《prologue: Peso!?》

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×Everest's pov×
As we searched I took peaks at the book.. for a while...

"Must be an interesting book.... where did you get it?" Jake asked me...

"Uhmm..... a book.. store" I lied...

Jake looked at me...

Did he know I lied? he'll ask me to tell him the truth if he knew, witch he didn't so I guessed I was safe...

Hours later I went to the meeting spot...

Me and Barnacles looked into the book for a while "you want lunch?" Barnacles asked "sure... we can study the book more whilst we eat" I said

Barnacles... "Everest don't you think you're getting a little..." Barnacles started I looked at him...

"Over curious?" Barnacles said...

I looked at him "No? Why?" I asked... "You been studying that book for weeks without a break..." Barnacles said...

"How does that make me Over curious?" I growled, Barnacles looked at me..

We started a fight that lasted.. "You don't understand!" I growled before walking off...

×Barnacles's pov×
I sighed and returned to the octopod... I looked back at Everest...

I got back to the octopod....

×Everest's pov×
I returned to Jake's mountain.... I looked at the notebook.... it said 'she thought of Visting Brielle, her sister' now on one page...

I looked at it.... I'll go soon...

×Kwazii's pov×
I was talking to Barnacles.... he was planning a mission...

×Everest's pov×
A few days later, I left to visit Brielle... I suddenly ran into the same Husky...

"Sorry...." I said... "Whatever, just watch were you going.." She said...

I sighed, after she walked away... the book said something else...

"The Husky walked away, not knowing she was related to her..." I read...

What...? I looked around.. I went and visited Brielle...

×Brielle's pov×
I was happy to see Everest.... we hung around for a bit before she left...

×Everest's pov×
I returned home... I would search for the Husky soon...

×Barnacles's pov×
I was planning to Visit Everest... I went to the Hut when Jake was talking with some skiers...

I looked at Everest...

×Everest's pov×
I sighed... I didn't tell Barnacles of what the book told Me...

×Barnacles's pov×
We hung out for a while playing an AquaRealm obby...

×Everest's pov×
I fell into the void of the obby...

"You should probably go..." I said

He left... I would soon go to search for that Husky....

I sighed....

×Jake's pov×
I looked around, I didn't see Everest, where did she go?

Everest walked into the room... I looked at her before going to bed...

×Everest's pov×
That night, I left... I went to the town I First saw her in...

I walked into a shop... I saw an Elderly fox working there...

×????'s pov×
I looked at the Husky.... "Looking for anything?" I asked..

She looked at me.... "I'm looking for information on a Husky... she has lavender fur" she said...

I wondered if she could be talking about a Husky that came in to sell a picture...

The Husky looked like one of the ones in the photo...

×Everest's pov×
I walked around town and asked Questions, but nobody knew them or just wouldn't tell me anything....

Suddenly two lights came on....

Two creatures appeared... "Asher why did we come here?" Said one of them...

×????'s pov×
Asher, a Dark Frost, took us to an town, we needed to go to a shop....

I saw The Purple/lavender Husky who had the book I was connected to....

"Uhmm hello?" The Husky said "hello...?" I said... "Who are you?" The Husky asked..

×Asher's pov×
"I'm Asher, this is Frost" I said.. "I'm Everest..." the Husky said.... she showed us the picture and questioned If we knew them...

"Bye!" Frost said before she left.... I left too...

×Everest's pov×
Well that was weird....

My search continues.... I looked around, I questioned more people... but still nobody knew them or just wouldn't tell me anything....

Until one person, a nice Wolf, told me she knew them, she was there neighbor...

"They aren't very... nice mabye you shouldn't go..." she told me...

I didn't listen....

×Layla's pov×
I sighed, I heard a knock on the door ugh who was here...

I answered it, I saw the Husky that ran into me...

"Uhm... hello?" She said.. "I think.. I might be your daughter?" She said holding the Picture..

She did look like the puppy..

"We don't know you, you should go" I told her..

×Everest's pov×
I went back... "where were you?" Jake asked "I was exploring the forest.." I said...

×Kwazii's pov×
Barnacles and Peso were going on a mission...

×Peso's pov×
I sighed... we were exploring a reef, I suddenly saw some rocks falling...

Heading for the captain...

×Barnacle's Pov×
One day, me and Peso, were on a Mission, suddenly "captain watch out!" Peso said, I looked and saw the rocks, I dodged them...

But Peso was less lucky...

×Tweak's pov×
I was working on the gups when I saw the captain bring In Peso who was unconscious...

×Barnacles's pov×
"Barnacles!" Kwazii exclaimed. "What happened?"

I Explained... we tried to save him... but he was gone...

"You should have been more careful," Dashi said.

"He shouldn't have died" Kwazii added.

Guilt and despair washed over me...

What have I done!?

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