Chapter 1

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I shot awake at the sound of my little brother, Tony, screaming. My heart racing, I throw off my covers and rush into his room. Just as I opened the door, I felt something crash into me, knocking me to my butt. “Pep?” I heard my little brother whimper. “Tony? Is everything alright?” I asked, squinting through the dark to see him standing before me, shaking. “Come here, munchkin.” I frown, holding my arms open. He sits in my lap, nuzzling into my chest as he sniffled. 

“Another nightmare?” I asked, standing up with him in my arms, gently rocking him in my arms. I felt Tony nod and I sighed softly. “What was it about this time, munchkin?” I asked, sitting back down on his bed. “I saw the vampires again. They were gathered around a cliff, chanting something. Then, a comet in the sky touched the moon, and-and the sky turned red, but then a man came out of nowhere and stopped the vampires, knocking some sort of amulet out of one of their hands. But a vampire jumped off the cliff after the amulet and right towards me.” He sniffled.

“It was only a nightmare, munchkin. Vampires aren’t real.” I soothed, tucking him back into bed. “But, you’re real.” He pouted, looking up at me from under his plushie covers. “Yea, I’m real.” I gave him a malicious grin. “Real enough to do this!” I laughed as I dug my hands into Tony’s side, tickling him. Tony squealed, trying to dodge my fingers, but was unsuccessful. “I-I give! I give!” Tony managed to squeak out in between laughs. I stopped, laughing myself as I pulled away from him. 

“Alright, munchkin. Go back to bed, you’re starting school in the morning.” I murmured, leaning down to kiss him gently on the forehead. As I stood up, I heard Tony call out my name. “Yes?” I asked, turning back around to face him. “Could you….” He didn’t need to finish his sentence for me to know what he was trying to ask. I gave him a soft smile and walked back to his bed, before scooching him over and laying down by him. “Thanks, Pep.” He said, turning over to face me. “No problem, munchkin. Just get some rest, alright?” I grinned, messing up his hair. 

I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.


“Tony! We’re gonna be late!” I called up to him. I heard his shoes slamming into the stairs as he rushed down to me, nearly crashing into me as he did so. “Come on, munchkin. Mom’s waiting.” I said, gently herding him towards the car, where our mom was impatiently tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. 

Mom dropped me off first, since my school was closer and started earlier than my little brother’s did. I kissed my mom on the cheek, and messed up Tony’s hair, before hopping out of the car and heading into the high school. 

As I was putting my stuff into my locker, a boy walked up beside me and leaned up against the wall of lockers. “Well, well, well. What have we got here?” A scowl spread across my face at the familiar voice. “Alexander.” I growled out, looking at the male smirking down at me. “Pepper Thompson.” He licked his lips, looking down at me appreciatively. I scoffed at him in disgust, slamming my locker closed and walking away from him. 

I had met Alexander and his little brothers when our father took us to his work. We never met Lord McAshton, but we did meet his grandchildren. Alex was one of them, and from day one he’s been nothing but a foul cockroach. “Hey, hey! Where do you think you’re going Pepper?” He asked, grabbing my wrist. “Let me go, McAshton.” I snapped, ripping my arm from his grasp. 

“Feisty, aren’t you?” He chuckled, pinning me against the locker. “I like that.” He chuckled lowly. I could feel his breath on my neck, and I felt disgusted. I swiftly ducked under his arms, and dashed away to my class.

“Sometimes, I hate this place.” I muttered to myself as I sat down at my desk.


“Hiya, munchkin.” I chuckled, knocking on the open door to Tony’s room. He was currently sitting at his desk, drawing on some papers. “Hi, Pep.” He looked up at me, smiling slightly. I knew that look. I gave a sigh, walking over to him and sitting down on the corner of his desk. “What happened?” I asked softly, looking at him in concern. “McAshton brothers.” He pouted. I sighed, my gaze drifting down to the pictures on his desk. “Hey, what’s all this?” I asked, picking up one of the pictures. It was the face of a vampire, but the creature had red skin. I furrowed my brow at this. 

“What I keep seeing in my dreams.” He muttered. “Can I draw with you?” I asked, picking up a pencil and twirling it between my fingers. When Tony nodded, I grabbed a piece of paper and began to doodle. 

I was off in my thoughts, not really paying attention to what I was doing, but I was snapped out of my head when I heard Tony’s voice. “Hey! Have you been having the same nightmares?” I looked up, confused at his words. “What do you mean?” I asked, frowning. “That amulet! It’s from my nightmare!” I look down at what I had been doodling. It was a very intricately designed amulet, with a large ruby in the middle of it. “I had a dream last night. But it wasn’t a nightmare.” I felt myself blush as I remembered the dream. 

“What was it about?” Tony asked, looking up at me eagerly. “There was this boy….he and his family were in big trouble. They needed this stone, this amulet for something very important. A horrible man came, and fought them. He tried to kill the boy...I...I went crazy….I lost control.” I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I described what happened to Tony. “Pepper…” Tony whispered, putting his hand on mine. I took in a shaky breath, and wiped the tears from my eyes, giving Tony a watery smile. 

“Wanna play vampire?” Tony asked, a smile on his face. I chuckled at him. “Sure, munchkin. What do you want me to be?” I smirked at him, watching as he thought about it for a moment. “My prey!” He grinned, his eyes lighting up with joy. I laughed at him. “Alright, alright. Go make yourself some fangs, I’ll grab the ketchup.” I winked, ruffling his hair. 

After grabbing the bottle of ketchup from the fridge, I ran back up the stairs, waving goodbye to mom and dad. “Pepper!” I stopped at my mom’s voice. “Yes?” I asked, poking my head back into the entryway. “I want Tony in bed by 9, alright.” She looked at me sternly. “Got it mom!” I smiled, before going back up to Tony’s room. 

When I came in, all the lights were off. “Tony?” I called out, looking for my brother in his dark room. I rolled my eyes, and flicked on the lights, only to hear a hiss. I turned to the desk and laughed. Tony had cut out triangular pieces of paper and was using them as fangs. “Here’s the ketchup, munchkin. Where do you want me?” I asked, handing him the bottle. 

He pointed to the bed, and I laid down on his comforter, moving the black hair from my neck. I flinched slightly when the cold tomato paste was spread on my neck, but looked up to see Tony smiling at me. “Ab ovo, in toto!” Tony hissed out, before leaning down and blowing a raspberry on my neck. I bit back a giggle as it tickled, but managed to fake a short shriek, before falling silent. 

I closed my eyes, pretending to be dead, and I felt Tony shaking me lightly. Just as I was about to shoot up and scare him, I heard a loud squeak, and the flap of wings as something flew into the room. 

Tony immediately latched onto me as I sat up, looking around the room. I couldn’t see anything, but the curtains by his window were rustling because of the wind. I sighed out as I got up to close it, but was stopped when something came from the other side of the room and flew into the fire place. I only caught a glimpse of it before it was in the fireplace, but it looked like, “A bat…?” I questioned softly, taking cautious steps to where the creature was. There was a flash of a bright light, and I flinched. Tony was by my side in an instant, holding onto my leg. I gently pushed him behind me, just in case it decided to attack. 

There was heavy breathing coming from the fireplace, and I took quiet steps around it, giving it a wide berth as I glared into the dark. Tony poked his head out from behind me, looking into it as well. 

It was a boy, around my age. He was wearing what seemed to be old victorian-style clothes. His skin was gray, and his nose seemed to be flat and furry. His light blue eyes slowly looked up and locked onto Tony, his breath coming in heavy pants. He reached a hand up, smacking the back of his head. When he did this, the furry nose turned into a normal nose. 

“What clan…are you from, brother?” He asked, between pants. “Have the lights gone?” He raised a hand over his eyes, which flickered over to the window that he had flown in from. As Tony gasped, his fake fangs dropped from his mouth. “Who are you..?” My brother asked, trembling. “Tony, I think he’s a vampire.” I whispered to him. As I said this, the vampire’s eyes began to glow red, his now crimson gaze glaring at us, and he opened his mouth, his fangs glistening in the moonlight. “You are not a brother.” He hissed out. “Well, I’m no sister!” Tony shivered, grabbing my leg. “You’re human, you’re full of blood!” The boy hissed out, making Tony flinch back. “Gonna keep it that way, dude!” Tony said, running to his door. I was right behind him.

Just as we got there, the vampire was there as well, hanging onto the door like a spider. Tony screamed, pulling me with him and hiding behind his desk. I heard a loud thump, and looked up to see the boy laying on the ground. I furrowed my brow in concern. 

“Pepper, no!” Tony whispered, reaching for my hand as I got up and made my way over to the downed vampire. “Too...weak..” I heard him mutter. “Do you need help?” I asked, kneeling down beside him. He slowly turned his head my way. I heard Tony walk up behind me. “What twisted kind of mortals are you?” He asked, looking up at me. 

“I know you, I saw you in my dream.” Tony said, taking his place by my side. “Must have been a nightmare...” The boy coughed out. “It was.” Tony nodded. I resisted the urge to smack my brother over the head for being rude. The boy looked over at me. “Am I in your dreams as well?” He asked. I felt my face flush, and I broke eye contact with him. “I think so, she had a dream about you last night, right sis?” I glared at Tony after he said this. Looking back to the vampire, I saw him smirking at me.

“I must leave.” The boy stated, struggling to stand. I took his arm and helped him up. “Leave? But you can hardly walk!” I said looking him in the eye. “Who needs to walk, when you can fly!” He said, walking past Tony and I and jumping out the window. I felt my heart stop when he waved his arms in the air, and with a scream, fell to the ground. I gasped as Tony and I ran over to the balcony and looked over the edge. 

The vampire was laying down on the ground, not moving. I bit my lip as I looked down at the poor boy. “Tony, we have to help him.” I looked to my younger brother, who was looking down at the vampire in fear. “Tony!” I shouted, snapping him out of his reverie. He jumped, before quickly nodding and running down the stairs. I looked over the balcony once more, before taking in a deep breath and stepping onto the railing. 

I launched myself off the railing with ease, before landing on my knees right next to the vampire boy, who flinched at my sudden arrival. I winced at the impact, before turning to the boy. Tony came running out of the house moments later. “Are you alright?” Tony asked, kneeling beside me. “Do I look it?!” The vampire coughed out, struggling to get up. Suddenly, a bright light shone through the gate that led up to the front doors of our castle. 

The vampire hissed, hiding behind me. “Rookery!” He cried out. I looked to the gate, only to see a large red truck, decked in all kinds of wacky gizmos drive by. It stopped for a moment, and the bright light landed on the vampire. I gasped when he hissed and smoke began to rise from him. Thinking fast, I grabbed him and dove into the bushes, taking him out of the light. I felt the boy shake in my arms, I peeked out of the bushes and watched as the truck drove away. I sighed in relief. 

“Why….why would you do that…?” I looked down at the boy, who was looking up at me, his light blue eyes glittering in confusion. 

I didn’t have an answer for him.

“Do you…..know where I can find a cow?” I furrowed my brow at his question, trying to think about where one could be.  “If you want a glass of milk…” Tony started. “Tony, he’s a vampire, not a kitten.” I said, rolling my eyes. I heard a weak chuckle from below me. I smiled softly at the vampire. “I can get the wagon?” Tony suggested. “I think he’s a bit big for your wagon, munchkin.” I said, shaking my head. 

“Here.” I started, turning around so my back was to the vampire. I held out my arms to him. “Get on.” I said, looking at him over my shoulder. “Tony.” I sighed out, motioning towards the vampire. My brother hesitated for a moment, but nonetheless he grabbed the boy by the shoulders and pushed him onto my back. I hefted him up and stood, before heading towards the gates and walking out, with Tony in tow. 

“Why…” I glanced at the vampire who had stopped speaking. “Why what?” I hummed. We had been walking for nearly an hour and I could see the barn appearing over the horizon. “Why help me?” He asked. I had to fight down a blush from the feeling of his breath against my neck. “Let’s just say, I’ve been in your shoes before….but I had no one to help me.” I whispered to him. I could feel his stare on the back of my head, but I ignored it.

“Here we go.” I grunted, gently dropping the vampire off next to a cow. I watched as he tried to hypnotize a cow, before he bit into its neck and began to slurp very loudly. I flinched back at the sound, slightly disgusted with the noise he was making, and walked out to the front of the barn. My gaze drifted off to the right, and I froze.

The truck was waiting right there, on the road. 

I gulped, taking a step back. The vampire is scared of this truck. Probably for good reason. I glanced at the barn doors. If this man finds him… I didn’t want to think about it. Suddenly, several bright lights attached to the truck turned on, making me flinch back. I backpedaled as the truck revved, the engine growling. 

“Not enough for you, eh?” I froze at the slimy voice that came from the truck. “You.” I growled out, glaring into the light. “What the…” I heard the voice mutter. “Well, there's something you don't see everyday.” The voice laughed. 

The driver slammed on the pedal and the truck shot forward, heading straight to me. I gasped, turned heel, and ran, heading straight for the forest lining at the edge of the acre. I could hear the truck gaining on me, and I turned to face it. 

It was right behind me.

A hand stuck out of the driver side window. The familiar sight of the weapon took my breath away.

The moonlight glinted off the metal of the gun.

I froze, a deer in the headlights. The truck got closer, and closer, until it was inches away from hitting me.

“Pepper! Close your eyes!” I heard an accented voice call out to me, and I listened to it, shutting my eyes as I was seconds away from being crushed. I felt arms wrap around me, lifting me into the air. I felt the wind blowing against me, and I felt a sense of weightlessness overcome me.

“You can open your eyes now.” I flushed at the familiar voice of the vampire. He was right beside me. 

I slowly opened my eyes, only to gasp softly at the sight before me. The night sky was dark, an ocean of navy blue with speckles of glimmering, white stars dancing across its waves. The moon was high in the sky, shining it’s rays down on the world below. The air was cold, the chilly winds blew against my cheeks making me shiver slightly, almost imperceptibly. 

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I snap my head to my left, to see the vampire boy, smiling down at me. “Thank you.” I breathed out, relieved he had been there to help me. “Yea, thanks for helping my sister, dude! She almost got squished!” My eyes widened at Tony’s voice. I leaned over the vampire to see him on the other side of the boy. “Tony!” I cheered out in relief. I launched myself at him, wrapping him in my arms. 

I pull away, looking him over. “You’re not hurt, are you?” I ask, looking into his eyes. “That man, in the truck, he didn’t-” Tony cut me off. “I’m fine sis, the vampire made sure of that.” I cuffed him over the head. “Don’t be rude.” I scolded, glaring down at him. “What part of that was rude?” Tony asked, rubbing the back of his head. “The part where you called him ‘the vampire’ in that tone of voice.” I growled out, narrowing my eyes at him. Tony sighed and turned towards the boy. “Sorry, dude.”

The boy looked at him in slight confusion. “You keep calling me ‘dude’. I have a name; Rudolph.” I smiled at his name. As I opened my mouth to speak, Tony cut me off. “Dude is slang. For friend.” He explained. “Friend?” Rudolph questioned, raising a brow to my little brother. “Well, we saved each other’s lives, didn’t we?” Tony asked, looking at Rudolph. Rudolph glanced down at his lap for a moment, before looking up at the both of us. “Yes, we did. Friends.” He smiled, his blue eyes glittering. 

Tony grinned happily, ecstatic to make a new friend here. I smiled softly at my brother’s happiness. “My name is Tony. My sister’s name is Pepper.” He introduced. I didn’t mention the fact that Rudolph had said my name earlier. He had probably overheard my brother say it earlier. “Come on, let’s play!” Tony cheered, standing up on the large blimp we all sat on. I laughed when he began to jump up and down with Rudolph, who seemed like he was having tons of fun. 

“My best friend is a vampire!” Tony shouted into the night sky. 

I looked away for a moment, down to the large castle below us. As I did this, I felt a set of cold hands take my own, and my gaze snapped up to see Rudolph directly in front of me. He easily pulled me to my feet, and I laughed as I began to bounce on the blimp with the two boys. 

After awhile, Tony flopped down onto the rubbery surface of the blimp. “I think it’s best we got home.” I reasoned, knowing mom and dad would be home soon. “Hey….how do we get down from here?” Tony asked, his voice wavering slightly. “We’ll fly.” Rudolph states simply, his accent making me smile. “We can’t fly though.” Tony frowned. The vampire chuckled. “I got you up here, didn’t I?” He smirked. “That’s true.” Tony said, looking over to me. “Then stay calm. Friend.” Rudolph gave us a fanged smirk.

“Alright, let’s fly.” Rudolph stood up. He turned to Tony, who was still sitting on the blimp, and held out a hand to both of us. “As long as I’m holding onto you, you’re fine. Trust me.” Rudolph said soothingly. Tony took his hand immediately, but I hesitated in doing so for a moment. Shaking my head, I took the vampire’s hand. It felt cold, but it was a good cold, if there’s such a thing. I felt Rudolph gently squeeze my hand, before the familiar sense of weightlessness overcame me, and the three of us were all flying through the night sky.

“Wow! It’s great to be a vampire!” Tony cried out, amazed at what he was seeing. “Membership does have its perks.” I heard Rudolph mutter sadly. Tony didn’t seem to catch onto what he was saying. “It must also have its downfalls as well.” I whispered to him. Rudolph glanced at me, giving me a sad smile, confirming my suspicions. 

“Look! Pepper, isn’t that where mom and dad are having their party?” I looked down at the castle below us and confirmed what Tony had asked. 

Buildings and lighted streets whizzed by us as we flew above them. After a few minutes, Tony piped up again. “Vampires are different than I thought they’d be.” He muttered. “Oh? And how did you think they would be?” I asked him, chuckling slightly. “I don’t know...kinda like werewolves I guess. Or maybe zombies. Or like a chupacabra!” I laughed at my brother. “Really Tony?” I asked doubtfully. “Some kind of mindless, uncontrollable monster. That’s how they are in books usually.” Tony murmured. I rolled my eyes this time. “No, that’s what they’re like in your head, munchkin.” I sighed out, looking down to the ground. 

“We’re family, not fiends. It’s why we feed off cows. We want to be humans, not eat them.” Rudolph revealed, making me smile. “If vampires are real, do you think other creatures are?” I asked Rudolph, looking at him inquisitively. “Well, in the centuries I’ve lived, I learned that some fairytales are just that--fairytales. Zombies don’t exist, at least not the kind you mortals think of, and neither does the chupacabra. However, werewolves are extinct, I know that for a fact.” I raised my brow at him. “How can you be so sure? Were you the one who killed them?” I asked, curiously. 

“Well, no. But I’ve seen the trophies Rookery has.” Rudolph says, looking down at me. “Rookery...that’s the man with the truck, isn’t it?” I wondered, watching as Rudolph nodded confirmation.

I looked down at the barren streets below us, and furrowed my brow when I saw a lone car driving the road. “Rudolph, can you see what color that car is?” Tony asked, pointing towards it. “Green. Man and woman inside. Man is waving his hands wildly about--” I cut him off with a gasp. “Our parents! If they get home before we do, they’ll kill me!” I bit my lip, my eyes wide with fear. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you there.” Rudolph said, speeding up as he made a b-line to our house.

We made it to the balcony just as our parents were walking through the front door. Panicked, I pushed Tony towards the bed, before sliding under the covers with him. I made sure our clothes were fully covered, before we both closed our eyes and acted like we were asleep. Not even a second later, the door to Tony’s room opened up, and I heard the footsteps of our parents walk into the room.

“Aw….do you think he had another nightmare?” I heard my mom ask, walking towards us. “Probably. She’s always the first one by his side when he has one.” Dad added. Mom chuckled at that. Then, I heard both of them begin to sniff loudly. “What’s that smell?” Dad asked. I could imagine him looking around. “I smell it too.” Mom said, also sniffing. I heard one of them walking over to the open window, before shutting it. I heard another set of footsteps walking to the bed, before I felt my mother’s lips on my forehead. 

When the footsteps both left, heading over to the door, I quickly opened my eyes to see if the coast was clear. Dad had left the room, but mom was standing by the open door, looking into the hallway. My gaze lifted to the ceiling, only to see Rudolph there. My eyes widened for a moment, before I looked back over to see mom sniffing once more. I felt panic rise within me as she walked back over to where Rudolph was hiding. 

Her head began to turn upwards.

“Mom?” I called out blearily, acting like I had just awoken. Her head snapped towards me, a soft smile on her face. “I must have fallen asleep reading Tony a story.” I chuckled sheepishly, crawling out from under the covers. “Note to self, don’t fall asleep in jeans.” I whispered to her, smiling at her. She laughed lightly. “Goodnight, mom.” I said, walking her out the door. “Goodnight, Pepper.” She replied, walking to her room. 

I quickly went back into Tony’s room, shutting the door behind me with a sigh of relief. As Tony jumped out of bed and put his glasses back on, Rudolph hopped down from the ceiling, landing next to me. “So, those were your parents?” He asked, looking over to the door. “They look nice.” He added, looking over to me. I smiled at his manners. “And tasty?” I sent a glare over to Tony when he said this. “No. Nice. As in very nice.” Rudolph replied, seemingly annoyed. “They have their moments.” Tony said, taking off his shoes. “I suppose I must take my leave.” Rudolph sighed out, walking over to the window. He turned towards us again. “I haven’t had that much fun since I really was 17. Thanks….dude.” He waved goodbye.

“You could stay if you want.” Tony sounded a bit upset, as if he didn’t want his friend to leave. I couldn’t blame him. I wanted Rudolph to stay as well. A flash of light shone through the window, and I watched as Rudolph flinched away from it. “Maybe I should.” He gulped. 

“Do vampires really sleep in coffins? Because that might be a problem.” Tony frowned. Rudolph looked over at him, amused. “Just as long as the sun can’t find me.” He chuckled, his gaze landing on the large chest at the end of Tony’s bed. “This would be excellent.” He said, lifting the lid. It was filled with toys and games. 

“We’d have to clear it of this junk.” Tony supplied, looking down into it. “Junk? It’s a treasure chest.” Rudolph reasoned, picking up a Gameboy Color. “I’ve hidden in trees and watched mortals play this. What is it?” He asked, mesmerized by the yellow rectangle. “Nintendo. Duh.” Tony revealed, rolling his eyes. 

“Tony!” I growled out, glaring at him. “Sorry.” He muttered. “Nintendo Duh? Can I play with this Nintendo Duh?” Rudolph asked, looking up at Tony. I let out a giggle at his words. “Rudolph, it’s just called a Nintendo.” I said, smiling softly at him. “Yea, duh is just a word you say when someone asks a stupid question.” Tony added. I sent a glare in his direction, which he promptly ignored.

“Tony can teach you how to play it tomorrow.” I sighed, running my hands through my long, black hair. “I know. You must sleep now. It’s late for mortals.” Rudolph sighed softly. I took an extra pillow from my brother’s bed and gently placed it inside the chest for Rudolph. “I best be heading for bed as well.” I said, walking up to Tony, who was now laying down on his bed, with his head at the foot of his bed. Rudolph crawled into the chest and laid down. “Until the night.” He said, looking up at me. I gave him a smile. “Sleep well, Rudolph.” I murmured, before softly closing the lid of the chest. “Good night, Tony.” I added, kissing my brother on the head, before walking over to the light switch. I flicked it off, and the large, star-shaped night-light lit up the 

I figured I'd stay for a bit longer, just until I really did begin to get sleepy. So, I leaned up against the chest, sitting on the ground. “So, you’re like 1,000 years old, right?” Tony asked. “I’ve just been 17 for over 300 years.” Rudolph supplied. I pulled my knees to my chest, laying my head on them. “I wanna be a vampire too.” Tony said, a large grin on his face. “No. You don’t know what that means.” I heard the sad tone in Rudolph’s voice. “Doing the most awesome stuff I’ve ever done in my life?” Tony tried. I could picture Rudolph shaking his head. “No blue skies, Tony. No birds singing. No flowers in the sunlight. Just this constant night.” I felt my heart twist in my chest as Rudolph spoke. “Cool.” Tony smiled.

I shook my head. “Not cool, Tony.” I piped up. Tony moved his head over to me. “All the night does is take.” I felt tears burning in my eyes. Sniffling, I stood up, walking over to the door to Tony and I’s adjoining rooms, and opening it. I closed it behind me, before flopping down on my own bed, severely tired out.

“Tomorrow’s a new day.” I muttered to myself, wiping the tears that tried to fall down.

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