Chapter 28

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-Ethan's POV-

I was finishing my work with the men when Calum came and interrupted me.

"Ethan you have to take care of Catharina, she's making dangerous decisions on her own"

I gave him a serious look and flipped my head towards the house.

"What are you saying?"

"Ethan, Catharina is putting you and your pack in danger"

I swallowed and headed to the house.

"Catharina!" I yelled as I went upstairs.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed talking to Drake.

"Ah hey Ethan"

I angrily came near her.

"Catharina what the hell are you and Drake hiding from me?!" I cried firmly.

Catharina's face went white as she looked at Drake.

"N…nothing, why are you asking?" she replied with a smile trying to hide her worried face.

"Nothing you say? Then you think I am a fool, don't you?"

"No Ethan it's not like that, it's just…"

I hit the bed, turned to her and realized that she was about to die in her place.

"Then what is it? Do you think I am a baby? Or an idiot?"

"No please Ethan just calm down and I would explain everything"

"Yes go ahead and start explaining!"

She took a deep breath and looked at Drake worriedly assuring me that they have done a big mistake.

"Ethan while you were always busy with your men, Robert and Bracken were always trying to take me back to the castle but now Bracken was replaced by Damien who is now dead"

"What have you both done with him? And how was Bracken replaced by Damien when he was so close to Robert?"

"Ethan we killed him"

"Who?" I cried.

She bit her lips and started sweating.


"Both, are you kidding me? Now our pack is in danger and that is all your fault!" I again cried.

"I had to do this, they were about to kidnap me!"

"Catharina at least you had to tell me, you shan't have decided on your own!"

Catharina started sobbing.

"I am sorry okay, but next time you should tell me!"

I hugged her and dried her tears. Uh this child is very wild and I would pay for what she has done!

-Catharina's POV-

I realized my mistake now and tried to calm Ethan down, while Drake was surprised by what has just happened.

"Ethan I am really sorry"

He hugged me and smiled.

"But Ethan what are you hiding from us?" I asked.

Ethan bit his lips and sat down.

"No I can't tell you, you're too young for these things"

"What things?" I again questioned.

"Catharina please, I am doing what is best for you"

I nodded unsatisfied by his answer.

"But please Ethan if it is an important thing just tell me, I can help you"

"No Catharina I don't need your help"

He stood up and walked out of the room. I was sure the results of what I have done would be harmful but I guess Robert wouldn't harm me, but would harm the others for sure.

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