19. Hungry Eyes

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{One Month Ago}

"Oh shit! He's here! Do I look okay? Or do I look like a complete train wreck? Why am I so damn nervous.....?" Nancy's laughter from behind me, did nothing for the way my beating heart was making me feel. Anxious. Nervous. Jittery. All of the above! Things with Billy have been..... intense. But the good kind of intense, where you're so incredibly addicted to the feeling, but yet, wanting to flee all at the same time because you're afraid of the aftermath, and what could possibly happen if you got to close. But I was like a moth to a flame when it came to Billy Hargrove. No guy has ever made me feel so insane before. Like my old self.

"You look incredible! Don't be nervous, okay? It's just big bad Billy." I rolled my eyes from her humorous comment, the smile etched onto my face speaking volumes. I ruffled my hair and fixed my outfit to look more presentable. Never once in my life, have I felt more like a woman than I do in this moment. All because of him. Gosh Lana...... you're so soft.

"I know! But..... this is really happening. I'm actually going out with Billy. It's not just behind closed doors anymore. It's terrifying." The look in my eyes had to be one of complete fear because Nancy instantly sensed just how much this was affecting me. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering away, my heart was racing, my breathing was shallow and all I could focus on, was the sight of Billy walking up the driveway to the front door from my window. He was fixing his hair like he usually does, stubbing out his cigarette on the ground. His eyes averted to his feet for a split second, seeming to blow out a long breath before he made his way to the front door. Right about now, is when I need one of Dustin's stupid jokes to make me laugh. But noooooo, the dweeb had to go to camp geek squad. Typical.

"See? He's just as nervous as you are." The corners of my mouth lifted once I met Nancy's gaze, surprised to say the least. I never thought of him getting nervous over a thing. He's always so..... so badass, outgoing, confident. Hell, he knows what effect he has on people. Especially on me. Look at me, finally having a bit of normalcy for once in my usually hectic life. I never brought myself to tell him anything about what's happened here in Hawkins. It just seems to have vanished. For good this time. It used to be so bad. I would constantly be stuck between the here and now, and the upside down, flashes of the horrors we've all witnessed haunting me. Taunting me. Being trapped there was the worst thing anyone could ever imagine.

"Well, I better get out there before my mom really scares him off. She can be a bit much." Nancy chuckled once we left my room to walk down the hall and into the open living room, seeing her just where I knew she would be. At the front door, talking to a now smirking and as usual, confident Billy. He had such a way with women. Asshole.

"You look beautiful Miss Henderson. I can see where Lana gets her looks from." I rolled my eyes from the clear way she was eating up every single word he said. Nancy was trying so incredibly hard to hide the smile threatening to appear on her amused face. He was just smirking away, knowing how well he charmed her. He could charm her into letting me run away with him if he tried hard enough.

"Oh stop it!" Her blushing cheeks just about had me dying at this point. My mom, flirting with a high school guy. And letting it happen! I swear my mom has been abducted. Suddenly, his eyes directed to me and all movement seemed to cease the moment he did. I could barely breathe from the mere way he was gazing at me, his eyes eating up every single inch of me he could possibly see.

"Wow Lan. Don't you look gorgeous or what?" Everyone else around me seemed to disappear when the words left his mouth, his little smile and my blushing cheeks the only things I could focus on. His shirt seemed to show off every single ab and muscle he sported, knowing how hard he works out. And how crazy it drives me watching him do it. Focus Lana!

"And don't you look delicious or what?" My moms eyes widened with a sudden laugh from Nancy escaping her lips from the words that I was thinking, not exactly meaning to let that slip. My wide eyes were evidence of such, judging from the little toothy smirk Billy shot at me. I'm so fucking done for.

"Don't you....." The sexual tension was unmatched to anything I've ever experienced, feeling completely hot and bothered from his muttered words with his eyes practically piercing right through me. His leaned frame against the door, and the draw of his husky voice about killed me.

"I uh...... let's.... uh go! Yeah, see you later mom, Nancy. Love you both!" I practically ran out the door before my mom could flip out on me for how I was behaving like the horny bitch I am. Shit Lana. Control yourself just a little.

"So, did you score with my mom Billy boy?" My little, playful smirk sent a laugh from his lips, smiling from the mere sound of it.

"Maybe. Although I think her daughter is more my type." We walked to his car, barely making it there before I was wrapped in his arms, my back pressed against the passenger side door. My hands softly rested on his chest, drawing soothing circles with a smile on my lips. I gazed into his eyes with such a nervous feeling washing over me.

"Well I would hope so Hargrove." We simply gazed at one another with silent words spoken from that one look, enjoying just being in his arms. His hazy, blue eyes seemed to comfort me like no other. Suddenly, his hand laced around my neck, bringing me closer to him until our lips were mere inches apart. My once again shallow breathing was very evident. And he was loving it. The look in his eyes, was of pure hunger. Just like mine.

"Never doubt it Lan. I mean, I think what I do to you should be enough proof of just how much I want you. Need you....." My heart was racing incredibly fast at this point, bringing me over the edge. I craved his touch and the simple need of just having him around. He was such an alluring creature to me. Dangerous in so many ways because of how he makes me feel exactly. He makes me feel.... loved.
Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I wanted to give some insight into Billy and Lana's relationship, showing things that happened before the Flayer took over and how their connection blossoms. Enjoy! And thank you for reading and voting. 😘

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