Chapter 3.MACUSA

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  "Is that,Theseus Scamander?"

"No. That's his younger brother, Newt Scamander."

Newt and I stare around the place confused, mostly me as these wizards talked as if we weren't in the room.

"And who's the young lady with him?"

"Hmph probably his girlfriend."

"That's no ordinary girl, she's Alice Black."

"Shes a Black?!"

I clenched my fists and with one hand I was ready to shut those people with my wand when again Newt stopped me. Tina stared at me confused at the situation. The president of MACUSA, Seraphina stood up from her seat.

Her speech wasn't long at all, she ended up arresting all of us for helping Newt, since they believe that one of his creatures killed the senator. We were each interviewed by Percival Graves who had in his hands information about each of us.

"Alice Black, It says here you've known Newt Scamander since your third year at Hogwarts, you both were expelled for the same thing,Dumbledore didn't agree with you both being expelled, what makes your relationship with Dumbledore so close?"

I glared at Graves and decided to tell him, this idiot won't let us go anyways. "Dumbledore's been like a father to me since my first arrival at Hogwarts, that's why he was willing to fight for me and Newt. He never wanted us to get expelled from his school-"

"What about your family? What's Newt to you?"

I stayed silent after that came out of his mouth, i smiled wide and shrugged, "Nothing more than a family on the other hand, well that's a story for another time." Graves stared at me intently and smirked to himself and waved his hand. Two men came and placed me in a cell with Newt and Jacob.

"What did he ask?"

"Probably the same questions as you." i answer to Newt,who looks worried. "We have to find it."

"What thing?"

"An Obscurus."

I sit up and stared at Newt, excited yet nervous about his finding another one. "No way. Another one?!"

"Obscurious? Obscural?" Jacob asked looking at us both.

"an Obscurus is parasite that develops inside magically gifted children,if they suppress their magical abilities,those afflicted rarely live past the age of ten. It's been so long since we heard of another one." i tell them both.

"It has." Newt whispers and looked back at me, his bright eyes staring at me, i smiled back with a faint blush on my cheeks and looked away, but before i could say anything we heard footsteps and four men came with Graves.

Jacob's memories were to be erased..but they sentenced me along with Newt and Tina to an immediate death. I fought and screamed when they grabbed me and Graves who held me down when I punched one of the guys face.

"Careful with this one." Graves warns the woman as he straightened his suit as he pushed me inside a room with Tina and Newt. Tina was first and even though we dont get along, i didnt wasn't to see her die like this.

Tina was strapped to a chair and before the woman here could do anything, I knocked her out cold and Newt looked back surprised. "...Alright, once i say "jump" you'll help me catch her." I rolled my eyes and groaned "Let's leave her here." Newt stared at me and internally i groaned again and helped him out. Tina jumped and we caught her, just in time before the guards arrived we began to run out, we met up with Jacob and Queenie.

"Quick get inside the case." she warned us as she placed the suitcase on the floor. One by one we made it in and we all sighed in relief.


"This is the place." Tina says as we arrive at the place she told us of a goblin informant named Gnarlack. Tina and Queenie changed their clothes into something more fancy and elegant, they looked at us back and Queenie shook her head.

"Sweetie you'll have to change your clothes too, they won't let you in your normal clothes." I huff out annoyed and took my wand out, i casted a spell and i changed into a dark green silky dress that reached down my knees.


Queenie smiled and Newt fixed his bowtie. Queenie knocked on the door and a goblin let us in, the place was filled with goblins and many drinks. Jacob went to the bar and ordered a drink, i followed behind him and ordered a drink for myself.

As Jacob was asking for his drink his eyes widened when he saw an elf who barely reached the counter. "What you've never seen an house elf?" the elf grumpily asked. Jacob grabbed the drink and smiled "No no i uncle is an house elf." he said chugging down the drink.

"Yeah sure." the elf said not happy with the joke.

I pulled Jacob aside and shook my head, "My uncle is a house elf?" Jacob, elves are practically slaves to their own masters, you cant just say that!" I warn but couldn't help but laugh. Queenie came over asking what we were laughing so i told her.

After gaving a bit of fun we sat down and Newt began negotiating with Gnarlack who offered to give Newt some info if he handed over Pickett. Newt however handed Pickett over to the goblin but it wasn't long after wizards of MACUSA came in, the goblin betrayed us, and Jacob and I punched the goblins face and we were off.

Finally I changed into my normal clothes and we were off to find the last creature that came out of Newt's suitcase.


Credence's pov

"Let's see each other again tomorrow."

"O-Okay i'll be there."

The girl I met early known as Alice said her goodbye as she raced down a street disappeared. I never thought I would meet her again or less be friends with her...i don't know what it's like to have a friend but i'm sure this is the feeling i'm having right now, i felt happy when I saw after talking to Mr Graves. I've never met someone who doesn't just ignore me,beats me whenever they feel like it, she's the first person who has treated me nice along with Mr Graves.

I barely know them both but i can tell they'll be my friends from now on. I placed my hand on my stomach, it isn't hunger what i'm feeling i just ate...whatever it is it'll probably go away.

I better head back to my home before mother finds out i've been gone too late. I hope she doesnt ask Modesty or Chastity anything about me. I've spent twenty years of my life here and everytime i do something wrong, my adoptive mother,Mary Lou Barebone beats me with any object she can, she prefers to hit me with my own leather belt, i've had many scars on my back since I was just a child, i wish she would just stop.

Quietly i opened to door to the New Salem Philanthropic Society chapel, my home when i walked past her and closed my eyes. I knew she would be waiting. "Credence,where were you?" she asks and I turn to face her.

"I-I met up with a f-friend." i told her the truth fearing her again with those dark cold eyes of hers. "You know the rules, Credence." she warns extending her hand,my sisters stayed quiet. I reached my hands down my belt and unbuckled it and slowly I gave it to mother. Without saying a word she began walking up the stairs to my room, so i followed her.

I got on my knees and bit my lip each time she struck that leather belt onto my back, each hit harder than the last. I heard her throw the belt onto the floor and I winced at both the noise and the pain on my back.

"You know I do this because of you,Credence. You must learn this the proper way." i heard her say before she closed the door and locked it up behind her. I don't know how long I stayed in this position, i closed my eyes and began to cry as i hid my face with my hands. What did I do to deserve this pain?

Why does she hate me so much? Why can't I have Alice's life? she probably doesn't worry about things like this...I wish i could have a different life than this.

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