18. Scared To Live

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{One Month Ago}

"So, we're really doing this huh?" I grinned at Billy with my eyes carefully searching his, my exposed body slightly chilled from the crack in the window. Everything he was making me feel, was absolutely terrifying, but perfect all at the same time. I'd never once felt such a way before. Just looking into his hazy, blue eyes made me feel the butterflies I've only ever read about. You're becoming so damn cheesy Lana. Shit.

"Just don't expect something perfect, alright? We both know how fucked up we actually are. But i guess we can be fucked up together." His lit cigarette illuminated the bed, his dimly lit room the perfect setting for the night we were sharing together. His stereo was softly playing music, an attempt to drown out any noise coming from within the room. Summer was in full swing and everything seemed so..... so perfect. As crazy as that sounds coming from me, it really did. I just wanted to know Billy more and more each day. There's so many things we keep hidden within ourselves, afraid to share in fear that it would be of no use because eventually, the other would leave. But I didn't feel that way with him. Not at all.

"I'm just glad we've gotten to a point where we don't want to kill each other. Although sometimes the thought is tempting." I smirked at his playful demeanor from my comment, watching him slowly put his cigarette out once he finished most of it. The night air was caressing my skin like a gentle kiss, adding to the euphoric moment. I never wanted it to end.

"What's the fun in that?" He suddenly hovered over me with that little smirk of his on his handsome face, his hands pinning mine down on each side of me. There didn't seem to be a moment when he wasn't in control. He craved being the dominant one. But the look in his eyes, was unknown. We ventured into dangerous territory the moment we met one another at Hawkins High School. Living in this town all these years, made you feel just like another background noise that people rarely notice or simply mute when it's of no use to them. It drives you mad. The secrets you keep, afraid to share in fear of the consequences. But the minute I met Billy, I felt alive again. He challenged apart of me I boarded up so long ago. My heart wasn't so broken anymore.

"This summer, is going to be the best one yet. We have to make sure of it." He simply gazed down at me with that smile on his face that always sends my heart a flutter. So much has gone wrong in this town. Things are always incredibly bumpy and hard to navigate. Being with Billy felt like the most dangerous thing in the world. Raw, unprecedented emotion. Every time he touches me, every time he looks at me, the way he makes me feel and everything he does to me, is something I could never explain. I've been so hard to love the past few years. Cold. Reserved. Closed in. But just being here, in his bed with the comforting touch of him and knowing I was safe, I knew I shouldn't be afraid anymore. Not with him.

"To think I beat out all of the competition for your love and affection. Little ole me." A laugh escaped me the minute the words left his mouth with his playful grin and fingertips trailing softly down my now exposed stomach. The funny thing is, he thought something was going on with Steve still. Although we haven't dated in a while. Steve used to be a major jerk. I'll just say that. But he's changed tremendously since he's decided who he hangs out with. He's a good friend. Then, there was Jonathan. Jonathan has always been one of my best friends. He was actually the first friend I ever made. We've been through a lot together. He's like a brother to me. So of course he means everything to me. He's family. But shit. It's not like I just sleep with every guy I come in contact with.

"Yeah well, don't push your luck Hargrove. It could change....." I tried so hard to hide the smile that was threatening to break through on my face, seeing the challenge within his eyes. We gazed at one another for what felt like ages, before he suddenly placed his lips on mine in the most gentle way, practically taking my breath away. Every single emotion seemed put within that one simple gesture. But to me, it wasn't simple. It was just another key of our journey in this relationship of ours. It still felt so foreign, knowing how he felt about me.

"I won't let you go....." His soft, spoken words sent a smile to my lips, my breath hitched in my throat from the moment the words escaped his serious lips. We had so much to work through. But I knew we'd find a way. Together.
The darkness of my room surrounded me like a comforting blanket, balled up on my bed with every single tear I could muster pouring out of me and into my pillow, my sobs filling the night air. His pain. His torture. His hell. Why couldn't it be me? The emptiness of my room, gave me the worst feeling of pain imaginable. I couldn't take anymore. I so badly wanted to go back to that day at the pool when he asked me to go to the motel and tell him, please no! To tell him everything that was wrong in this town. To warn him. If I had, would it have made a difference? I should have told him what evil was brewing in Hawkins. But I thought it was over. That it was locked away for good, leaving us to try and move on. But no. Things never work out that way. It would never be the same again. Before all of this started. It was much worse. And he had Billy as his main course, ripping my heart out in the process.

Suddenly, a noise came from within my room, putting me on high alert from the mere sound of footsteps from outside my window, terrified of what was about to happen now. Billy's face appeared at my now closed window, knowing it was once open. I jumped out of bed with my tears happening all over again from how hurt he looked, how terrified and vulnerable he truly was at this moment. His hand landed on my window the moment I reached it, placing mine perfectly over his and wanting nothing more than to drag him in here and protect him. Burn the bastard out of him myself. But he wouldn't allow it.

"Billy......." The smallness of my voice seemed to register within his eyes, seeing his own tears falling down his face. Pictures of us littered my mind, the memories of us happy. Truly happy for the first time in so long. Because we found each other within the darkness and saved one another from it.

"I'm sorry Lana......." I went to open my window, not caring anymore of the consequences that could occur along with it, but he stopped me, pushing it right back down with a clear look of warning in his features. He didn't want to hurt me. I could tell.

"Don't go Billy! I can help you! There has to be a way damn it! Just please, don't give up on me. Because I'm not giving up on you. I..... I love you." He leaned his head on the glass of the window with his body seeming to shake, his tears falling to the ground. He was completely flayed at this point and it terrified me to no end. My eyes were sore from the amount of tears I let escape from the moment I saw him, this hurting me more than anything ever has. He suddenly took off and away from my line of vision, causing my exhausted body to fall to the ground in a heap. A massive scream left my lips, filled with pain and anger for feeling so helpless. There has to be a way. There has to be.

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