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Delilah is stood between Grace and Vanya as they stand in a semi-circle in the rain. Most had the same style of umbrella apart from Klaus and Delilah, who had a black one with a light-up purple stick in the middle, and Klaus with a see-through one with pink edges.

"Did something happen?" Grace asks and everyone looks at her confused.

"Dad died...remember?"

"Oh yes, of course" Grace says and Delilah feels slightly glad she's not grieving and seems to have forgotten and moved on.

"Is mom okay?" Allison looks to Diego who didn't even have an umbrella

"Yeah, yeah she's fine. She just needs to rest y'know, re-charge,"

Pogo steps forward "Whenever you're ready dear boy," he says to Luther who was holding Reginald's ashes. He nods and opens the lid, pouring them onto the ground. There doesn't seem to be a lot of ash and Delilah raises an eyebrow as Klaus looks sheepish.

The ashes just lay there and Luther looks to the group which is awkwardly standing there "Probably would've been better with some wind," Delilah snorts and everyone looks at her but Pogo quickly saves her.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" No answer "Very well... In all regards Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master, and my friend and I shall miss him very much," Luther appears to be crying and Delilah avoids eye contact with everyone, feeling awkward in front of Ben's statue whilst wishing he was there "He leaves behind, a complicated legacy -"

"He was a monster." Diego interrupts and Klaus laughs "He was a bad person and a worst father. The world's better off without him."

"Diego!" Allison scolds

"He's not exactly wrong," Delilah defends

"My name is Number Two, you know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it,"

"Would anyone like something to eat?" said woman asks the group

"No, it's okay Mom," Vanya tells her

"Oh...okay," Grace stays smiling brightly.

"Delilah had a name her mother gave her; and he still referred to her as Number Eight." everyone's silent "Look, you wanna pay your respects, go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was," Diego steps forward.

"You should stop talking now," Luther glares

"Y'know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."

"I'm warning you -"

"After everything he did to you. He had to shoot you a million miles away,"

"Diego stop talking!" Luther was clearly becoming more and more aggravated and Delilah gently starts to move Grace away, sensing a fight. Vanya notices and follows suit.

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego taps Luther's chest and he retaliates, going in for a punch.

"And the childhood memories come back," Delilah says to the group as everyone backs away. Luther and Diego start actually fighting and Pogo shouts for them to stop. Diego keeps teasing Luther and the fight becomes more intense. Vanya shouts for them to stop as Klaus cheers one of them on - everyone assumes Diego. The fight keeps going and Pogo shakes his head before leaving, Five muttering something about having no time before also going.

"Come here big boy!" Diego shouts again and as he ducks out of the way, Luther heads straight for Ben's statue. It falls off the stone and as it hits the ground, the head shatters off.

Delilah stands in shock as Klaus 'Awww's' and Allison leaves "And there goes Ben's stature,".

"Diego no!" Vanya shouts when he gets a knife out and throws it with precision so it grazes Luther's arm. Delilah wasn't paying attention though, too busy staring at the destroyed statue of her old best friend. Luther rushes back inside and Vanya goes up to Diego "You just don't know when to stop, do you?"

"You got enough material for your sequel yet?" he responds 

"He was my father too," she goes inside as well.

Diego sighs, walking up to a frozen Delilah "I'm sorry...I didn't mean for that to happen,"

"I know," She smiles slightly "It didn't look like him anyway. And he wouldn't have wanted that there...You know what Ben was like," She laughs slightly at how he was polite and quiet in public, but he'd have complained excessively to her and Klaus afterwards. Diego pats her arm before taking Grace inside. She takes a deep breath and follows, briefly looking down at Klaus sat on the park bench "He did hate it, right?"

"Complained about it the entire funeral," Klaus laughs and Delilah smiles, feeling slightly better.

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