14. Learning

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I sat down with my back against the wall with a sigh, watching over Billy and just hoping he would awake soon. My thoughts were running rapid and I just wanted some form of distraction from it all. Was Eleven okay? Did she get the gate shut? Did the Mind Flayer discard Will as his host? So many questions and yet, I had no answers. I could feel a slight pain in the pit of my stomach, hoping to all hope that meant Will was almost free. Or free and just extremely exhausted.

"What the fuck happened....?" I jumped back to reality the minute Billy's voice broke into my thoughts, thankful that he did. And thankful that he's okay. Even if he is an ass. A major one. His eyes trained on me with a look of pure curiosity, seeing the house looked absolutely wrecked. And he felt wrecked himself clearly.

"Lana....." I slowly crawled my way over to him and sat cross legged straight in front of him, putting a hand up to his face to make it clear that I was doing the talking this time. His eyes widened like he wanted to say something that he usually would when someone stands up to him, but knew it wasn't a good idea. And he was right. It's not.

"Listen Billy. I've had a lot of time to think since you've been out cold. There are so many things I would love to shout at you, calling you endless names that would somehow make me feel better by saying it. I want to hate you, so so much more than you understand. But the truth is? I can't......." He simply stared at me with absolutely no emotion on his face, in his eyes. He was now fully alert from the serious tone of voice I was giving off.

"I was hurt, just like you Billy. I was left. I was forgotten. I wasn't loved anymore, discarded like a piece of waste that no one wanted. By my own father of all people. So naturally, I closed myself off and swore I would never let another single person into my heart that didn't deserve it. I was so angry for so long at everyone. Even the people who really do love me and care about me." My eyes were pooling with tears from my words that I've never once said to anyone since the minute my dad walked out that door, never to be seen again. He simply came over to let me know he was leaving town, but would come back eventually. Funny thing is, he never did.

My eyes never once left Billy the whole time I've been talking, feeling some sort of connection that I've felt since the moment we met that day at school. I don't know why I'm opening up to him or why I feel the need to express how I truly feel about him. But I know for myself and my well being, I need to do this.

"But...... I can't be that person anymore Billy. Frozen solid and refusing to let anyone into my heart because I'm scared. The minute we started talking, I felt something. Something that I've never felt for one single person before. A connection. I was terrified. Absolutely terrified at the thought of letting you in. At first it worked out fine. But then, I got to know you better. Actually seeing that in so many ways, we aren't that different." I suddenly saw his eyes welling up, the rare occasion of him crying knocking me off guard once again. I could practically feel the pent up pain in him, just screaming to be released. Like me. His hand landed on my face with our tears dripping to the floor, mingling with one another.

"And Billy...... I don't want to push you away. I don't want you out of my life. I don't want just sex and occasional hang outs. I don't want to stay away from you. I need you Billy. I...... I love you. It scares the shit out me. But I fucking love you!" I exploded with the words I've been holding in for what felt like ages, relieved to have finally said them. But terrified all at the same time. I have never loved anyone in my life, the way I do Billy.

Suddenly, his lips were pressed against mine with our tears dripping between us and our entire hearts put into it, feeling free from the cage I locked myself and my heart in for so long. Billy was the key to letting me free. My hands landed on his tear soaked face with all my pain releasing into the world with that single kiss.

"I..... I don't know how to love Lana. But I know, that I do love you. I may be shit at it. But I do. I'm trying. We softly pulled inches apart with our heads connected and our breathing dancing together, happy that this moment finally came to be. My tears wouldn't stop. But the smile on my lips felt so right, sharing such a vulnerable moment together.

"We can learn. Together." He nodded from my words, locking our lips once more with my arms connecting around his neck so I could be closer to him, feeling our heart beats becoming one.
{One Month Later}
"It'll be completely worth it Max! Don't even worry. You already look beautiful." The Snowball dance was tonight and all our kids were growing up, going together to dance the night away and have the time of their lives that they deserve. The tapes that Nancy and Jonathan made, were finally released and the lab was completely shut down.

They finally took accountability for the death of Barb, allowing us to put her to rest and give her the proper burial she deserves. It was such a bittersweet moment, knowing she was finally at peace. But remembering that she would never come back.

Will was released from the Mind Flayer and doing well under the circumstances. He was completely excited to go to the dance tonight with everyone, getting back to things he's missed out on. Being a kid again. Dustin was getting a ride to the dance from Steve since I volunteered to help Susan, Max's mom, get her ready for the dance tonight. And hoping that Steve does not use those same lines about girls again!

As for Billy and I? Things actually felt..... amazing. We were taking it day by day, learning more of each other and opening up with each passing moment together. It was a fresh, new learning experience. It's terrifying. But completely worth it.

"It'll be worth it honey. I'm almost done with your hair." Susan grinned at us both, continuing to help out Max. She twirled her around in her seat to get a better view of Max's hair, when Max and I both noticed Billy passing by the room, looking to us both with a seemingly normal expression. No annoyance. Anger. Just.... normal.

"Can I steal away Lana?" He leaned against the entryway with a half smile on his lips, surprising Max. But what happened between them, he really took to heart. He was learning to be nicer. Even if it is hard to do sometimes.

"Sure. You have fun at the dance Mad Max. And let me know every single detail okay?" We hugged tightly to one another with a nod and smile from Max, before I pulled away to follow Billy to his room. His stereo was on, softly playing 'Every Breath You Take' by The Police. I softly smiled at him when he closed his door behind me, suddenly taking me into his arms with a little smirk I've grown to love on his handsome face.

"How about we have our own dance party tonight? Grown ups edition." I chuckled from the subtle wink he sent my way, swaying to the music with him, the night air from his open window flowing around us like the perfect breeze. The music flowed through my ears as we held each other.

But I could only focus on Billy, the way he made me feel. The way he's changed me so much since the moment he came to Hawkins Indiana. We started off absolutely annoyed with one another. But it quickly turned into something I never expected. Something that I'm learning to let in yet again after all these years without it.

"There's no where else i'd rather be." He rolled his eyes from my mushy mess, igniting a laugh from my lips as we continued our dance together. Everything seemed so calm. So..... perfect. I didn't want it to change. To ever stop. But things never work out that way in a town that's so incredibly strange.

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