Watercolour Wonder Woman

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Ink and Watercolour. Copyright Evelyn Hayes 2017.

Well, it's a long story.

I usually don't do watercolour or anything paint related because 1. I have no basic tutelage (self or from an expert) in painting and 2. I don't feel like learning. Pencils are fine, thank you.


So you might have seen glimpses of a few comments referring to a thing called Destination Imagination. It's an extremely difficult thing to explain, so why don't you go and Google it.

Okay, you didn't. *sigh* Why do you put me through the pain...

So Destination Imagination (aka DI) is a global competition that tests your skill in the Fine Arts, the Sciences, the Engineering, the Technical, and the Improvisational. Each aspect is divided into a challenge, and the challenge changes every year. For instance, last year, the Fine Arts Challenge challenged (...wow me. Just wow.) the teams competing in said challenge to create a mystery story, of course with a LOT of rules to go with it as well as a budget. This year, the Fine Arts teams have to create a story in which a colour disappears from the world.

Despite the fact that our team chose the Scientific challenge, we leaned towards our artistic skills to enhance our performance. Our costumes were extravagant and our roughly 12 by 6 foot canvas backdrops were...well, huge. We had three backdrops and painted two well enough in time for the Regional Competition. The last one? It was just a bunch of messed up lines that barely resembled a cave. (It was supposed to have well-placed, precise lines that rendered the image but was butchered by our tiredness — try staying in a dusty, dark stage for the entire school day with only a projector as ambience!)

So I went to my art teacher and got some tips on how to deal with paint, for — as mentioned above — I suck at paint. A lot of things were learned, and now our final backdrop looks like this:

It's not the final product, as I added a few last minute edits that enhanced the backdrop, but YOU WILL SUFFICE WITH THIS

(Special thanks to my teammates for making this happen Thea_xoxo_7 and all the other people who don't have Wattpad on my team (like, everyone))


What does this have to do with my Wonder Woman watercolour?

Ahh. Well, you see, all the work with the acrylics challenged me to try watercolour. I had been playing with the digital stuff so I decided to try with real colours.

Aaaand here ya go:





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