Chapter 2

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It was half past eleven and it was time to get dressed for the party was starting at midnight. I headed to my room and put on a white classic chemise, a black suite and tie with a matching shoes and trousers. I went to Grace and found her wearing a beautiful mint dress which was perfectly decorated with some jewels covering her bare neck. She looked at me confused as she moved close to me.

"What is it?" she questioned.

"We shall disguise!"

She looked at me confused once more then continued.


"Robert, shall not recognize me nor you"

She got her make up box and applied some make up on our faces. As the clock struck twelve, I went out with her waiting for Calum and looked at her for a while.

"Um...well, you look kind of pretty"

"Kind of?!"

There was a pause before I tried repairing what I said.

"Um...I mean you look pretty"

"Oh well, thank you"

She looked at me with a cold smile then came near Calum.

"Hello!" started Calum "Are you ready?"

"Well yes" said Grace with a smile.

I could hardly raise my eyes off Grace but knocked my head as I remembered Camilla. We soon got closer and closer to Robert's castle and met the guards.

"Your identity please?" questioned the guard gently.

"Um, I am..." I started confused as I took a glimpse of the list of the invited people, searching for three names for me and them, I found a good name for Calum which was Gabler Norton, for me which was Boulder Kaden and for Grace which was Mary Beth .

"I am Boulder Carson and he is Gabler Norton and she is Mary Beth, we are invited aren't we?"

"Oh, wait sir!" there was a pause and we were in by a loud "Yes sir welcome, come in!"

I looked at Calum glad and took a deep breath.

"We didn't think of this, how did you do this?"

"By a quick glimpse of the list of the invited people"

"You're not as bad as I thought" started Calum teasing me.

We suddenly saw Robert marching towards us, looking carefully at me.

"Well..." he started.

"I am Boulder Carson and she is..."

"Oh I remember you had a thick moustache!"

"No, I...shaved it"

"You look way different! I see you look younger!"

"Oh yes"

"How is your son?"

"He's...great I guess!" I bumbled.


"Oh Mr Robert, will you show us your little daughter?" interrupted Calum changing the subject.

"She's upstairs, let the maid guide you"

We carefully went upstairs following the maid. We entered a large room and sat down.

"Oh maid shall I have some water, please?"

"Yes sure!"

We stood up quickly, to take the baby but were interrupted by Robert.

"How is the baby?" questioned Robert.



Robert was soon taken away by a "Bracken came sir" from a servant, he looked at us and gave a cold smile.

"You could come down with me and meet your friend Bracken, you must have missed him! And you can take your friend with you if you want"

I looked quite shocked and followed Robert downstairs. I called Grace and ordered her to go up to the baby's room, take her and told her to order the maid to tell me three little words that were that "she wanted me" when she was done.

"Oh who's this?"

"She's Mary Beth"

"You're lucky having this miss with you!"

"Yes I am quite lucky, she wants to see the baby"

"Oh sure, let the miss go to see the baby!" he ordered the maid.

I looked at Grace and took a deep breath.

-Grace's POV-

I took a deep breath as I followed the maid upstairs till we reached a room, the baby was so beautiful that I couldn't move my eyes from her.

"Could you Mr Boulder Carson and tell him Grace wants you?"

"Yes ma'am"

I watched her leave the room and quickly took the baby, jumped from the window and ran away quickly to Ethan's house without anybody's knowledge.

-Ethan's POV-

I told Robert that I had to go for special reasons when I heard the three words from the maid.

"Oh, it was a pleasure to meet you again Mr Gabler" said Bracken gently.

"It was mine too" said Calum as he gave a smile.

I looked at Calum and quickly went out of the castle with him.

"We shall quickly disappear before the news are spread all over the castle!"


Hey guys (: hope you like this chapter.

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