in, "If you say so."

He just brushed it off. I let him, too. I didn't want to push and pry too much but I still felt a little concerned when he left with the same expression kookie displayed right now.

They both know something and I don't want to be left in the dark. Both times - it occurred to me that this happened after they touched a subject regarding my life in the real world.

Not that there's much to say to begin with, but it still seemed to be the reason they've suddenly disregarded the topic in favour of talking about something else. Almost as if they avoid it but at times, slip up.

Jungkook's face held a small frown as he pondered over just going for it and not beating around the bush. He thought hard over what he could possibly say regarding this before he heaved out a sigh.

I waited expectantly as he opened his mouth to say, but words didn't come out. I deflated slightly and decided that maybe, I was being too persistent. Maybe this had something to do with him, and not my own life.

"Okay- it's okay. You don't have to."

He seemed to look even more conflicted at that, which was - at this point - bringing me great confusion and worry. Does he want to tell me or not?

"It's just that..." he blurted out, looking away from me before meeting my eyes again. My eyes widened slightly when his eyes glimmered sorrowfully my way. "You're losing memories..." he revealed.

I frowned at that, feeling put-off. "Losing memories?" I parroted unsurely. He only nodded, watching me carefully as I took in his words.

"How? Did I forget to do something? Was I supposed to do something?" I questioned. Searching through my brain for anything I could've possibly forgotten to do or say. Well, as far as I could considering my current state.

"Bambi, if you word it that way, it makes it sound much worse than it seems," I laughed nervously, "Not to mention the way you're being so serious." I pointed.

"No, no. Diana," He grabbed for my attention and I nodded for him to continue, "I mean... this is serious; you're forgetting about your life in the real world." He specified. I frowned deeply at that, "Huh?" Was all I could let out.


I startled alongside Jungkook as Namjoon barged in with hard eyes. At catching our attention, he visibly masked his pointed look directed at the male beside me before taking a deep breath, "I... I need to talk to you." He mumbled, "Alone." He bit in with clenched teeth.

I let my gaze trail to look beside me and I furrowed my brows as Jungkook gulped, holding a guilty look.

"Right now." Namjoon added with a sharp gaze and nodded as Jungkook reluctantly got up and shuffled out of my room with Joon, who gave me a small assuring smile.

I sat here on my bed with dumbfounded look, wondering what that was all about.

"...you're forgetting about your life in the real world."

What was that about..?

~ 3rd person POV ~

Namjoon clutched onto Jungkook's wrist and dragged him all the way to his own cabin, slamming the door open before flinging it closed.

"Hyung, please here me out," Jungkook tried.

That was the one thing they decided not to bring up. The one thing they collectively agreed to avoid talking about.

"What was that about? Why would you tell her that?" Namjoon scoffed indignantly, watching as the younger boy nibbled at his lips, "I-I slipped up." He admitted.

"She's gonna want to know more. She'll start wondering what you meant, she'll probe us to find out," Namjoon listed, "Why would you do that? She'll forget it all over again." He frowned, perplexed. When Jungkook only dropped his head low, unresponsive to his words, Joon took a deep breath.

"Kook-ah, if she realises this again, she'd be heartbroken." Joon sighed, "The last time we tried to help her recall about her lost memories, she broke down all over again. It's useless here; the next day, she goes on with her day wondering why her eyes felt so swollen, and why they stung. She doesn't remember mourning over what's been happening." He lectured. "This world replaces those memories of grief with something else entirely." He frowned.

Jungkook nodded, "I know, but it's hard to keep up like this knowing she doesn't recall anything." He reasoned, "Just yesterday, we were discussing about getting out through that cave, hyung. Do you know what she told me when we were alone?" He questioned with glistening eyes.

Namjoon furrowed his brows, shaking his head before urging him to continue.

"She told me that getting us out of here has become her motivation to get out as well. This means she's not working to free herself from this world for her own sake. It's for ours." He gritted.

Namjoon spluttered, "What?"

"You heard me." Jungkook nodded, "It's clear at this point that not only is she losing the good memories, but the bad as well. She seems so, incredibly indifferent towards her life in the real world that staying in here doesn't matter to her anymore." He clenched his jaw.

Namjoon heaved out sigh, "What can we really do, huh? Showing her that book again will only make her break down again. I can't bear to witness that once more." He admitted dejectedly.

When everyone had realised together that Diana forgot about losing her memories just the day after she realised she did, they planned to try again. It ended up being the same, but the second time was accompanied by a mild headache along the way, almost as if the game was daring them to try again and see what happens.

None of them showed her the book after that and it stayed that way till date. If they happen to talk about something she doesn't recall, she'd wonder about what they mean and so on. It's just a reveal for her situation all over again.

"We'll just have to hope she remembers once we're back to our world." Namjoon sighed, "The game is going to continue to do that, okay? Leave it alone."

Jungkook scoffed, "Easy for you to say!" He countered. "But I've known her much longer than you and I really, really care for her, okay? She means a lot to me and knowing that she isn't even helping everyone out of here for her own sake.., I can't stay silent and not do something about it!" He claimed exasperatedly.

Namjoon scowled, "It's not easy for me, at all! I care for her just as much as any of us!" Namjoon shot back.

Jungkook let out an empty laugh, "Really? Because it doesn't seem like you do," he gritted, "Ignoring her situation isn't caring for her! Even if she can't remember well about her life outside this game, we can still try to convince her by sharing our own experiences. We can convince her that the real world isn't entirely bad; there's still some good and so much to explore and enjoy." He pointed.

Namjoon scowled more deeply, "I care for her just as much as everyone here, if not more." He spat, "What can you do, huh? What can any of us really do? Rub it in her face that we miss our own lives in the real world - the ones she's forgetting? You expect that to make her change her mind? What if she forgets about that as well? What then?" He pressed, visibly maddened.

"Enough. Both of you." Diana's voice sliced through, cutting off the exclaims the two boys spat at each other.

The two snapped their heads towards the door with wide eyes, noticing the obvious frown adorn her face.

"You do realise this room isn't exactly sound proof? I could here you two bickering all the way in my own cabin." She shook her head.

"Diana.." Namjoon spluttered, "H-how much did you hear?" He grimaced.

Diana sighed exasperatedly, "Is that what you're more concerned about?" She asked and Namjoon swallowed, facing downwards and avoiding eye contact. She sighed, "I heard enough to piece together that this quarrel is regarding me and my memory loss." She revealed.

Jungkook pursed his lips, tentatively watching the girl as she shuffled closer inside before closing the door behind her.

"I won't pry. It's clearly causing some disagreements between you two. I'll just say this; If I really think through what all I know, I can make out hints of holes in my brain. It didn't bother me much at first but after what you two have been yelling out for the world to here, I have the answer behind that feeling now." She shrugged, before plopping onto the stool in the room.

The two boys stared her way silently, wary about her intake with what she's found out.

"Probably also explains the one time I woke up with stinging eyes." She pointed, "I'll probably forget this, too. So," she clasped her hands.

"None of us know if I'll even remember when we get to the real world, but I'll tell you what; I know I will. We just have to get a move on and towards that exit before I completely lose any recollection of my life in the real world. Otherwise, I have an inkling that I'd also begin forgetting what we're working to achieve in just a few days." She smiled sadly.

"With what I've heard as of yet, I know you and everyone else has made an effort to bring back my memories. It's obviously been to no avail considering I have no clue about when or how that happened." She shrugged before turning to kook, "I have no problem hearing what all you have to say with your life outside this game," before she turned to Joon, "And I can't promise I will be able to recall any conversation regarding it... but I'll do my best to remember every lil' detail if I can." She complied.

Namjoon sagged on his spot before he took a seat at the edge of the bed.

"Don't fight, you two." She let out softly, "We're gonna finally make it out in a few days. Cheer up. We need all the team work and energy to pull through that trek." She smiled.

Jungkook bit at his lip with a nod, "You used to speak so highly of your family." He mumbled, catching the girls attention alongside Joon who gritted his teeth to not speak up.

Jungkook huffed out a small breath and plopped onto the bed with a grunt, "Your brothers, your dog, your parents and your grandma's Hot chocolate. You hardly mention them anymore." He laughed dryly.

"Jungkook..." Namjoon sighed, side glancing the girl who blinked rapidly, catching his full attention then, "Babe? What's—"

"Wait- how did I get here?" Diana blurted out. Jungkook froze, as did Namjoon.

The two snapped their heads towards the suddenly clueless girl, who looked around Namjoon's cabin with a frown of confusion, "I thought I was in my room..," she furrowed her brows in wonder.


The said girl turned to Jungkook with a hum, "Sorry, could you repeat that? I zoned out... I think." She grinned sheepishly.

Namjoon snapped his head back to Jungkook who returned his gaze; they both sported wide eyes, seemingly horrified.

"Guys?" Diana frowned quizzically, "What did I miss?" She asked.

Namjoon took a deep breath and sported his best smile towards Diana, "Nothing," he replied before standing up from his spot with clenched fists, "Uh, kook come on," he urged and Jungkook nodded apprehensively, giving short glances towards the clueless girl.

"Be right back," He muttered before leaving the room with Joon.

What was that? Why did she suddenly forget? How?

What was happening to her?


"Hyung, what do we do?" Jungkook asked repeatedly, seeking consolation from the rapper who paced back and forth inside the younger's cabin.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called after the elder, feeling emotional. Namjoon clenched his jaw and took deep steadying breaths before turning to Jungkook with a delicate expression. Taking a seat beside him on his bed, Namjoon wracked his brain to formulate words of comfort.

"I..." he started, nibbling on his lip in contemplation before heading out a heavy sigh, "All... All I can think is that we must've said something that triggered it."

Jungkook's wide scared eyes blinked sluggishly as he came to think through that possibility.

'But... what did we say? What did I say to trigger that??' He wondered restlessly.

"Diana?! What- what's wrong?!"

Namjoon and Jungkook snapped their heads towards their cabin door in alarm, hearing Jin's cry of worry. Wordlessly, they took off, leaving the younger's cabin to know what happened, anxiety crippling at the base of their gut.

"Yah!" Yoongi's sudden exclamation joining the tone Jin embodied pushed them to rush faster before ending up near the ladder where Diana was found fallen to the ground, almost at the edge of the platform, momentarily sparking fear in their heart. Jin scanned her body to pin point a source of her sudden fall whilst Yoongi worked to ease the pain she was suddenly feeling.

"Wh-what happened?" Namjoon blurted out in worry, closing the gap as he crouched down to hold Diana's hand that was clenched tightly into a fist as a way to cope with the pain she felt.

"I-it's nothing! I just suddenly lost my- my balance," She hurried to assure the men surrounding her, teeth gritted to quit whimpering.

"What? But you—-"

"I lost my balance," She cut off Jin who seemed to be stupefied at her claim.

At this point the remaining members had gathered around with a look of concern mirroring  on everyone's faces.

"I won't accept that answer, young lady!" Jin began, still fretful but clearly disturbed by how Diana painted the situation. Diana hissed in a breath as Yoongi manoeuvred her bad foot and lifted it up, "I just—-" she tried to say but got cut off.

"You suddenly dropped your crutch and walked on your bad foot! I saw you, why did you do that?! Are you trying to make it worse??" Jin probed her sternly. The others frowned at that.

"Wait, what?" Jungkook spoke out finally, previously fallen silent as he didn't know what to make of the happenings, but Jin's words snapped him out of that stupor.

Diana turned red at being called out and ducked her head down to hide the embarrassment displayed on her face.

"Tell me, Diana! I won't ask again." Jin demanded strictly, catching the other males off guard as they haven't seen Jin this serious.

"Don't push her, you're making this demeaning for her." Yoongi defended softly, letting her bad foot back down before moving to her side and rubbing her hunched back, his other hand moving in front to cover her face from the others' eyes to help her cover herself as he made her head rest against his chest.

"Yoongi, I'm not in the mood to deal with you." Jin gritted before turning expectantly at Diana who sucked in deep breathes.

"I-I forgot." She muttered so softly that if the others weren't so focused on what she has to say, they might've missed it.

The mere word 'forgot' seemed to become one that everyone disliked, maybe even hated as they tensed up and clenched their fists.

"F-forgot what, sweetheart?" Yoongi dared to ask, pausing his soothing motions on her back with a belated breath, watching the girl open her mouth to elaborate.

"That's it, okay? I just suddenly forgot I had to use the crutch and took a step. Then this happened. Please, it.. it's not that serious, I'm just really stupid." Diana flushed red, unable to hide her embarrassment as the others deflated in their spots or paused as something struck them.

Jin tilted back in surprise, feeling dread fill him from head to toe as a revelation made it to his mind.

"Okay. Okay, I... I just..," he tried to say but Diana shook her head, burying her face into Yoongi's chest as he cradled her front against him in consolation, "Please let this go, I feel a little humiliated right now..." she admitted.

"Diana...," Taehyung mumbled softly, not stopping his approach even when she turned away from his call.

"Come on, let's get you back in your cabin. You leg must hurt a lot, right?" He hushed her softly, smiling empathetically when her head lifted from where it was hiding to peer at him with glimmering eyes.

Taehyung gestured to Yoongi mutely, earning an understanding nod and letting the girl go from his hold before Tae took over and helped her up, doing good by her as he faces his back to the majority around them, helping her ease out from escaping this situation.

Silently, he wrapped one arm below her rear and the other behind her back, lifting her up before hurrying over towards her cabin, leaving everyone standing around restlessly.


They eventually dispersed, only away from Yoongi and Tae consoling a humiliated girl to discuss this sudden occurrence.

"To start off, Jin hyung, you will have to make it up to her," Hoseok began, sending an expectant gaze at Joon and Jungkook after earning a gloomy nod from Jin.

Unbeknownst to the two, Hoseok had caught the end part of their little bickering and witnessed the concerning moment where Diana suddenly lost her memories in front of their very eyes.

Namjoon nodded, unquestioning of Hobi's gaze, "I think there might be a trigger that could worsen her memory situation and we need to figure it out before we slip up and say it in the coming future." He stated, going straight to the point.

"To tell you the truth, I accidentally overheard you two," Jimin admitted plainly, overlooking Jungkook's sheepish gaze and Joon's grimace.

"Since you mentioned that, Joon hyung, I have an inkling on what it might be." He revealed, earning hopeful gazes.

He exhaled softly, "Her grandma's hot chocolate. I'm pretty sure that triggered it." He revealed. Jungkook seemed to have an epiphany at that, finding that statement very liable. "You might actually be right!" He gasped, "I-I just brought it up and then- she..." he stuttered, pursing his lips when the guys all nodded in understanding.

"Okay... so no more mentioning that.. like- at all." Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling like he aged 50 years within a couple of minutes.

"We better tell Suga hyung and Tae, before they go on about that by any chance." Hoseok said, feeling a little fatigued from being thrown suddenly into a state of worry and fear.

Jin and Diana did eventually talk through the scene they made, exchanging their feelings and discomfort on the matter before making up, much to no surprise from others.

"I just hope you don't make a big deal off of something like that again.." Diana admitted with red cheeks. Jin nodded aggressively, "I won't! I won't do that. I overreacted so I get what you mean." He admitted sheepishly.

"I'll feed you your meal during dinner to truly convey how sorry I am." Jin suddenly decided, making Diana pause, "Wait- what? No, no there's no need for that!" She dismissed in a rush.

Jin shook his head, "No, you must let me. It's how I'll find it in me to forgive myself." He exaggerated before getting up, "So! It's already decided." He smiled before turning around and walking out of the cabin without a second look at her.

"Wait- Jin! Come back, Jin!!!"



I have my biggest entrance tomorrow and have to wake up 5 in the morning to reach the destination of my examination. Design exams are so competitive.. 😖😖

Oh well! It's still a Saturday for me, I'm not sure when you guys find out about this lil update but hopefully a Saturday for you too 😂😂😜

Hope you enjoyed this lil update! 🥰😘 thank you to everyone who's given this book a read, your appreciation is taken with an elated heart, I promise we'll get into the good stuff eventually 😌✨✨

See you next week! 🥰🥰💕💕💕✨✨✨

~ Ada

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