Tao - Fantasy/ Fluff

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You sat down on the soft grass, sprawling your legs in front of you, your jeans turning it into a challenge; you sighed happily as a wave of relief and refreshment washed over you, making you feel like you have been cleansed from all the dirt and sins you have committed. You closed your eyes and let yourself fall back onto the bed of grass, your hair leaving your shoulders and spreading themselves. You loved going to that place. The long, continuous creek ahead of you minded its own business, the water rushing through travelling to who knows where. You inhaled deeply, smelling the light fragrance of the upcoming autumn, the warm breeze bringing you mixed feelings of excitement and tiredness. The trees around you sighed, creating a gentle rain of dancing leaves, and you did not catch the small movement from a bush a few feet behind you.
Your sixth sense made you open your eyelids. You carelessly turned your head to your right, expecting a squirrel trying to grab something that caught its eye, but the movement acted again, making your eyes shoot up to the lonely bush. You looked away and sat up, knowing already there is someone there looking at you.

Or maybe stalking.

You tryed to stay calm and conceal your nervousness by taking a few long breaths. This had been occurring since the start of summer, when your holidays started and you had more time to share with this beautiful place, but they never seemed to be courageous enough to show up and finally talk or even do something. You exhaled the breath that you did not realize you held, and realized that you could have done something, too. You felt like a coward. So you spoke.

"Whoever is there, can you please come out the bush?"

And stop fucking stalking me?

You felt like asking, but you held back at the last second, wanting to first get to know the situation.
There was a long silence, as if the trees and the creek themselves were waiting for the person to reveal themselves to the world. You tightened your lips into a thin line, every second feeling like a god damn hour, and you started to wonder how long it had been since you asked the person to show up.
You then heard a soft rustle from the bush, and imagined the person standing a few feet away from you. You still did not dare to turn around.

"...I'm here." Was the soft, velvety voice you barely managed to hear. You sat motionlessly in the same spot, your hands to your sides grasping onto the grass. You slowly turned around, your eyes trailing to the tall frame of a handsome, young man. He looked awfully innocent, his soft facial features accentuating your impressions.

This is the guy that has been stalking me?

Your lips parted on their own, and you eyed the fluffy thing that dangled motionlessly between his legs.

...What is that...?

It looked like a tail. You stood up, your face showing an alarmed expression. The boy widened his eyes, seeming to have caught up with what you were thinking.

"Wait!" He exclaimed, looking out at your running form disappearing through the end of the small forest.


"It could have been fake," you murmured to yourself, thinking about the boy's tail from earlier. You were lying on your back on your bed, images of the boy's bright jean jacket and tail invading your vision.
It was evening, the dark hues of blue in the sky warning people about the time. Birds had stopped singing and nocturnal insects had started working their night duties.
You sighed, silently looking out the open window, listening to the weird sounds the insects were making.

Why did I even think it was real?

Of course it was fake.

I feel like an idiot. I actually thought it was real.

It looked so real.

You mentally slapped yourself for thinking the tail was real, and turned around to lie on your stomach.

I'll apologize to him tomorrow.


You stood in the same spot you sat the day before, facing the famous bush. You knew he was behind it, you somehow felt his harmless presence as soon as you stepped in the area. You gulped and cleared your throat.

"I'm sorry for running away yesterday, I thought the tail was...real," ashamed of your thoughts, the last word resulted as a mere whisper, making you doubt he heard it. The wind blew, making the gigantic trees shower you with their leaves, as if clapping for your efforts.

"...It is real," you heard from behind the bush. You took a step away from it, thinking that maybe you heard wrong.


"It's real,"

He's just kidding.

"Really...?" He stood up, and you could see the tail bloomed through his jeans from his bum, long enough to reach the back of his knees. He turned around, facing a very frightened expression from you, but you didn't run away this time. You knew he wouldn't hurt you, his beautiful and innocent face were too attractive for you to ignore. His lips curved up to form a smile, and you couldn't help but shakily smile back. He walked closer to you, while you stood frozen in place. He stopped, standing a good few feet in front of you.

"Hi, my name is Tao," he gently smiled. "What's your name?"

And that was how you met him. It was a rather drastic change; from a twisted confusion to a pleasant friendship. It was hard for you to believe that he was actually a werewolf, but overtime you got use to the circumstances. You would touch and caress the soft tail, while Tao would stare at you with loving eyes, and look somewhere else whenever you made eye contact with him. He had grown feelings for you since that summer, that one summer that led him to you, and he'd become more than grateful to Mother Nature whenever you happily sat next to him, talking about what you'd do the next summer holidays and about your interests, and you wouldn't notice when he'd caress your back with his soft tail, and fall asleep on his shoulder with his tail around your waist. He'd look at your innocent sleeping face with a smile that was directed to both nature and you, because it was in summer that he met you, that one special summer where he found happiness.

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