12. The Mind Flayer

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"He is a malevolent entity that rules the parallel dimension known as the Upside Down. The Mind Flayer is a massively powerful being of unknown origin. He wields supreme control of the Upside Down. And any one person he chooses as his host. And he picked Will." Everyone was gathered around the Byers kitchen table, books and pictures spread out from one end to the next about this thing that Dustin dubbed, the Mind Flayer. I couldn't wrap my head around any of it. But I've seen the damn thing for myself. It's clearly not all in our heads, unfortunately.

"So it wants to take over the world? Destroy everything in its path. Be the supreme leader." Dustin nodded at me, thankful that I was getting it straight away. And the only reason for that, is that it's been in my head for a while now. Ever since it took to Will.

Will and I are clearly connected in so many ways because of the upside down. We both managed to survive it. And now? I feel what he feels. His pain. It's awful. Or what if it goes beyond Will? I don't fully understand what's happening to me what so ever.

"Well we have to stop the damn thing! And fireballs and shot guns aren't going to cut it." Mike's agitated words rung out around us, none of us truly knowing just how to end the damn thing. Hopper called in his military reinforcements. But there's no telling when they'll arrive. And we don't have all the time in the world!

"Well we have to stop it before it takes over all the tunnels and destroys the town and everyone in it. And the only one who knows how to stop it, is Will. He knows it's weaknesses. Everything." I walked towards a passed out Will while everyone took in my words, knowing it made sense.

"But I thought we couldn't trust him? Since he's a spy for the Flayer." Poor Max was honestly nervous. She really had no idea just how much danger we were talking when Lucas told her everything.

"He can't spy if he doesn't know where he's at." I looked to Mike in curiosity, thinking that if we took Will to a undisclosed location, it could work. Even if we aren't far from the house. Just stage it, cover up anything it would recognize. And game on.
I could hear the subtle cry of Will within my mind the entire time they've been out there with him, overpowering the Mind Flayer to actually speak with us. He sent us a message via Morse Code that said here. He's still here and fighting. And he was not about to leave us.

The sudden sounds of wailing from outside the walls of the Byers house, put us all on alert the minute it came within reach of our ears, seeing Hopper, Joyce and Jonathan running into the house in clear panic.

The Demogorgons were here. And they wouldn't stop until the were back with their caller. Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Max all instantly peeled through the windows to get a glimpse of the Demogorgons prowling the yard from every angle, not knowing what to expect.

"Get away from the windows! Does anyone know how to use a gun?" The kids instantly flew from the windows the minute Hopper bounded in the room, ready for action. I had never shot a gun before. But there's a first time for everything.

"I can!" Nancy and I both spoke up, getting a single shot gun each from Hopper and cocking it prepare for battle. I pointed mine straight for the windows the moment I heard the subtle growl of many Demogorgons, steadying my hands from the nervousness I felt.

Everyone was dead silent, just waiting for what was to come. But suddenly, a Demogorgon flew straight through the windows, causing us all to back away in fright. It wasn't alive. Something killed it. But what?

"Shit....." Steve and I looked to one another in clear confusion, seeing everyone eyeing the thing and the broken window. The front door started to rattle, alerting us to it when the deadbolt and chain were unlocked and knocked away. What appeared in the now slowly opening door, caused me to instantly lower my gun to the ground in complete shock with tears in my eyes. Eleven.
"I missed you so much El." We hugged each other so tightly once she made her rounds to everyone, checking her out to make sure she wasn't harmed or anything. I was slightly pissed that Hopper had been keeping her hidden all this time, but understood his reasoning. I'd rather her be safe more than anything.

"I missed you too Lana....." We slowly pulled away with a little smile on my face, leaving a gentle kiss to her forehead. I can't even explain how happy I am to see her.

"Hey Eleven. I'm Max. They've told me so much about you." Max extended her hand with a warm smile directed at El, only to be completely brushed off and ignored, for reasons I didn't understand. But I'm guessing it had to do with Mike or something. Or just the fact that there was another girl in their group since she's been gone. Not that anyone could replace her. But Max was an amazing addition. I absolutely love the girl already.

"Don't take it personally Max. She'll come around. Don't worry." I threw my arm around her shoulder, ruffling her hair a bit like I do with the guys, getting that little smile of hers to appear.

"Listen, we need to find a way to force this thing out of Will. Heat is it's enemy as we learned from the experiment with fire. So we have to burn it out of him, while Eleven and Hopper go to the lab and close the gate. That will lock it away for good." Max and I followed closely behind everyone into Will's room upon hearing the plan that they were setting in action. It wasn't going to be easy. But it had to be done in order to save everyone.

"Lana, you and Steve stay here and watch the kids alright?" I looked up at Hopper with clear defiance on my face from the declaration that Steve and I simply be babysitters for the night, while everyone else was out there risking their lives to end something incredibly dangerous. What if the Demogorgons come after them again?

"No buts alright kid? Just listen. I want you to be safe Lana. And with what's going on with you, I don't need you anywhere near that thing when it comes out of Will. Got it?" I shut my mouth from the clear warning in his voice, but knowing he meant well.

"Alright Hop. Got it." He ruffled my hair, before leaving the house with everyone else to get started on the mission to stop the Mind Flayer. To save Hawkins. And the world.

"Could you just put the thing in the fridge?! We can't bury it Steve. It's not just some animal. It's a scientific, otherworldly creature!" I put my head in my hands with a sigh, not surprised that this scene was unfolding in front of me. A dead Demogorgon in the Byers fridge. Joyce is going to shit. And poor Mike was pacing the floor, worried as hell about Eleven and what was going to happen. Everyone was losing their minds.

"Look! We can't let them go out there and do everything, while we stay here on the bench and do absolutely nothing. We can help lure the Demogorgons away! They follow a call. We can get them here. Start a fire to lure them right here!" Steve and I both came over to the know plotting kids we were supposed to be keeping safe, hearing their crazy plan to throw us right into the mouths of the Demogorgons.

"No! Lana and I promised we would keep you guys safe. So that's what we're going to do. I need to hear an okay." I hid my smile behind my hands from the mom tone in Steve's voice, hearing their protests, before eventually cooling down and agreeing.

But the humorous moment quickly went out the window the minute I heard the all too familiar sound of a car engine that I practically heard in my dreams at this point.

"Oh for fuck sakes! Really?!" I threw my hands up in clear anger, following Max and Steve to the window to see Billy speeding down the driveway, clearly on the warpath to get Max.

"Shit! He can't know I'm here guys! Please Lana!" I closed my eyes to calm my rapidly beating heart, shaking my head in agreement to do whatever I could to hide Max. Because I'll be damned if he's going to go off on her. Him and I will end up fighting. And with the mood I'm in, I'll win. Trust me.

"Alright. Okay..... You guys stay in the house. Steve and I can take care of Billy." Lucas grabbed Max and instantly ran for cover from the inevitable explosion soon to come the minute Billy walked through that door. But I soon became a nervous wreck from the thought that he was actually here.

"It's okay Lan." Steve sent me a little smile of comfort, helping ease me a bit. But it did nothing for the rapid beat of my heart from the mere closeness of Billy.

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