8. The Void

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The void. It's something I've been in since I returned from the upside down. I can still feel the way it tangled me in, slowly killing me. I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything. I was..... lost. I was stupid. And ever since then, I've had this connection with it. And it goes beyond anything I could every possibly explain. Will is in horrible pain. I saw him..... I heard him. That...... that thing has got a hold of him. And it won't stop until it ends everyone in its path.

"Lana? Wake up. Wake up!" I jerked awake from the horrible visions I was seeing, being greeted with a slightly panicked Billy. I was sweaty, confused, and completely terrified. It felt as if I was right back there.

"Billy! Oh thank god....." I quickly flung my arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly to me without even thinking about it. I was scared out of my mind.

"What's wrong with you....?" He surprisingly didn't push me away. He simply held me in his muscular arms, comforting me more than he could possibly know. It was such an odd feeling coming from him.

"I uh..... I have these nightmares. I can't really explain it without sounding crazy. But it uh.... it's just something that happened to me. It replays over and over. But each time is different." We slowly pulled apart, seeing this look in his eyes that I've never seen before. Was he worried about me? Shit, I wasn't going to be stupid enough to ask and risk ruining what we're working to build here. Our moment was suddenly cut short the second my phone rang, instantly rushing for it because I knew something was wrong. My nightmare pattern was much worse than it's ever been last night.

"Joyce?! Is Will okay?" I instantly knew it was her. I could feel something was wrong with Will. It was hurting me deep down inside. Like this horrible, lurking pain that just grows and grows until it's unbearable.

"We had to bring him to the lab last night. He had another episode. But this time it's much worse Lana..... whatever is going on, it's trying to take over him. You felt it, didn't you?" I slowly sat down on my bed with pure fear taking over me, paralyzing me to the spot. My blood ran cold and my heart raced with each passing minute. No...... please no..... 

"Yes..... I saw it again Joyce. I saw it! I heard Will crying out for help..... I tried desperately to reach him. But I was dragged away..... helpless." I instantly burst into tears, feeling completely helpless to do anything. And those bastards at the lab only want one thing. To understand what this is. What the upside down truly is. And at any cost. I know they said they want to stop it. Control it so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. But I just don't trust it. Not one bit.

"Oh honey..... Hopper was pulled from the upside down last night when this happened. Will was able to lead us straight to him. It's..... taking over the entire town." I shook my head from her words, scared beyond belief that it was happening all over again. Suddenly, Billy sat down next to me once he was fully dressed, lacing an arm around my waist with absolutely no emotion what so ever on his face. But I could feel what he was thinking. He was trying to help.

"I don't know what to do..... I don't want to lose anyone..... this. I just don't understand." We exchanged a few more words, before hanging up with the promise that I would hear more about Will and Hop. I felt so faraway from where I was at the moment. I felt...... helpless. 

"I'm so sorry Billy. For all of that. It's.... complicated. And I promise I will tell you soon. I just need time. Okay?" He eyed me for a moment, before placing the softest kiss on the temple of my head, the softest kiss he'd ever given me. He slowly rose from my bed, grabbing his jacket and keys off of my desk, seeing me watching him the entire time.

"Come by my house later." And then he was gone into the daylight with his order for me to follow tonight. But somehow, through all my tears, I couldn't help but smile.
"Excuse me..... but what?! It's loose?!" I flung my arms up in the air in defeat at this point upon Dustin and Steve informing me that the damn Demogorgon was gone with the wind. Once Billy had left to go home, they both suddenly burst into my room without even thinking that I could be naked or some shit. Thank god I wasn't. They managed to convince me to do what I needed to do and then meet them outside so we could go to the junkyard. And now, I know why.

"I went down into the basement last night and it had made a hole and crawled right through it. It's gotten even bigger because it shed more skin." I looked at Steve and could see he knew something was up with me. I wasn't exactly in tip top shape this morning.

"That's great. Real great! What else could happen?!" I leaned against Steve's car while him and Dustin got what they needed out of the trunk for our little venture into no man's land.

"What happened Lan? Is it something with Billy?" I looked to the ground at my shuffling feet, not being able to stay still for the life of me today. My nerves were getting the better of me.

"No. Billy was actually such a big help this morning. I had another nightmare. But it wasn't just a nightmare..... I..... I have this connection. With Will. Eleven. I can feel when Will is in pain. It happened after we got out of the upside down. Will is even worse. It's taking over him. This.... thing. Much worse than any Demogorgon." My eyes got that faraway look in them that they usually do anymore, seeing the suddenly still Dustin and Steve looking at me in confusion. But also? Fear. They knew this was bad. Really bad.

"Why didn't you ever tell me this sis?" I sighed at Dustin's question, wanting to tell him a long time ago. But didn't really know how to. And a part of me hoped i would never have to. But things never work out the way we want them to anymore. 

"I've been battling so hard Dust. Believe me. I didn't want to have to drag you into it. A part of me thought it was over. Really over. But that other part of me knew it wasn't. I just want you to have a normal childhood. Have fun. Not having to do shit like this....." I pointed at our gear with such sadness in my tone. I wanted it so badly to be over. But I knew that would never fully happen.

"Well I'm not going to let you suffer alone. I'll just suffer right along with you." Steve suddenly put his arm around my shoulder with a little smile, reminding me just how amazing these group of people in my life truly are.

"I love you Lan. You're my sister. Sure, you can be a pain in the ass. But at the end of the day, we got each other. Always." Dustin hugged me so tightly, feeling the sudden tears welling in my eyes.

"I love you two. Really....." Suddenly, Dustin and I's walkie's went off with Lucas signaling us to answer. It's about time! We could have died ya know? 

"So now you want to talk?" I hid my smile from the mere frustration in Dustin's voice, knowing he couldn't be mad at him for long.

"I'm sorry! Erica turned my walkie off. What's going on?!" I leaned my head on Steve's shoulder from sudden exhaustion, feeling the effects from the pain earlier this morning.

"Dart is loose. And he's a baby Demogorgon! So get to the junkyard stat! It's a full on code red! Over and out!" He turned his walkie off, knowing Lucas would be here soon. And hopefully we won't all be doomed.

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