13. You Can't Hide Forever

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I slowly opened the front door to the Byers house, regretting ever leaving the damn place once my eyes locked with a now smirking and smoking Billy. I'm so done for.....

"Am I dreaming? Or is that Harrington and Henderson?" I rolled my eyes with my arms folded in a sudden burst of anger that was coursing through my veins. I don't have time for his bullshit at the moment. I have kids to protect. I'm worried sick about the rest of my friends. And I'm really damn worried about what the hell is going to happen once they manage to get the Mind Flayer out of Will. Where will it go? More like, who will it go to?

"What are you doing here Billy?" We locked eyes for a brief moment, seeming to have a silent message pass between the both of us from my words directed at him. I knew why. But that doesn't mean I can't fuck with him huh?

"I'm looking for Max. But you knew that already Lana. Where is she?" I looked to Steve with a mock confused look, like I had no idea what he was talking about. Steve caught on and immediately backed me up. Because there's no way I'm letting Max leave with him. Not after what I saw his dad put him through about her being missing. He would take it out on Max. And I would be in jail for whooping his ass.

"I have no idea who that is, amigo." It felt like I was witnessing the ultimate showdown. Steve didn't like Billy. And Billy didn't like Steve. I knew eventually they would duke it out. But this was such horrible timing.

"Red head, kind of a bitch." I glared at Billy from the mere name directed at Max, clenching my fist underneath my folded arms. Keep your cool Lana. Those kids need you.

"Doesn't ring a bell." I honestly applaud Steve for standing up to Billy. He knows how much I want to protect those kids. And he clearly does as well. Even if we have to be in the line of fire with Billy Hargrove. I can definitely think of worse things. You know, like the Mind Flayer we should be really worried about. And the Demogorgons eating our faces off!

"You know Harrington, this whole situation rubs me the wrong way. I come looking for Max and was lead here. And then you just lie to me about it? You creep....." I instantly stepped in front of Steve and got right in Billy's face, not once thinking of backing down. I've have it! Besides, Steve was about to punch him from the mere look he was giving Billy. So I might as well take care of this shit myself.

"Oh, big bad Lana huh? I find you here, right with Harrington also. What is it with you man?" We stared each other down for what felt like hours, the tension completely thick in the air. But the crazy thing is, it wasn't just bad tension. And he felt it as well.

"She's not here Billy. Besides, I'm not letting you near her, when I know you'll just take your shit out on her! It's not her fault Billy! None of why you're here in Hawkins is! Grow the fuck up!" The silence was deafening from the moment my last word was uttered. Billy was practically seething from my angered words, judging by the way he was biting his lip, trying to control what he did next.

"Then who is that?" I slowly looked behind me, seeing the kids poking their heads up to look at us from the window, causing me to sigh in frustration. Shit......  I slowly looked back, knowing the explosion was coming. And it came the moment he shoved Steve to the ground, completely disregarding me for the time being once he kicked him square in the stomach.

"Billy!! Fucking stop it!!" I punched Billy in the back before I could even think of talking myself out of it. And I felt like I was suddenly sent to death row. My eyes grew wide the moment he slowly turned to me with the most hate filled look I've ever seen on any one persons face.

"You don't lie to me Lana....... EVER!!!" His shout caused me to flinch the minute it left his mouth, just as I broke out into a run for the front door. But didn't make it far before Billy had ahold of my waist and threw me over his shoulder in one swift motion. Son of a bitch!!

I clawed at his back and swung my legs wildly to try and irritate the shit out him. But to no avail. He simply waltzed on through the door like he owned the place with me still on his shoulder, eyeing the kids from what I could see. The terrified kids.

"Billy! Please don't..... they're just kids." He suddenly dropped me to my feet with a smirk upon his face, seeing the fear in my eyes. He tried to hide exactly what he was feeling behind the smirk. He didn't want me to be afraid of him what so ever. I could tell.

"Lucas Sinclair. I should have known. I told you to stay away from him Max. You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you do? I break things!" Everything seemed to happen in slow motion from the moment he said the menacing words he did. He jerked up Lucas and shoved him up against a shelf in the kitchen, my screams riddling the entire house by this point. I was seeing stars. I was furious.

"Billy!!! Let him go!!! Or I swear......" I tried to wedge myself between Lucas and Billy with all my might, indicating for Lucas to grab ahold of me so I could get him to safety, when Lucas jumped into action and swung at Billy with his knee, right where the sun doesn't shine. I went wide eyed with my arms blocking off the quickly rising Billy's path to Lucas, narrowing my eyes and balling my fists.

"Oh would you move your stubborn ass Lana!! This is between me and the kid. Not you..... and he? Is dead!!!" I suddenly noticed Steve coming up behind Billy with anger clear as day on his face. Billy got closer to me with his hands grabbing ahold of my waist like he was going to move me out of his way, but it didn't last.

"No, you are!"" Steve instantly punched Billy in the face with a gasp leaving my lips of surprise. And fear. Fear of what Billy would do to him. His laughter from the punch, only fueled my worry more. He's fucking crazy. And.... hot? Shit Lana, stop it!

"You know I've been wanting to meet this king Steve everyone's been talking about!" Billy's blood covered nose and red face was forgotten the minute a full on brawl started in the kitchen between the two after Steve told him to leave. I motioned the kids in my arms into the living room to get out of the way, screaming to the top of my lunges for this shit to stop.

Billy suddenly smashed a plate over a now stumbling Steve's head and I noticed they were making their way to the living room, right near us. I panicked, pushing the screaming kids away from the fight, seeing a limp Steve now on the floor.

"No one tells me what to do....." Billy just completely lost it, firing hit after hit at Steve and i immediately looked for a weapon of sorts to knock Billy off of him. When it dawned on me......

"Max.... grab the needle!! Now!!" She was already eyeing the shot they administer on Will for him to sleep, rushing towards Billy with it and instantly driving it into his neck, pushing the drug into his system. We all backed up to see what exactly would go down the minute he stood. He fell to the ground in a heap after he tried to stumble towards us. Max went for Steve's bat laying against the wall, holding it over Billy in clear warning not to move a muscle.

"You stay away from my friends! You understand....? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Her screams riddled the room, the anger and frustration she's had for Billy finally coming out after all this time. She looked so badass.

"I understand....." Suddenly, she drove the bat into the ground, right in between his legs to really drive her point home, before reaching for his car keys after he fully passed out.

"Holy shit Max....." I hugged her to me with a little proud smile on my lips. They grow up so fast!

"He should definitely tone it down after that. Now, let's get out of here." I looked to a passed out Billy, peaceful as can be on the ground, thinking that maybe I should stay with him. I know it sounds incredibly ridiculous considering. But I have some unfinished business of my mine with Billy Hargrove.

"You guys go ahead. I'll help you get Steve in the car and resting. But i swear..... whoever drives better be damn careful!!" They all grinned at me, when a group hug happened that surprised the shit out of me. But made my little broken heart, start to build back up again.

"You're the best Lan! Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself with him?" I sent Dustin a little smile, ruffling each of their hair at a time to really make them want to leave.

"I'll be fine guys! Don't worry. Come on." We all managed to get a passed out and pretty badly hurt Steve in the backseat, resting. I felt so bad for what happened to him. It never should have happened. But if I know Steve Harrington, I know he'll be alright. He's tough.

Max decided she would be the one to drive once everyone got in their seats. If times weren't so dire, I would have said hell no to the mere idea.

"Be careful Max. You all be safe. Okay?" She gave me a high five with a smile and thumbs up, before I watched them slowly make their way out of the Byers driveway, sighing to myself. Well. I'm alone with Billy. Let's hope we don't kill each other when he wakes up.

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