Trick or Treat

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Right after we left the school, Billy started driving us through out Hawkins. The girl seated behind us kept rolling his eyes when Billy would ask me questions, make me laugh, and I would giggle. She huffed out annoyed and insisted that she would ride home on her skateboard.

"Max, quit being such a bitch and be nice to our guest." Billy said but I can make sure he was forcing those words out of his mouth. I smiled sympathetically at the girl named Max. We reached what I assumed was his house, Max sighed and angrily walked inside. Billy in a second started driving fast again, making me wonder why wouldn't he let me into his house?

Maybe I'm taking this way ahead of myself.

Billy turned up the volume to some Ramones song and began to smoke a cigar. I glanced over at him and shyly looked away since I couldn't come up with a conversation. Most of the trees leaves were a bright red or orange color, since it's autumn but unfortunately it'll be over soon. "'s it like living from where you come from."

"Well it's much better than this crappy place. There's tons of places to see, shops, restaurants, women.." He stopped right after and I looked at him.

Billy smirked and waved his hand, "Last part was a joke." He quickly added and parked his car somewhere near many trees and without houses around. "I drove past by this part of the town a day ago, it caught my attention for being so quiet."

"So, You in for tomorrow's party?" Billy asked turning me so I'd face him. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I thought about it, it might be fun. I haven't been to one since something happened." I said lowering my voice and sadly staring at the ground. Billy nodded not noticing my sudden mood and wrapped an arm around me keeping me in place.

"I can't wait to see how you'll show up." He whispered next to my ears which sent shivers down my spine. I awkwardly laughed and tried pushing him away, not that used to this sudden affection.

I think we're both rushing into things, we just met yesterday! The popular girls at school kept throwing daggers at me when they saw Billy was around and talking to me. Billy began whispering thins to me and I could feel his hand playing with the skirt I was having and slowly lifting it up. I jumped up and quickly got away from him.

"What?!" He asked raising his voice. I shook my head a bit scared on what would happen next, "Don't tell me you're a virgin?" He smirked but his expression was serious.

"What? No No..I'm not. I'm just..don't you think we're moving too fast?" I lied to his face.

Billy's face changed, he looked way too serious and his eyes seemed darker. "Do you?" I hesitated to answer but had to, "Maybe just a bit." Billy nodded his head and turned around and muttered "I've leave you home." So I quickly went in and was ready for another awkward moment.

The ride felt like forever and from the corner of my eye I saw his sister, Max riding on her skateboard to probably the arcade. "You're sister is good with that skateboard, you teach her?" I asked wanting to know more about her.

"She's not my fucking sister, so don't ask me about her." He scoffed and began to smoke again. I couldn't see his eyes cause of his glasses but I could tell he was glaring at Max. A minute later he parked in front of my house, I waited for him to say something but he didn't, he kept on looking straight ahead.

"I'll s-see you tomorrow I guess?" I told him. Billy just nodded and right when I closed the door behind me, he drove straight away. I stared at where he left and sadly stared at the ground next and slowly went inside my house.

"I was beginning to worry where you left off, Kim, are you okay?" My mom, Sarah,asked from her seat and hurried to where I was when she saw my sad face. I faked a smile and said, "It's nothing. I'm just worried about some project at school."

My mom's brown eyes soften and she leaned over and wrapped an arm around me. "Is she finally home?" another voice called from the kitchen and I looked over to her. "She is home, Maria, there's no need to call the cops." Mom calmly replies.

"It's not the entire police could've arrived. Every time there's an accident, Hopper is the only police guy to show up. I don't understand why the other guy's who are inside eating donuts call themselves cops." Mom gave Maria a look and I laugh.

"Did you finish baking the cookies dear?" Mom asked and Maria smiled wide. "They are all finished and ready to eat, my love. Kim, if you want some go to the kitchen and grab some." Maria said not being able to wipe of her smile off.

I stared at both confused on why they were acting strange so I started walking over to the kitchen, "Okay?" I did and saw a nicely decorated box with a red bow on top. I turned and saw them both hugging each other and smiling at me, "What is this-"

"Well it's your birthday gifts." Maria said in a rush making Sarah gently nudge her so she could finally speak. Since you're birthday is tomorrow we wanted to give you some presents." "Come on open them." Maria said grabbing the back and pushing it to me.

I laughed and did what she told, inside the box were to beautiful dresses, one white and the other black. The fabric felt nice and it was beautifully done. I placed both dresses down and smiled each of them.

"Thank you Moms." They hugged me back and began telling me that tomorrow they would be buying a cake for me and I could invite my friends. I'll keep that in mind and ask them. I thanked each when I went up to my room.

"Say cheese to the camera!"

Mom said holding up her polaroid camera and I forced a smile on my lips when she took the picture. "Now give us a cackle, like those witches in cartoons do!" She said holding it up again. This is reminding me so much when I was little.

"Let the girl be, Maria. She has to go to school."

"I know, but doesn't she look beautiful in that dress?" Maria and Sarah looked at my witch costume. I had on the black dress they gave to me, black boots with stripped socks and lastly a witch hat. "Doesn't she look adorable." Maria said in the verge of crying.

"Just ignore take these to the boys." Sarah held out a small box filled with cookies from yesterday. I nodded and said my goodbyes as I started riding to school. Up ahead I saw the boys singing to the GhostBusters theme song and I joined in making them smiled.

"Kim! Happy Birthday." They each said hugging me.

"Thank you boys, look what I brought." Before I could open the small box up the boys dug into it leaving the box empty in seconds. "Oh, and my moms are buying me a cake tonight, so if you wanna come then you're invited."

"Hell yeah I'm going!" Dustin said nearly drooling since he loves my moms baking. "Kim, what the hell are you wearing?" Lucas asked when he saw my change of costume.

"What do you mean? She looks great." Mike defended.

"I know but she was supposed to dress up as Janine." Lucas tries remembering them.

"That's right. I'm sorry but I wanted to dress up as something fun, As much as I love the movie I didn't want to become an office assistant."

They all looked at Lucas, "She is right you know." Will muttered chewing the last piece of cookie. I looked at the boys costume and saw two Venkmans. "I'm not even gonna ask."

"Hey look." Dustin said making us look at the many high and middle school schoolers coming, but none with costume. "Shit, this is embarrassing." Mike said looking at some of them laughing at us.

"Why does every year less and less kids show up without costume." Dustin whined.

"Bitch, everyday is Halloween for me. Let's not get ourselves to wrapped up on the embarrassment and try to move on." I tried telling them.

"Easy for you to say, you're older than us and won't get beat up." Lucas muttered.

"You know she's right, we shouldn't care what they say." Will said taking my side on it. We stopped walking in the hallway and planned to meet outside once school ends to go and plan where to trick or treat. I departed from them and headed to the high school side and saw some students costumed up but not much. I stopped by my locker and kept on looking if Billy would come but he didn't, the bell rang and I stood still, waiting.

"Kim, what you doing standing here." I heard Steve's annoying voice.

I closed my eyes shut and tried to not throw an insult, "Hey, Steve. I was just contemplating wether to enter class or not." I lied which made him scoff.

"It's not fun to miss classes, you know that." Says the guy who mostly skipped them back then. I rolled my eyes when he couldn't see me. "So you coming to the party tonight?" he asked when he knew I wouldn't say anything else to him.

"I'm still thinking about it." I bluntly answered.

"Cool. Let's go to class then." He said hugging the sleeve to my dress and making me walk behind him. "I like the dress by the way." He whispered before we entered the class. "Oh, and this is for you. Happy birthday." He said giving me a smile and heading to his seat.

I sat down and gently opened the small box and saw a silver necklace with a red diamond like heart in the middle. 

"This is beautiful." I looked over to him and couldn't help but smile when his eyes met mine.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Steve smiled back and gave me a thumbs up, "You're welcome."

I placed the necklace around my neck and kept on checking it out since it was so gorgeous. It surprised me that Steve would give me such a thing out of no where, since we barely talk anymore.


Once school finished the boys or should I saw Dustin and Lucas came rushing over claiming they forgot to tell me who MadMax was, and it was Max, Billy's half sister. "I thought you already knew?" I laughed.

"She's the only Max in school." I told them since early yesterday they wouldn't shut up figuring out who it was. "Well let's change plans, let's meet each other tonight." I suggested holding onto my bike.

"Why tonight?" Mike asked. I looked down at the wheels on my bike, they were deflated. "Shit." Dustin cursed and began to worry.

"It's just the bikes, Dustin. It's not like she's injured." Mike said rolling his eyes. Will looked over to me, "You can come with me, if you want."

I smiled at the boy and shook my head, "I'm too embarrassed to ask you're brother again." "He's always likes you. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help." I accepted the boys request and waited for his brother to pick us up. Wasn't long when he came, and when he did he asked if he could look at my bike and fix it.

So he began to. I entered the Byers home and greeted Joyce and Bob. I was so happy that she was dating again and Bob was a chill guy who loved to entertain the boys and make himself look worthy for their mother to date him.

"Alright how about we watch either Dracula or The Wolfman when you come back from trick r treating with the boys?" Bob asked and I couldn't help but laugh at him imitating the monsters. "Bob, I don't think she'll be able to stay that late." Joyce said with a smile.

"Nonsense. I'll just drive her home." I smiled and couldn't wait for our movie monster marathon. I quickly said goodbye to them when Jonathan called out to me. "I fixed your tires up and it looks just like the first time you bought it." Jonathan held onto my bike and handed it to me before placing the basket up front and making sure the bike worked.

"I can't thank you enough, Jonathan. How can I ever repay you?" I'm so ashamed at the amount of time he's saved my life.

Jonathan smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "You can treat me to lunch at the diner we used to hang out." He suggests. "Alright. Just let me know when you're available to go. Thanks again." I said leaning to hug him and started riding down my bike. He waved back at me and I was off to the party.


I arrived and once I placed my bike to the side so no one could grab it. I hesitated in walking but I did slowly and saw Billy chugging onto some beer with many teenagers cheering him on, Billy spit out a bit of beer and cheered himself on, walking inside and smiling at the many complements he got.

"We got a new king, Harrington."

"Yeah! Suck it."

I heard some of the students when they approached Steve who was with Nancy. They glared at each other. I stood still hoping he'd notice me, he did but looked away and continued walking back inside. That broke my heart a bit so I started to turn around to leave when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around ready to punch whoever it was.

I sighed out relieved, so I lowered my fist down. "What the hell, Steve?"

"Why you leaving so fast?"

I tried not to look where Billy went and focused on him instead. "I just have an important thing to do.""But you should stay. Nancy is drinking and I need to ask you something-" I brushed him off and started walking away. "Maybe next time, I'm in a hurry." I grabbed my bike and tried not to think of Billy or Steve. I wiped the few tears that escaped my eyes.

"Finally you arrived!" Dustin shouted when they saw me approaching.

"Sorry I'm late, this will suck anyways cause I'll have to have my bike around. Anyway let's go." I noticed a red headed girl up ahead and noticed it was Max. "Hey." I called out, so she turned back and stared at me.

"I guess we never fully introduced ourselves..I'm Kim."

"I were with Billy. Anyway I'm Max but you already knew that."

"So you were trick or treating on your own?" I ask. Max nodded her head while holding her Michael Myers mask with her empty hand. "You know you should've asked me if you wanted someone to come with you. I wouldn't have minded, after all I'm friends with these goofballs." She chuckled.

"Thanks. It's good to know that most people aren't assholes here. I thought you would be like most girls do when they date my step brother." I scoffed as we walked side by side. "Oh, no. I'm not dating your brother."

"I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, but you should be careful." I furrowed my eyebrows together. "What do you mean?" before she could answer me Dustin and Lucas called her over when the next house we were trick or treating opened.

"You coming?" Mike asked me. I quickly ran to their side and got hold of some chocolate bars and lollipops. Dustin and Lucas were fighting for the biggest bar but decided to give it to Max. Mike rolled his eyes already tired of them being so love struck.

"Mike, Where is Will?" Mike and I started to look around and saw him hidden. "Is he okay?" Lucas asked and the rest of the group came running to also check how Will was doing. "I got him." Mike stood by his side and insisted that he would leave him home and keep him some company.

"Do you want me to call Jonathan? Or help you guys?" I asked before they could leave. "There's no need to worry, we'll see you guys tomorrow at school." Mike called out and left with Will. We continued to trick or treat a while longer and one by one we left and parted ways. The boys and Max were invited to eat cake before they left. I said goodbye and made sure to call them to make sure they arrived home safely.

I stared down at my birthday cake and saw a few pieces were left untouched. I wish either Jonathan or Steve..or even Billy arrived. But they were too busy with their own problems. I smiled and reached down to touch my necklace. This wasn't the best birthday, but at least I spent it with the younger boys who made it nicer for me.

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