15. The Calm Before The Storm

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The summer sun beat down on me with the breeze from my open car windows ruffling my hair, feeling absolutely free and alive. The loud music coming from my speakers, was the theme song to my ride on getting Dustin. I was so glad it was finally summer. Things felt absolutely right in the world at this point in time and I never wanted it to pass.

"Lana!" My eyes instantly spotted Dustin from the moment I pulled up outside of the camp with kids coming from every direction to head home for the rest of their summer. He wanted to come to this camp from the minute he had heard about it at school for a summer activity, all because it revolves around technology.

"Dusty Wusty!" He rolled his eyes with a mock smile upon hopping in the car with all his gear from his one month stay away. It honestly felt odd not having him around.

"Soooooo, what did I miss sis?" We pulled off before the hordes of parents left with their kids, practically speeding down the open road to get him home. I'll be damned if I'm late on my first day of work. It may not be my dream job. But it's still one. And I get the added bonus of the humorous stares of ladies directed at Billy, relishing in the fact that I can make fun of him for it. He'll gladly let me drown then this summer.

"Not much. The gang has been hitting up Steve at the mall to get free access to the movies over and over. He knows you're coming back today so you'll have to go bug the shit out of him." Steve honestly looked spectacular in his uniform. Or so I would shout when I enter Scoops Ahoy to embarrass him, along with the help of a new friend, Robin. I'm a great friend. Really great. For the rest of the ride, Dustin tried over and over to get someone to answer on our walkie system, making it incredibly hard not to laugh at how angry he was actually getting.

"Bullshit!! Did they just forget about me in one month?!" I focused on the road ahead of us, nearing our house with a little smile. Like they'd ever forget him. But of course, we had to mess with him, didn't we?

"Who knows Dust. A lot can happen in a month." I shrugged like I had absolutely no idea, seeing the genuine anger in his facial features once I managed to sneak a glance at him. His eyes trained on the things passing by us outside, giving me the perfect opportunity to  give my signal to everyone before I pulled into the driveway of our house. It's game time.

"Alright Dusty. I'm off to work. See you whenever. Love you and all that bullshit. Bye!" As soon as he managed to hop out of the car, I sped off, seeing his annoyed expression in my rear view mirror with my laughter wafting out the window behind me. I bet he feels so loved.
"Fucking shit......" I sighed from the mere sight of all the people at the pool today. If they aren't at the mall, they're here. The mall pretty much shut down all of downtown Hawkins. So it's practically a ghost town. I think half the world is here.

"Hey Lana! Looking good." A random guy from school decided he was going to flatter me because my buns are all out for the world to see, frying to a crisp right about now from the heat of the sun.

"Beat it man! Get back to jerking off in the shed alright?" I hid my smile from the sudden appearance of Billy out on lifeguard duty for the time being, seeing that he was completely void of a shirt. I'm done for..... so done for.

"My savior has arrived! I may now go about my day, feeling protected from all the sleaze balls that come my way." He rolled his eyes with a little nudge to my shoulder. Before that damn smirk came to his lips that he always gets when he's up to no good.

"You know damn well no guy is going to mess with you while I'm around." He suddenly slapped my ass with such force behind it, I damn well about fell into the pool head first from the mere surprise of the strike.

"Get up there Hargrove before someone drowns. Do your job. Geez...." I smirked right back at him, kicking his ass before running like my life depended on it. Our relationship is so special.

"Just wait until later. You can't run forever!" His scream littered the entire pool, onlookers seeming amused from our little spectacle. And since I wasn't on duty for another 30 minutes, I decided to spend my time in the actual pool, working on my form and strokes. Because lord knows I'll need it with all the snot nose kids that come in here. The pool was completely full of people, barely an inch of free water space in sight. But I managed to find a good spot once I tied my hair up and jumped on in. The rush of the cool water against my sun kissed skin felt absolutely amazing. Summer has been good to me!

I finally decided to do a backstroke, merely relaxing into it and toning out everyone around me. I wasn't the best swimmer in the world. But that never stopped me from doing it none the less. My eyes inched their way open from my moment of bliss, locking eyes with a very seductive looking Billy atop his seat on the lifeguard tower.

I just about bumped into someone from the mere distraction, seeing his amusement from the way he does this kind of shit to me. He manages to make me feel a sort of way, a way that I've never felt before. The sudden ring of his whistle in the air, indicated it was time for me to get out of the pool and get my ass to moving up the tower, already missing the cool, pool water on my skin.

"You looked amazing out there beautiful." Billy met me halfway with a towel to dry myself off some, grinning at him from the compliment.

"You think so? I felt lousy honestly. I need to practice more." His eyes suddenly peaked interest from my words, getting that all too familiar look upon his face he gets when he's scheming up some grand idea for us. My job was completely forgotten at this point in time.

"You know, I could teach you Lan. You've seen what I can do." I smiled from the mere thought of his body in action, knowing damn well what he's capable of. And my face turned into an inferno. Calm it down Lana. Calm it down.

"Oh yeah big guy? What can you show me?" My little whispered voice, saw us inching closer and closer together, as if we were the only two people out here. I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. And he knew it.

"I can teach you all kinds of styles. Freestyle...... Backstroke...... Butterfly......Breaststroke." His husky voice and the way he carefully spoke, just so I would definitely hear every word, had me feeling completely hot all over in an instant. My towel was discarded so quickly, that I almost forgot I was even holding one. I looked like a hot mess. A horny, hot mess.

"There's this good pool, up at Motel 6. We could make a night of it together." His little smirk and seductive tone, did wonders for what he was trying to do. Lure me into a night of wild, pure bliss. And there was no way I wanted to deny that. Not one bit.

"And what makes you think I need lessons?" There was barely an inch of space between us at this point, our Intimate moment capturing us into a world where we only existed. His hands landed on each side of my waist, looking me deep in the eyes with such a sultry look, I could barely breathe.

"Oh you do. You just haven't found the right teacher until now. Be there at, say 8 o'clock? And I'll give you the workout of your life." I took in such a deep breath, my teeth biting into my lip so harshly to keep any sort of arousal from escaping me. He knew what he was doing to me. He has loved playing this game of cat and mouse from the moment we met. And he always wins. He always traps and lures me in. And I was definitely not complaining.

"I'm counting on that Bills. Don't let me down...." I felt an instant boldness from the words that left my mouth, trailing my fingers down his chest, stopping mere inches from his waistline with a little smirk to accompany my gentle touch. I slowly pulled away from the addicting touch of Billy's hands on my body, climbing up onto the chair to get my shift over with, watching him wink at me as he walked away with a smirk upon his face. All I could think about, was getting out of here and going to that motel.
"Wow Lana! Do you have a hot date or what?" Nancy grinned at me from the couch the minute i came out of my room to surprise her with a new little number i ran to get at the mall after work, just for the special occasion tonight. And stopped off to bug the hell out of Steve. Dustin slipped and gave me a little coupon that was supposed to be only for the Fourth of July for a free ice cream cone. But in big lettering at the bottom, was a little note from Steve that said, "You guys can use this any time i'm working. JUST DON'T ABUSE IT!" But he knows damn well that none of us will listen.

"We've honestly never done anything remotely like this. How could i refuse?" She jumped up from her seat with a little knowing smile, seeing that i was actually nervous as hell. This isn't a date. He never said date. Do we even do dates? Shit, i'm thinking way too much about it.

"You look stunning. Billy won't know what hit him. We walked outside to head to our own cars, thanking the all mighty that i had a friend that's as amazing as Nancy. Her and Jonathan were finally official and both working at the local paper. Of course, the men there are pigs and treat Nancy like she's nothing more than a errand girl. They have absolutely no idea just how talented she is.

"You're the best Nancy Wheeler. Now go have a fun night with Jonathan and forget about the assholes at work. She chuckled from my humored comment and smile, taking off to do just that. While my heart was racing the entire time i got in my car and pulled off down the road to head to the motel. It was 7:30 and i did not want to miss this for the world. But the minute i finally arrived there, everything kicked into overdrive. Billy was the only person in existence that could make me feel so many different emotions all at once.

"Alright Hargrove. You said 8. It's 8. And yet, you aren't here....." I got out of my car and looked around for a while, letting the music continue to flow from my open car windows. The night air surrounded me like the warmest feeling imaginable. 8:30, nothing. 9, nothing. I was extremely frustrated. He surly isn't fucking with me is he? It's been an hour and i have no idea where he could be. He never called my house to cancel earlier. I don't get it.

"Fuck Billy....." I slowly got back into my car, leaning my head against the seat with a sigh, the music doing nothing to soothe my anger and frustration. Billy has changed so much since last year. Why would he suddenly ditch me, like i'm just something to completely forget? I just hope that he's alright. But that doesn't mean i don't want to kick his ass. Where are you Billy?

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