3. EXCLUSIVE: "Ladybug's identity revealed!"

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In the last chapter...

"Hey, I have to-" I say trying to go from there "Do you know your partner's identity?" A blogger ask "N-no but I-" All the reporters and bloggers start bombarding us with questions "Chat Noir! Are you dating with Ladybug?" "It's nice to be Ladybug?""Do you have the same eyes when you are not Chat Noir?" I am about to destransform, Chat didn't use his Cataclisim so he has more time before transforming "Beep!" It was the last beep...


Ladybug was saying something, but I didn't understand what she wanted to say, then I saw pink light next to me and I couldn't belive what I was seeing...


After the light that envolved the heroine Ladybug left a sad Marinette in the middle of all the reporters.

A minute passed without any person speaking next to the Eiffel Tower.
It was an astonish Nadja Chamack Marinette helped she looking after Manon, her daughter.
It also was Alya there, she and Marinette were looking at each other. Alya was surprised, Marinette beeing the best hero ever Ladybug? That was new, she also was hurt, why didn't she told her of her alter-ego?

Suddenly Nadja Chamack said: "Marinette? Are you Ladybug?" Then Marinette smiled softly and touched Cat Noir's shoulder, then she stood in tiptoes and she said to him:
"Please Cat, get me out of here" The discovered Marinette exclaed to a astonish Cat because Ladybug's revelation that without thinking twice did that his lovebug said.

While Marinette was leaving in Cat Noir's arms she shouted to Alya: "IGH!" Cat Noir looked to Marinette strange at the same time that Alya was running to her house surprised about the revealing incident. 

At the same time Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng staggered, Marinette, their daughter, the person that they cared of it when she was a kid and now it was a super hero. That new could be the notice of the year in Paris as in another part of the world. 

At first Tom and Sabine didn't like the idea of beeing Marinette the protector of Paris, she and Cat Noir put theirself in danger every day for Paris. But then they thought, if she was Ladybug, that means that it was because of something, if she wasn't able to protect Paris she wouldn't be Ladybug. Anyway, Marinette's parents were proud of her daughter, they know she was a very well educated girl since she was a child. At first they didn't like the idea but then all changed.

Tom and Sabine they also got surprised by the fast that people asimilated who are Ladybug's parents, 'cause in a few minutes after the TV retransmision of the reveal the bakery was flooded by Paris's all reporters. Inside the flood it was Nadja Chamack a friend of the family that doing a gesture to Sabine indicating that she was going to phone Sabine she went from that avalanche of people. Nadja knew that if she tryed to enter in the bakery would be a problem to Tom and Sabine so she decided to talk with them by the phone,it wasn't anything for the TV it was only to secure how there were all.

In another part of Paris, concretly in a red roof, Marinette was on Cat's lap, crying in his shoulder. Cat continued surprised, a reveal wasn't every days thing, but Cat Noir priority was Ladybug, or should he said Marinette? 

Marinette was broken, everyone knew her identity including Hawk Moth. "What thinks Alya? What thiks my family? What thinks Cat" She thought, but she unluckly mumbled thinking that she was only thinking. "I think that you are the best Ladybug Master Fu could choose ever My Lady." He said truthfully while he was touching bluenette's hair carefully. "Thanks Cat..." she said and then both heroes smiled.

Suddenly, a billion notifications sounded in Marinette's mobile phone, before Marinette could open her phone Cat said: "Don't check them, that would make you sad." She did it as he said, Cat had reason, if she check them she would be sadlier than a minutes later.

"Cat!" Marinette yelled. Then Cat jumped scared about her shouting "What happens?" "Alya, I have to go to her house..." Then her expresion changed from beeing a surprised one into a sad one. "... I told her that I was going to go to her house to explain all, but my parents? They have to know something about this! And if I go to my house... Ugh!" Marinette finally stressed. "Hey Bugaboo! Don't worry, go and speak to your friend and I am going to go to your parents house to tell them you are ok, and of course, if you want you can stay in a house that my father has for other coutries guests." When Cat said that Marinette hug him surprisly saying "Thanks, thanks, thanks Cat!" "Your welcome My Lady" He said countinuing hugging she.
Marinette asimilated that Cat's family had money but she didn't matter. She only would stay there one day, and she had to reward Cat, but he didn't accept it, he want his Lady to be well in that situation.

After that conversation Cat went to the bakery to tell his Lady's parents how was Marinette. He knew that if all periodists were there next to the entrance would have to go to the bakery by another way.

He went from the house's principal entrance, not from the bakery, he knocked the door and he said "Cat Noir" Tom opened him.

"Hello Cat Noir!" Marinette's parents said. "Hi! I'm just here to tell you that your daughter is well, a little bit stressed but well." He said smiley. "It's good to hear that..." Sabine said sitting in the chair next to the table. "The case is that we thoight that it's better to she staying in a house I have next to Paris one day. She can contact with you, there is wi-fi." "But she is just a firl Cat Noir" Tom complained. "Don't worry, she only did that for you two, she doesn't want more periodists in your house, and she is Ladybug, she isn't a normal girl." Sabine and Tom nodded and Sabine went to do her daughter's bag for a day. Cat got there with his future father-in-law, Tom asked him about their adventures as Ladybug and Cat Noir. At first Cat was awkward but then they started talkimg like real BFF's.

At the same time Marinette was going to Alya's house that since the incident she went to her house, her mother came to her bedroom telling all the periodsts there were looking for Alya Césaire, she just ignored it and her mum tryed to console her but she wasn't sad, at first she thought that she didn't trust on her but then she thought that it was only to protect her.
After 20 minutes Alya heard: "Ladybug! Marinette!" In the street so she opened her window and Marinette entered to her house and she quitted her transformatuon and she said "Hi Alya... I'm sorry of not telling you this little secret" She said touching her nape. "Don't worry girl, I know it was to protect me! That happened with Majestia!" Then Alya hugged Marinette and she said "Thanks for understanding Alya! I have to go, I don't want to cause any problems to your family Alya, but first, I want you ro meet someone" Marinette said saddly, she wanted to be more time with her BFF but all periodists could be there. "Who?" Alya asked confused. "This is Tikki!" She let her kwami going out from her shirt. "Hi Alya, I wanted to meet you for a long time!" Tikki surprised Alya, "H-hi Tikki!" She said a little bit scared of the kwami. "If she wasn't here I wouldn't transform in Ladybug". Then a voice interrupted she "Ladybug!" And Marinette said: "Oh oh, I have to go, I don't want to cause any problem, bye, Tikki, spots on!" And Marinette transformed in Ladybug went to the roof on a house to meet with Cat. "Bye Mari!".



EXCLUSIVE: "Ladybug in the Local Goverment!"


I hope you enjoyed:

I had inspired to do some parts of the chapter on a similar story in spanish of AlbaLuqueGmez. 

What do you think? Is it interesting?


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