4. Sheet Faced

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"Are you okay sis?" I looked over to Dustin in the passenger seat with my hands gripping the steering wheel for dear life, my thoughts getting the better of me. As per usual. I couldn't stop thinking of Billy. And the look he had in his eyes. Like I did so long ago. But honestly, it was still there. I have just gotten better about hiding it.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Look, I'm so sorry about earlier Dust. He's..... crazy. Batshit crazy. But, your big sister here saved the day and steered the other direction before something bad happened. I'm an everyday hero." I sent a humored grin his way, being greeted with an eye roll. But could see the little smile of appreciation appear on his face.

"If I didn't know any better, I think you just admitted to loving me. Who are you? And where's my sister?" I thumped him over the head with a laugh, loving this bonding moment we just randomly had. But I lived for those moments.

"Don't push your luck." We pulled up outside of Mike's house so the boys could all meet up and get their treating on, just as Jonathan and Will pulled up in front of us.

"You know, I think you like that batshit crazy guy. Sure, he tried to mow me down. But hey, love is love." I went to thump him yet again, just as he saved his own ass and practically flew from the car to get away from me with a laugh. I swear......

"Hey Lana! Hey Dustin!" I waved at Lucas and Mike whilst I got out of the car, hearing all the excited kids passing us by for a tradition that was as old as time. One I used to love so much. And maybe still do. Because just for taking them trick or treating, I dressed up as a biker chick, going all out for it. Literally. I think my boobs are about to pop at any second. Luckily, I had the perfect leather jacket to cover myself. Thank. Goodness.

"What's up party people? Ready to get hyped out of your mind on candy?" Will suddenly hoped out of the car from my sudden shout, and ran over to greet me with a massive hug, warming my heart. I've known the Byers since I was a toddler. I've watched this kid grow, just like the rest of them. He's been through more than any of us could ever possibly imagine. And yet, he's still as sweet as ever.

"Jonathan said it would be okay if we went alone. Please don't be mad. But, I just don't want to be treated like a baby. Everyone is treating me so differently since.... you know." I nodded with a little smile, ruffling his hair and looking him over to see just how excited he really was for this. To have a moment of freedom.

"Well you know what? I'm good with it. Just please, be careful Will. All of you be careful. And most importantly...... have fun!" All of the guys high fived me, before taking off for the night. Well, that was easy peasy.

"Hey Jonathan! Mind if I jump in? Whatever we're doing tonight, I'm tagging along in your car. I don't exactly feel like driving around in my moms car." He grinned with a nod, just as I hopped in and noticed right away that he was eyeing the flier Nancy had given us at school for Tina's party.

"You know what Lan? I think we should go. Have some fun of our own for once." I took it out of his hand and read it all over again, remembering something I heard about Billy being there. Of course girls in this town were talking about it.

"You're right Jon. Let's do this. Let's go crazy." I turned up the radio and rolled my window down, surprising Jonathan at my sudden over the top good mood. Him and I are like night and day. But yet, I think that's why we're such good friends. It just works. Now, my next worry, is running into Billy at this party.
"I don't think we can do any partying by sitting out in the car....." I nudged Jonathan playfully once we finally managed to get a parking space at this damn party Nancy so badly wanted us to attend. And of course, people upon people were here. All the idiots from school I didn't give a flying flip about. But, I managed to crack a smile on Jonathan's face. So I guess it's a win.

"Ah! There it is. The famous Byers half smile. Now come on handsome. Let's make our entrance." He chuckled once we made our way out of the car and through the horde of people into the house. And it was complete madness all around. People drunk off their assess and doing god knows what else. The ultimate Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana ladies and gentlemen.

"Ah. Well I see.... wait..... is that really Nancy that is shit faced?!" I couldn't believe my eyes. My Nancy. Good girl of the year. Drunk as hell and dancing like her life depended on it. Hell has really frozen over in this town. But Jonathan caught the eye of a girl dressed like an emo chick and I was not about to ruin his fun. So I danced my way through the crowd of sweaty ass people and partied on like I intended to. That is until I landed in the arms of playboy of the year from being practically shoved into them. The world really is conspiring against me.

"Look at you Billy. Who are you trying to impress with that chest?" I could smell the booze on his breath, knowing already that he had beat Steve's time on the Keg stand. This dude is fucking with everyone in this town already. And he just got here!

"And who are you trying to impress with your rack on full display? Not that I'm not appreciating it....." His eyes purposely looked down to my now exposed chest with that smirk of his, locking his arms tightly around me so I couldn't escape. Our bodies were as close as they could possibly get. My heart picked up its pace and all I could do was stare at him. I felt like a total hoe. But shit. His six pack was perfect. He was all around alluring to me. And I hated it. Absolutely hated it.

"Myself, with the fact that I'm actually wearing this tight as hell leather shirt and not suffocating right now." And by shirt I meant a rag. Because it was so damn small. Too small to handle this mess that us women deal with on a regular basis.

"For someone who annoys the shit out of me, you clean up nice Lana." I stared at him a moment, just waiting for the punch line I thought would come. But he remained silent, simply staring right back at me with this little smile that did something to me that I don't even want to admit. It was actually frightening, the feelings he was causing me to have.

Our lips were mere inches apart. My body so firmly pressed against his, suddenly felt like it wasn't close enough. His one hand sat perfectly on my lower back, while the other laced through my hair and around the back of my neck, hearing the hitching of my breath.

"Uh..... hey Lan? I'm going to take Nancy home. Something happened between her and Steve and well, we both know she can't drive." I was jerked out of my hot fantasy moment upon seeing Jonathan beside us, clearly feeling bad for breaking up the heated moment. I was dazed. Hypnotized. Yeah. That's the right word.

"Oh! Uh, yeah. Make sure she gets upstairs okay. And leave her a note on her desk, letting her know that I'll be by in the morning to pick her up. Okay? I mean, my car is at her house anyway." He grinned at me with a little look behind it, seeing how lost I was in the hurricane that was Billy Hargrove.

"Okay. Have fun Lan. And be careful...." I shooed him off with a little laugh of humor, looking back to see Billy just gazing at me, like he had been the entire time.

"He your knight in shining armor or something?" I slapped his chest in an attempt for humor, seeing this little smile crack through that usually doesn't seem to make it to his face. He's always so serious. Even with his smirks, there's something behind them that isn't exactly friendly.

"He's one of my best friends okay? Besides, he's got it bad for Nancy. I'll throw a party the day they come to me and say, hey, we're getting married. And here I am across my little desk like, you come to me on the day of my daughters wedding?" He suddenly laughed from my little impression I did, the first actual laugh I've ever heard from him. We just relaxed around each other. Opened up a little and actually had some fun. And a few too many drinks.

"So maybe you aren't a cow after all." I rolled my eyes with a little smile, when his arms suddenly made their way back around my waist, bringing me so close to him. The scent of pure leather and beer filled my nostrils with such an intensity, I could barely handle it. But it was so intoxicating.

And then, I just did it. I let it happen. It happened so fast that I barely had time to register it. His hands softly guiding me to him, our lips meeting half way in such a heated kiss that I swore I was on fire. I was suddenly like a fiend, wanting this drug more and more to appease my addiction. And the party, was completely forgotten.
I awoke with a groan from the morning sun beating down on my face from a nearby window, feeling the soft sensation of sheets underneath my naked body like a warm, cozy welcome. I simply smiled, remembering the party last night and how much fun I actually ended up having. But then it hit me.

I wasn't in my bed. I wasn't in my house. I was actually naked. And arms. Strong arms were wrapped firmly around my waist like I was a teddy bear, being held by a little child. I slowly crept my gaze over my shoulder to see a sleeping Billy, so peaceful and calm. Nothing like the Billy i usually see. I'm in his bed. Naked. He's naked, clearly from the bulge I just now noticed on my ass.


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