𖡗 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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Jeno speeds walks to the kitchen while holding a whining Jisung in his arms and opens a cabinet where he had placed their first aid kit in.

"Papa, tummy hurts." Jisung mumbles near his ear, tightening his hold around Jeno's neck and sniffles.

Jeno rushes to find the medicine in the small kit, finally finding it and quickly grabs a glass of water for his little boy.

He places Jisung to sit on the kitchen counter, "drink it up baby, it'll help you feel all better. Papa promises," he coaxes his son who looked hesitant at the sight of the medicine his papa was holding out for him.

Hearing the last part, and obviously trusting his papa so much, Jisung complies and opens his mouth, taking the liquid medicine and reaching out for the glass of water.

He gulps it all down, fighting the urge to spit it out since his papa would probably be upset, and gives the empty glass to Jeno, who places it in the sink nearby. "I'll put you to bed, take some rest okay, baby?"

Jisung nodded and lets himself get picked up again by Jeno, they passed by Jaemin who was watching them from the doorway the whole time, feeling anxious and bad of what he did.

Jeno doesn't bat an eye at his supposed-fiancè, quickly walking in to Jisung's bedroom and tucking his son into bed, not forgetting to kiss his forehead.


"You're a fucking idiot, I swear to God I hate you so much, I regret ever not fighting back anything towards you, this forced marriage, what happened back then, and oh– this one, not gonna forget you basically poisoning my son."

"I didn't poisoned him!" Jaemin exclaimed, offended of Jeno's whole angry rant towards him in the living room after the younger made sure Jisung was fast asleep, he's a heavy sleeper anyway.

Jeno scoffs sarcastically, "tell me that when my son isn't crying in pain over a stomachache due to being handed out with a pack of gummy bears after I said no." He crosses his arms.

"I didn't meant to– I didn't know–" Jaemin desperately tries to explain himself while brushing off Jeno's harsh scowl towards him.

The younger grits his teeth, "how could you not know when I specifically and clearly explained why Jisung isn't allowed to have candies! Are you fucking deaf or dumb? because bitch you could do both right now!"

Jaemin walks over to him while Jeno was clenching his hands into fists, "look, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to do that. And I regret it, really." He starts off as gentle as he could.

He wants to fight back, in the same level as Jeno. But not yet.

"Sure you do." The younger said with obvious sarcasm.

Jaemin huffs, "I really do, Jeno. Stop doubting my words to you and Jisung, I want to apologize and fix my mistake, so here I am doing it." He blurts out, getting frustrated.

"And you don't regret what you did to me, but regret what you did to Jisung. How lovely."

"I didn't say that! Oh my fucking God, Jeno, stop messing up my words. I didn't say I didn't regret what I did to hurt you, because I do! I regret hurting you, alright?" He began raising his voice a little.

"Whatever," Jeno huffs out, his voice lowering now.

The elder pursed his lips, trying to calm himself down before continuing their... Argument, I guess. "I'm really sorry, I should've listened and not go behind your back to which resulted in hurting Jisung too."

Jeno bit his lip, eyebrows knitted in anger. "He wouldn't have gotten hurt if you would've listened." He grumbled.

Jaemin exhales deeply. "This conversation is about Jisung, and I'm apologizing, can you just forgive me and let this go? I won't do it again."

"I'm not forgiving you for shit." The younger replied.

Jaemin is getting frustrated now, not just at Jeno. But he assumes that because of how their history went and how much he's hurt the boy, Jeno is holding a big grudge and can't be nice to him for the simplest and quickest things.


"You should've listened, you never listen."

"You literally do the same thing you hypocrite! You never listen to my explanations, it's always accusing me right of the bat, you should use your fucking ears and listen too! Grow up!" Jaemin snaps.

He had his eyes shut, his hands grasping onto his hair and huffs out loudly. He didn't hear any words aimed towards him back from the younger.

Once he noticed, he opened his eyes and realized he made a mistake.

Jeno wasn't looking at him anymore, instead looking down at the carpet floor they were standing on while biting his lip so hard, there's a bit of blood coming out.


"You're right." The younger mumbles, mostly to himself in a way. Jaemin grows worried, the anger exploding inside of him dissipates.

He was expecting Jeno to say more, to add more words, come up with insults, bite back.

But he doesn't. He instead turns to head towards their shared bedroom. Closing the door softly.

He didn't slam it, he didn't yell, not even when he was inside the room.

Their condominium was quiet, it was sort of uncomfortable and eerily. Not even the TV was on, since Jisung was fast asleep and none of them were planning on lazing around.

Jaemin stood there waiting for an upcoming scream of anger from their bedroom. But nothing was heard. No cries or sniffles, no muttered insults. Not even running water was heard.

He soon guesses that he had unknowingly and unintentionally hit a certain trigger to Jeno.

Don't feel bad for one of them, because they're both in the wrong by now.

He couldn't take it anymore, so he rushes to head inside their bedroom after a long beat.

He enters to see Jeno just sitting on their bed, staring off into their huge windows and had his shoulders slouched more than ever.

He doesn't think of a plan on how to approach, and went to just do it.

He sits beside the younger, who didn't flinch. So he takes up the courage to inch closer, when Jeno was still quiet, he drapes an arm around the boy's shoulders and pulls him to his side.

They stayed quiet, just sat there on their bed. Jeno looking at their window, seemingly too deep into his thoughts. While Jaemin was staring at him, also deep in his own thoughts.

"Sweetheart. I'm sorry, I–" Jaemin tries to muster up some words, correct words to not rile up the younger or make the situation worst as it already is.

Jeno doesn't glance at him but speaks up in a mumble, "don't apologize." He curtly said.

Jaemin raised a brow at him and opens his mouth to speak up, but Jeno doesn't let him. Like always.

"Seriously Jaemin, don't apologize." He stood up and turns to him with a forced small smile that even Jaemin was more uncomfortable with it, and he's not even the one doing it.

He brushes off the small feeling in his stomach when Jeno says his name, instead of some insult or 'Mr. Jaemin.'

Just Jaemin. It would've been better if the situation and how Jeno said it was more in a happy one.

He looks at the younger, who bit his lip and was ready to leave again, "just– go to bed or something." He dismisses softly before heading to the bathroom.

Jaemin leaves him be, opening his laptop to distract himself even in the tiniest bit with their company business things.

But he couldn't help himself from listening to the running water from the bathroom, guessing Jeno is doing his bubble bath again to cope with things.

That night, Jeno takes too long in the bathroom, where he went out to see Jaemin had fallen asleep yet still sitting up on their bed, back against the headboard with his laptop still open on his lap.

He bit his lip. Wanting to fight the urge.

He couldn't.

Before he went to lay down beside his supposed-fiancè and head to bed, he closes Jaemin's laptop and places it on the table nearby, adjusting Jaemin's position into a more comfortable one and leaves it at that.

"Night, Jaemin."

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