30. Epilogue

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Packing up most of what I would need in my room, felt odd to say the least. It looked so empty compared to how it had been all these years. My entire life was packed up in a single day, leaving only numerous childhood things behind for my mom to box up and give to Erica, since I promised them to her. Pictures littered my bed of Dustin and I when he was little, sending a warm smile to my face in remembrance of those simpler days before everything happened to make us grow up so quickly. I was going to miss that dweeb.

"Wow. So this is really happening?" I whirled around from the sudden voice of Nancy at my now open doorway, noting that Steve and Robin were behind her as well. This I knew was going to be he hardest part of leaving Hawkins. Saying goodbye to my friends. Or more like a see you later. I could never not see them again. That would shatter me.

"First I move, then you have to follow the idea?" Jonathan's appearance floored me more than anything from the surprise of it all. I hugged each and every one of them with the promise that I wasn't actually gone for good. They knew that at some point, I would be back.

"It sounded as good. California just might be my calling. But, Billy really needs this. And so do I. It'll help." I slung a couple of my bags over my shoulders to haul to Billy's Camaro that I had practically take part ownership of, unbeknownst to Billy because he'd kill me if he knew just how much I had driven it around when he passed out at night. It's a badass car and it's been calling my name since the moment I first laid eyes on it.

"Now don't take the entire house with us alright? Your mom and Dusty Bun need some things to ya know?" Dustin rolled his eyes from the hood of Billy's car, surprised that he was even allowed to sit there. But then again, Billy has certainly changed from the badass, terrorizing asshole he once was. And I say that lovingly because damn is it hot to see him that way!

"That name is reserved only for Suzie." I hid a humorous smile from their back and fourth bickering, just as the rest of the gang came bounding up the drive to even further surprise me. The only person we were missing, is Hop. He would be so incredibly proud that I was venturing out to start my own life. When I was younger, between 13 and 14, I would always say I was going to run away from this town and never look back. And he'd always say that I would. He didn't doubt it. That I would go places someday. And as always, he was right.

"Did you really think you could leave without us showing up?" I hugged Mike, Max, Will, Eleven and Lucas to me with my eyes beginning to well from just how real this truly was. That it's actually happening. Will's words struck me in a way that none had yet. I wouldn't be seeing them everyday.

"Of course not." I smiled softly at them all, when my eyes connected with Dustin's. He looked faraway in his own mind, as if he didn't want to see anything that was happening. It's what I've been avoiding the most. Leaving Dustin. I knew that would be the hardest thing for me to do. But we came up with a system to communicate through Cerebro. There's no way I was leaving my walkie behind. We depend on them too much.

"Hey Dust. You know I'm not disappearing on you. I'll always be here. I'm just one click of a button away." I took my walkie attached to my pocket and pressed the button as a demonstration to show that I was being serious. I'll always want to know what he's up to, how school goes when it starts back up in a few weeks. How Suzie and him are doing. How he is. Tell him I love him constantly to annoy the shit out of him.

"I know Lan. It's just weird. We may annoy the shit out of each other. But..... you're my big sis." I softly hugged him to me with a little kiss placed to his hat covered forehead, knocking it off him with a little laugh once that got him moving and back to his usual self.

"You have no respect for the hat. You know that?" I rolled my eyes upon seeing the grin on his face, just as I noticed Billy and Max having their own moment. We were both leaving behind so much. But somehow, they'll always be with us. It's not exactly goodbye. It's just a see you later. Once everything was packed up in Billy's car, we all gave each other hugs once more and had my weeping mom take pictures of Billy and I to start our journey off, my tear stained cheeks and red eyes were evident as we finally got in the car, starting it up with the music blaring as usual. Billy and I looked at one another with happy smiles, placing tender kisses on one another's lips before taking off down the driveway, waving at everyone as we went.

"I can't believe we're actually leaving Hawkins." Billy grinned with the windows rolled down in the car to aide our amazing journey, whipping my hair in the breeze. So much has happened in this little town that I've called home for as long as I could remember. I learned what true heartbreak is. But I also learned what true love is. Billy Hargrove rocked the town in his Camaro upon arrival with that bad boy persona and tough exterior. I never dreamed that we would end up here, together. But everything has made me realize just how lucky I am to have him in my life. It was just us, and the open road. As the 'Leaving Hawkins' sign passed us by, my smile was as bright as the sun, knowing that I would be spending the rest of my life with the love of my life by my side.

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