《chapter 10》

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It didn't sit right with Sunoo.

When he looked at Niki and Jungwon now, two weeks after his heat. They had all finally resumed their schedule and found themselves back in their practice room. But something in the way Niki's head laid in their leader's lap during every little break just didn't make Sunoo feel good.

As soon as Niki was finally released from the pack room, he had been gravitating towards the 2nd youngest.

If there was no empty seat next to him at the table, Niki was already on the way to get another chair for Jungwon.

If there was a bag in Jungwon's hand, it always made its way into Niki's (if Heeseung hadn't already grabbed it).

There was a door? Niki held it and let it slam right into everyone else's face behind them.

When others told him to stop messing around, he made even more of a mess. But when Jungwon spoke, there was complete silence.

In short, Niki treated him like a king.

Of course, he still laughed at Jungwon's misfortunes, still cracked jokes on his expense, but since his first rut, Jungwon was basically his prince, or maybe a dad, Sunoo thought at one point.

It could have just been a shift in maturity after his presentation, but none of the others got those privileges.

But that wasn't really what had bothered Sunoo so much.

What really irked Sunoo wasn't just Niki.

Jungwon was the one who got under his skin.

Like right now, as he let Niki doze off in his lap, playing with his hair as Niki kept whispering secret messages to him while keeping his eyes closed, a slight smile playing on his lips every now and then. Their bond really bothered Sunoo.

If someone were to read his mind, they'd say he was jealous.

It was embarrassing and Sunoo adverted his eyes as his cheeks flushed at the thought, but really, he wanted what they had.

He didn't even want them to stop or anything. He just desperately wanted in on it.

The same thing could be said about Heeseung, as the oldest sat next to the pair, legs spread out in front of him, leaning back on his hands against the cool floor.

The alpha, however, wasn't really jealous, at least he wouldn't call himself that.
He just wanted to sit behind the two maknaes and embrace both of them in his arms.

To him too, the shift in Niki's and Jungwon's relationship was weird. But it also seemed right. If he could just scoop them up and pull them into his arms and listen to their conversation silently.

But really, he didn't understand a word from what was said as Niki was speaking too softly and had started giggling at Jungwon's face after his latest comment, rendering everyone completely clueless of whatever world those two were hiding in.

Niki had actually been very much enjoying their newformed closeness. Not that they weren't before, but Niki was finally able to sense what the other was thinking, smell what he was feeling.

And since he had always been a nosy little shit, and a clever one at that, he had easily noticed how Jungwon's entire attitude changed, whenever his eyes lingered on Heeseung a little too long.

He could smell his beautiful caramel marshmallow scent sweeten whenever the oldest entered a room and felt Jungwon's entire being light up when Heeseung talked to him.

It seemed ridiculous to Niki now, that no one else had picked up on it. Even more so when he noticed how Heeseung didn't seem to realise Jungwon practically humming with love when he was around.

And, Niki being Niki, he never intended to spare the leader from embarrassment.

As Jungwon's fingertips raked across Niki's scalp, the youngest had closed his eyes to feign innocent and started bombarding his Luna with hushed whispers.

"You're staring at him again, aren't you?"

Jungwon's hand stilled for a second.

"I don't even know what you're talking about"

He was in fact staring at Heeseung as he had lowered himself, not even a meter next to them.

"Sure you don't, Hyungie." Niki's lips lifted in amusement.

"I don't even need to look at you to know you got it bad for big bad alpha next to us."

"Yah!" he hissed lowly. Jungwon flicked his forehead at that, but the younger just burst into a fit of giggles. "I don't like Heeseung like that, shut up."

"I never said I was talking about Heeseung" Niki's eyebrows wiggled suggestively as Jungwon looked up to see that Jake had also settled next to them. He hadn't even noticed.

Jungwon groaned.

He had a headache already, he didn't need Niki to add to that anymore.

The medicine had started getting to him more and more, side effects building up like lego blocks. He was constantly tired and his joints ached on the regular.

"Jungwon, are you good?" Jake voiced, eyebrows furrowed in concern. The groan was louder than intended and caught everyone's attention.

Niki sat up to inspect the Omega.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine. I'm just tired."

A hand settled on his thigh and Jungwon's head turned to his left automatically.

"Are you sure? You're awfully pale lately.." It was Heeseung.

"Do you want some water?" Jay asked from across them.

"I'm serious, I'm fine!Just feeling a little off today." he reassured, patting Heeseung's hand.

Heeseungs large hand gripping his leg burned in the forefront of his mind and before his stomach started tingling weirdly again, he clapsed it in his own, lacing their fingers together.

A huff from Niki that sounded suspiciously like laughter was easily ignored.

But really, Jungwon was feeling worse and worse lately.

Maybe it was because his natural cycle wanted to sync with Sunoo, which would send him into a heat soon. Which it couldn't. And Jungwon was glad it couldn't. But he was also getting sick.

And worse, he remembered that he was running out. The two bottles of pills only held about 2 more weeks of supply, that was if he stuck to one a day.
And honestly, he never did.

So he needed to get a new subscription soon. Which he made a mental note to order online that same evening.

"Do you want me to..?" Heeseung had also stopped saying the word "Scenting" as he wanted Jungwon to be as comfortable as possible.
But the question remained clear.

"No, it's fine, we can stick to our routine. Let's just keep practising." He couldn't let that happen and add to Niki's teasing agenda.
Also, it felt too intimate. He kind of didn't want others to see them like that.

Because somehow it always ended with Jungwon on top of Heeseung.

"About that," Niki sounded shy. "Can't I do that from now on? I mean, we share a room anyway..." his head was tilted cutely as he looked down into Jungwon's eyes, silently hoping to get a turn in scenting his first real pack member.

Whatever Heeseung thought about Niki's and Jungwon's bond was a distant memory now.

Now, he was jealous.

His grip on Jungwon's hand tightened unconsciously as he stared at Niki blankly, who was still looking a Jungwon.

"I mean .. Of course, you can scent me, all of you guys do, but -" he didn't finish his sentence. How could Jungwon explain he wanted to keep up his routine of running into Heeseung's room when everyone was sleeping.

But they probably didn't even know just how often Jungwon did so.
It was humbling to think about how addicted he had gotten to his evening cuddle.

"No." Heeseung finished Jungwon's answer for him.

His scent filled the practice room threateningly, mixing with the smell sweat trapped in the walls.

Yep, Jungwon definitely needed more pills soon.

Instinctively, Niki lifted his hands in front of himself defensively, as if physically retreating from his questions. "Okay, okay. It was just an offer."

Their practice continued on until late in the evening, dancing, vocal lesson, englisch lessons, and a photoshoot.

And when everyone returned home, a lingering awkwardness hovered around them.
Despite Heeseung making his preferences about the whole scenting situation very clear- which honestly Jungwon didn't even understand why they still had to do that, but he would definitely take advantage of as long as he remained "unpresented"- the oldest didn't make any signs of actually going through with it when he had avoided even looking into Jungwon's eyes as they arrived and just went straight to his room.

He tried not to think about it too much, they were all tired and Jungwon knew that best. Maybe he needed sleep early. But it still bothered him a bit.

He was like an addict going through withdrawal, and Heeseung was his drug. He just couldn't wait to get his next fix.

But instead of Heeseung, he had redirected his focus to his other drugs. Which he needed to order more of now.

Jungwon laid on his back in his bed and held his phone close so no one would see his screen as he asked his mom for a favour.

He would send her the money, and she would order them and send them to the dorm.

That way, the company couldn't trace the parcel back to the pharmacy, and they wouldn't likely search a parcel from his mother.
And Jungwon could keep his facade for longer.
It was perfect.

He felt a little proud of himself as he read through their chat, and his mother confirmed his idea.
Though he might have lied about needing a new prescription in case they go abroad for shows, not because he is already running low when he really shouldn't be.

Still, Heeseung's distance swirled around in his thoughts, plaguing his mind as his scent glands itched for a scenting and his Omega paced around his mind aimlessly.

Shipping from the pharmacy could take 3 work days. Shipping from his mother to Jungwon could take another 3. And then he didn't know when they'd arrive, so he wanted to have at least 2 spare just in case.

He needed 6 days and two to spare and 2 for each day... he needed 14 pills. And he had 14 pills.
He couldn't take another today.

He wanted to, desperately wanted to sedate the wolf inside, calm the raging storm of hormones and kill his worries, but he couldn't.
So his mind traced back to Heeseung.
The only other thing to have the same effect.
Heeseung, who just didn't seem very eager to talk to anyone right now.

But Jungwon also knew his brain liked to overdramatizise, to overthink and worry about things that weren't actually there.
So in hopes of his head just fucking with him once more, he bravely crossed the hallway and knocked on Heeseung's door before entering a few polite seconds later.

Said man was slouched in his gaming chair, hands on keyboard and mouse, intently staring at his computer screen while noise rang through his headphones so loudly, that Jungwon could hear.

He hadn't noticed him yet.

The Omega leaned against the doorframe for a second, uncertain whether to try and catch his members attention or just leave again, as Heeseung gave a happy cry in victory and grabbed a drink from his cup.

There was no reason for him to be that attractive while gaming, but Jungwon's eyes automatically glued themselves to Heeseung's adams apple as he gulped down his drink, and followed along with the hands that gripped the cup similarly to the way the had wound around Jungwons thigh earlier until the oldest set the cup back down and threw his hands up to settle them behind his neck in satisfaction, leaning deeper and deeper into his chair and god Jungwon needed to stop thinking.

As Heeseung leaned further back, his gaze lifted just above the computer screen. Right at Jungwon, whose option to flee wasn't really an option anymore.

Startled, Heeseung tore his headphones off.

"Hi, shit, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Jungwon cursed as he saw the older's reaction.

Heeseung closed his eyes for a second, trying to retire from the little scare before answering with a simple "Oh, Jungwon, hi" and repeatedly klicking buttons on his mouse and keyboard.

Heeseung just kept playing.

Slightly offended, Jungwon stood in the doorway before approaching him.

If fleeing wasn't a good option before, now it wasn't one at all. The greatest motivator in life had always been spite.

His Omega was offended at being ignored. Heeseung didn't even spare him another glance, even when Jungwon's stood right next to him.

If Heeseung wouldn't look at him, Jungwon would make him. He was too tired to play little children's games like silent treatment when he hadn't even done anything to deserve it.

"Hey are you just gonna ignore me?"

An arm reached out and yanked the boy to the side, until Jungwon's thighs sat on top of Heeseung's sideways.

"I'm not" Heeseung defended himself, the arm now settling around Jungwon's waist as the other hand still klicked wildly on the mouse.

"Did I do something?Did something happen?"

Heeseung laughed, but it was a strange laugh, almost bitter or pitifully.
"No, not at all"

And Jungwon simply couldn't tell whether his response was sarcastic or not.

"Hyung!" He held on to the front of Heeseung's sleeveless top as he tried to get the man to at least look at him. Couldn't he tell Jungwon was desperate?
"What is this?"

And Heeseung's focus slipped as he missed his target. He grunted slightly.

"Heeseung-hyung, please"

Heeseung's eyes closed in frustration.

"Jungwon, i like keeping my word, okay. Do you remember what I promised you?" His eyes were still glued to his screen, but his movement stopped.

Confused, Jungwon tilted his head to the side.

"That you would ... help me?" Was he trying to get Jungwon to say it? The s-word he didn't like asking for?

Another quiet huff of fake amusement. Before an exasperated
"Jungwon, you made me promise that I would forget about it. And If I don't keep myself distracted right now, I can't promise I won't think about kissing you constantly." followed.

Heeseung sounded exhausted.
His frustration had reached its limits.

He couldn't stand the thought anymore, as the memory repeated in his mind like a broken record, and he knew he couldn't do anything about it without it being considered odd.

The frustration that built when he couldn't tell Niki or any other person on this planet that Jungwon and his moments together meant something far far greater to him that anything else had and he couldn't just propose filling his position in something so intimate when he knew no one could ever replace what Jungwon felt like to him.

He wanted to show them how special Jungwon was to him, wanted to be as loud as he could about it. But really, he couldn't at all.

He could tell anyone how he loved feeling Jungwon's lips against his, when he wasn't even supposed to think about it.

And he couldn't be honest towards Jungwon if he thought about it.
He betrayed his word whenever he closed his eyes, and the images started playing all by themselves.

Hell, he didn't even know how to be honest to himself. Or more like if he had been honest to himself before.

Parts of him still denied the effect Jungwon had on him. He was an alpha practically thirsting over another alpha. He wasn't homosexual. Right?

He had never questioned himself before he developed these feelings towards their leader. He had always thought of himself as pretty normative. Almost traditional.

He always imagined a beautiful Omega in his arms, a house with children. And now his heart was basically spitting on his ideas of a future after enhypen. Or was it? Was it just hormones?

But Heeseung knew as Jungwon stared into his eyes in shock about his confession, that it wasn't just that. Maybe he was Jungwon-sexual?

It didn't matter though.
Nothing did as Jungwon's gaze dropped towards Heeseung's lips unconciously, breath hitched as his Hyung's words played on repeat in his head.

"Then don't. Don't stop thinking about it. I never did either."
Jungwon whispered, all precautions about his secret forgotten as only inches remaind between their faces, between their lips, their breathing leaving tingles on each other's faces.

"As long as you don't tell anyone." The words just kept spilling "No one will know. They can't stop you if they don't know."

Maybe he was saying it for his own sake, convincing himself it was okay to give in and close the gap that separated them.

"But you know" Heeseung's voice was raspy as he whispered back, suddenly out of breath as Jungwon's proximity stole every bit of oxygen out of his lungs. 
"So what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna stop me?"

"How?" A desperate laugh escaped the Omega. " I can't even stop myself."

And with that, soft lips met slightly chapped ones.

And whatever this kiss meant for Heeseung's sexuality, as long as he could keep kissing Jungwon like this, he'd accept it.

Unlike the first time, uncontrolled and sloppy, their lips moved in skilled patterns as they kissed for what felt like an eternity,  lips dancing together like they hadn't ever done anything else.

Heeseung's teeth occasionally caught onto Jungwon's bottom lips, nibbling on his sensitive plush skin and the noises that Jungwon produced sent shock waves of pleasure through the oldest veins.

Arms slithered across Heeseung's shoulders and crossed behind his neck as Jungwon pulled him as close as physically possible and Heeseung smiled into the kiss as not even a sheet of paper would have fit between their bodies with the way Jungwon pressed himself closer to him.

Heeseung's hands landed on Jungwon's thighs for the second time that day, but instead of a concerned squeez, his long slim fingers curled around the squishy flesh beneath Jungwon's cotton pants.

A groan followed in response as Jungwon slowly lifted himself up to situate his legs on each side of Heeseungs waist, straddling the older in his chair.

His skin was aflame as his alphas hand now squeezed his waist, then his hips and raked across his skin as his own hand landed on Heeseung's bare biceps.

Heeseung's clothing choices had become bolder lately. And Jungwon appreciated every bit of extra skin he felt underneath his finger tips as their makeout continued without interruptions this time.

Their now swollen lips met again and again, creating embarrassingly loud smacking noises that neither of them cared about as Heeseung enthusiastically explored Jumgwon's mouth and their pants for air also became louder.

But oxygen was the least of the omega's worries as his instinct swirled around his tummy, his urges scratching his skin from the inside as he focused on imprinting this feeling inside his mind forever. Heeseung's undevided attention shifted to decorating every inch of Jungwon's skin with his marks.

His kisses traveled from Jungwon's lips to his jaw and his throat. He sucked his marks into the side of his neck and his collarbone and as his teeth grazed the younger's scent glands ever so slightly, the prettiest moan Heeseung ever imagined left Jungwon.

"Fuck do that again, please"

And Heeseung did. And the more his mouth worked on the youngers neck, the more Heeseung could swear that addictively sweet scent filled his senses.

He pressed his face into the junction of Jungwon's neck, trying to get another whiff of whatever it was lingering on Jungwon's skin, but the closer he got, the more his own scent imprinted into Jungwon's pores.

Maybe it was Heeseung's mind playing tricks on him, trying to desperately project societies ideas of an ideal relationship onto whatever they were doing and making him hallucinate.

Or it actually was Jungwon's muted scent coning through, after all not every alpha smelled woody and musky. In some rare cases alphas also owned incredibly sweet or floral scents.

And nothing about Jungwon seemed ordinary to Heeseung anyway. The addictive scent only made Jungwon more perfect to the oldest. Fuck society.
Fuck idol image.

As Jungwon's hips started moving on top of Heeseung's legs instinctively, Heeseung was a complete goner.

He didn't even notice when a series of knocks drummed against his wooden door.

Not until Jungwon pushed himself off of him, hands against the olders chest, rapid heart beat pulsing against his fingers to call out an answer.

"Won-ah are you still in there with Heeseung-hyung? Your mom is calling!" Jay called out for a second time.

A frustrated groan left his lips.

"Yes I'm here, I'll come out in a second."

Heeseungs doe eyes stared up at him as Jungwon hovered above his lap, completely taken by his reddened cheeks and swollen glossy lips.

Before Jungwon could completely lift off of the other, Heesung's hands cupped Jungwon's cheeks before surging forward to plant another kiss right onto his mouth.

"Please tell me we can keep doing this" Jungwon said as the blush only intensified.

"No one can stop us if no one knows, right?" Heeseung repeated his own words and Jungwon almost cursed himself. He wanted to kiss Heeseung wherever, whenever. But this would have to do.

If there was anything worse for an idol image than presenting as an omega when you're the leader of your group, it was coming out as a nontraditional couple as an idol. Press would have a field day.

So Jungwon agreed silently and left to talk to his mother, who had the worst and best timing ever.

He desperately needed to talk to her about that new prescription again. He needed it as soon as possible.

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