Chapter 1.New York City

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Never in a million years did I expect that i would get expelled from the greatest Wizarding school in the world. Hogwarts. I was going to graduate in just a few months but no, being the cunning Slytherin that I am i decided to tag along with my only friend who turns out to be a Hufflepuff.

A lot has happened between us and he dragged me into this whole mess with him. I wanted to be a Writer or a Teacher, i want to be a teacher so badly at Hogwarts so i can show many children that it's okay to be different and to not judge anyone by their blood status.I was sent to live with my aunt when I received my letter unexpectedly cause I wasn't living in the UK but in the United States for a while since she didnt wanted me to live in Europe.

I hug my legs together and glare at the city from the distance, "What you did was wrong and you know it." i whisper to him. Beside me Newt scoffs but doesnt say a thing to me, he's just clutching onto his bag like his life depended on it.

"Come on, you haven't spoken to me for the entire journey." i tell him but he's talking to his bag again, i groan loudly and rested my head against my knees.

"You're no use at all." i mutter under my breathe and my eyes lit up when we finally made it to the statue of Liberty. Quickly i stand up walked over by the rail, even though I never wanted to come back to the States, I must admit seeing the statue of Liberty made me feel better.

"Come along,Alice." Newt's voice calls from behind me and I turn my head to see him leaving me, "Hey,wait up!" i race towards him and once the ship stopped we were in line so we could finally enter the big city.

The police man kept asking me questions and I was getting tired of him asking these useless questions. "Careful out there ma'm, wouldn't want a pretty lady like you getting lost or hurt." i glare at the man and walk past him before getting my handbag back and started walking with Newt.I glanced over my shoulder to see the man staring at me, why did I choose to wear this dress? Newt and I continued walking side by side when we spotted a crowd of people surrounding a woman who kept on speaking.

"Witches and Wizards are real and they are a danger to our society."

What an idiotic woman..i'm surrounded by stupid muggles. I pinch the bridge of my nose as she continues to ramble on, I was going to confront her but felt a light pressure on my shoulder.

"Don't even try." Newt whispers.

I give him an angry look but took his advice. Looking back over at her I saw a lot of kids standing behind her but one stood out. He was clearly the oldest of them, his pale white skin complemented his dark raven hair and dark brown eyes.

I felt blood rushing up to my cheeks as I found myself staring at him. "Alice?" Newt asks letting go of me when I begin walking forward and saw a few people surrounding this old woman, the boy my age accidentally let the flyers he was holding fall to the ground when someone bumped into him

"Here let me help you."

I knelt down and stacked the papers in my hands and looked up to see the woman glaring at the boy. "Thank you." he whispers lowly almost as if he's afraid of talking to people.

"No problem. Hey,what's your name?" i ask when i give him back the papers, he was about to speak when the woman stood in front of me and smirked, "Ah, you're also here to know the truth?"

"What truth? Witches and Wizards aren't evil, they've helped many people around the world and you're here talking bad about them, they haven't done anything evil to us."

The woman's face changes from amused to disgust and anger. "What were you doing with my son then?! Trying to trick us all in thinking that we're the enemy to those magic beings?"

"I was only helping your son in-"

"Not another word from you young lady or i'll have you locked up." she smirks. Newt again placed his hand on my shoulder and made me follow him inside the bank. I look back to see the young man staring at me before he adverted his eyes.

"I told you to stay quiet, we don't want to draw attention."

"I'm a Slytherin, Newt. I can't control myself that easily..what are we even doing here in the bank?"

"The got away."

"What?! I thought your suitcase was locked."

"Apparently it wasn't."

Together we begin to search for the magical creature which was no where to be seen. Newt took a seat on a bench but still kept his eye out for the niffler, "What brings you here?" a man next to him asks.

"Same thing as you." Newt replies not even laying attention to the man.

"To open a bakery?" he asks confused.

"Yup, we're both bakers and have been wanted to open up a shop." I smile as i lie and the man nods his head.

"Wanna try some of my treats?" he excitedly asks next.

"Sure!" my mouth drools when I see the sight of his many cookies. I take one and begin to chew it, "This is delicious! not as delicious as ours but still delicious." The man looks at me confused till I laugh and finished up my cookie, "Just kidding no need to make that face."

"Oh!" he laughs along extends his hand "Good to now, my name is Jacob Kowalski."

"Nice to meet ya, my name is Alice and this is Newt." i say pointing at the brown haired man still looking around the place. Couple of minutes later Jacob came back with a frown on his face meaning they didnt give him the money.

"Let's go." Newt grabbed my wrist and dragged me off with him when he saw the niffler grabbing a couple of coins. That damn creature, i was ready to take my wand out when, "Hey, mister English guy, I think your egg is hatching."

Jacob tells Newt and I look back to see him holding an egg. Newt took out his wand from his blue coat and pointed it at the egg and Jacob. Newt thing we know we were transported to a new room.

"Where's the niffler?" i begin to search for it and look to my left and see Jacob confused, figuring out what just happened. I kneel down next to Newt and look into the bag, "Alright settle down." he tells his creatures.

"Are they alright?"

Newt nods and closes the case again "They are for now."

We here a small noise and I look over to Newt's pocket and see the bowtruckle pointing forward.

"Oh no you don't. Alohomora." I pull my wand out and the door opens and Newt runs in and sees his niffler grabbing anything sparkly and gold and suffing it in his stomach.

"Ah,so your gonna steal the money." a voice behind us says.

I curse and look back to see a man looking at us but glaring at Jacob. The man turned on the alarm and Newt stepped in front of me, "Petrifucus Totalus." the man froze and fell to the ground once Newt casted the spell.

The vault opened itself up and Newt ran in, "Hurry up,Newt!" i yell ready with my wand if someone tried to catch us. Jacob looked at me like I was a freak and I shook my head, "Get behind me!" he did as told i heard him whine when a couple of guards came.


The guards took their guns out and just in time Newt came with the niffler and we were teleported outside of the bank. I glare at Newt for taking these things so slow and calm, "How many times have I told you to not take things that isnt yours." Newt scolded the niffler and got him in the case.

"That creature of yours almost got us locked up."

"It's not his fault."

"Stop defending that niffler, Newt! I don't even know how that damn creature can fit so much gold in."

"Hey hey relax!" Jacob said finally speaking as he stepped between us.

"You know way too much." Newt said and nodded at me. I took my wand out once more but the second I was going to wipe out his memory, he stepped on my feet making me scream which made me let go of my wand and he grabbed his case and smacked Newt with it.

"Buggart." Newt mutters and gets up,rubbing his face and looking back at me.  


A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the rest of my book. It's the first time i'm writing a HP book since the last one I did was a Draco Malfor one but i think i ended up deleting it. Credence is one of my favortie character in FB so i decided to write about him, that boy deserves more love :)

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