Dinner with Demons

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Natsu pov

I looked at my self in the mirror and well I looked fucking handsome, Lucy is lucky to have me . Just as I was about to walk to dinner  I heard a knock on my door. " What do you want ice cream " I mocked Gray. " How did you know it was me" Gray said letting himself in. "Well the girls don't want to even look at us so it was just a guess". " Well come on dinners ready" Gray said straching the back of his head. We both walked to the girls rooms and knocked. " Coming" we heard the girls say. When they walked out of theirs rooms they looked like well angels

Lucy's pov

When we came out of our rooms the boys stared at us and blushed.
" Are you ok why are you staring at us " I asked. Natsu and Gray looked away from us still blushing. I heard Juvia start giggling and I started to. Gray turned back and glared at Juvia," What are you laughing at Juvia".
" Nothing it just think it funny that two cold blooded demons are blushing" Juvia said still giggling. " Whatever let's just go before the food gets cold" Gray said. " Yes I'm really hungry" Natsu said rubbing his stomach. " Your always hungry dragon boy"Gray smirked. " What did you just say snowball" Natsu yelled. Juvia and I started walking toward the dining hall so the boys could finish their little fight. Juvia went to sit down next to me right when the boys came in. They sat next to each other on the other side of the table when Gray smirked and looked at Juvia.

Juvia's pov

I looked down trying not to make eye contact with Gray. " Hey Juvia why don't you and Natsu switch seats". I looked at him to see him still smirking" But I want to sit by Lucy" I said shyly. " I think Gray just ordered you to do something and if you don't he'll punish you" Natsu smiled. I got up and looked at Lucy who took my hand and nodded. I walked over to Gray and took the seat next to him looking down. " Why don't you want to look at me" Gray asked. " She's shy so leave her alone". Lucy said sticking up for me.  " Well I think I asked Juvia not some blonde bimbo " Gray said and put he's hand on the mark he gave me. " Juvia why don't you want to look at me". I lifted my hand and looked at him the dark markings and his cold dead eyes scared me." What Lucy said I'm  very shy" I whimpered. " Well tomorrow we'll have to bring out of you in your training." Gray said taking a sip of his beer. I looked at him like he said the dumbest thing in the world " We already told you we don't have powers ". I heard Natsu snickering " Well that's a lie I guess your father never told you". " Told us what" Lucy said joining the conversation. " Well all angels have powers but you daddy didn't want his poor little daughter getting hurt in the process" Gray laughed. At that moment I wanted to kill him, I know that my father tried to marry me off but I still respected my family. " DON'T YOU EVER TALK BAD ABOUT MY FAMILY " I yelled at Gray with my eyes closed afraid I was going to get scolded for yelling and when opened my eyes he was drenched in water. I was amazed but I still didn't want to be in the same room as him.

Grays pov

I watched as she stood up and walked away. I reached out and grabbed her wrist " And where do you think your going "I sternly said " Away from you " she said as she jerked her arm away and stormed out. " Juvia wait" Lucy cried running after her. Natsu walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder " So your girls power has to do with water well that makes her the exact opposite of you " He grinned. I smirked " Well you know what they say opposites attract ".

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