Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Author's Note:

Welcome to our brand new fan fiction! Hope you enjoyed the prologue. Yes, it changes from third to first person. I am not really sure where to keep it. I couldn't do two pov's. I had a few changes ahead of time, so I hope you enjoy!.

:)! Enjoy!

Comment, vote thanks :).


Wednesday, July, 26.
New Character's POV.
Ashley High School.

"Your mother and I want the best for you", my step father explains as I stare out the car windows at my new school. What's going to be my new school anyhow? It was a need for me to be taken off my old preparatory to be here. I don't mind the chance. It was just too sudden for my comfort. It was inexplicable and under qualify. I mean, who am I to be here? I am no hero. Everybody knows Ashley High School is for heroes only. I am far from a hero.

"Look, for now. This is good. A new start. We all needed that". He starts once again. My eyes roll at him more than they should have. My lips parted to say words that never came out to him. I was just hoping something happens, so I didn't need to speak to him. Our worlds never combine. He would stay on his side of the line, and I would be in mine. 

His actions are good. I understand his reasons why we had to move. I just don't appreciate him trying to explain his reason. I don't appreciate him trying to explain himself. We already talk about it a few month back. It was the idea. He probably didn't get the memo; however, he was in the room next to my mother.

Flashback - 3 month ago.

It was the earliest I could remember. We were getting ready for summer, that's how my mom calls it. She is from the old times when summer was a thing. It surprises me when she talks about this vacation time that kids of all ages were allowed to have. It was amazing. She told me she loved it; however, in this time we live now. Summer doesn't exist what so ever. There are vacations that family plan ahead, and we are able to leave school without consequences. It's like a family tradition.

My brothers and sisters were in their rooms doing their usual things. I don't particularly ask on what's going on. We don't particularly talk that much when we don't have too. Everyone has their own thing. They have their own personal life, and I have my own personal one. The idea I had was to go out and be with my friends for the day; however, Salazar, my step dad had other plans for me. 

"Is that you, Bella? Come to the kitchen at once", I bit my bottom lip looking at the front door. What's stopping me from just opening it? Nothing. I can totally do it. I resume walking towards the door before I hear my mother, "Bella. Please come into the kitchen". I instantly stop in my tracks. Salazar just uses my mother as the bait. This is one of the reasons we don't like each other. He thinks he has a right to control me. Oh, how wrong he is. He isn't even my real father. 

A tsk escape my lips while I walk past the stairs. I passed the living room maneuvering through all the unpacked boxes and unplaced furniture. The living room was a complete mess to my mere surprise because this wasn't messy last night. I would remember I ate dinner in the living room last night. Everyone was already asleep when that happens. I am a loner. It seems bad, but I just need one friend. I have a friend, Stella. She is my best friend. The sweetest girl in Vigorous Preparatory. 

It's not the best school to be sweet; however, Stella makes it wonderful to be attending. She has the most elaborate jokes of all times. I do believe Stella is a smartass. The only problem is that she is an airhead sometimes. We have similarities, but the only difference is that I am not air-headed or have a sense of fashion. Stella fashion sense comes in pink and white. Oh, I can't forget her love for fluffness. She takes it to a whole new level.

I shake my head looking into the kitchen. Boxes everywhere from the counters to the floors. I glance at them as I came into the kitchen. I take a seat at the table in front of my mother. She was seating parallel to me with a big smile on her features. Salazar is standing to the right of my mother. He has a reassuring hand on her right shoulder while I am glaring daggers into his skull. I am hoping it makes a hole, or that he burst into flames. I might be acting like an attitude brat, but I just can't trust him. Yeah, that's it. I don't trust him.

"Sweetheart. We have big news", A smile on my features the moment my eyes fall on my mothers. My mother has amber eyes that remind me of fresh honey. She used to bring these big jars of it from the market. She always knows which are the best ones to pick. My mother has beautiful almond hair. Her hair is longer than mine while I prefer it to be shoulder length. I love my mother's hair color. Ungratefully, I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am the most basic of all the combinations out there, but I am happy with whatever I was given. I have got the best mother in the whole wide world.

"News? like what? You are redecorating?", I try my best to quick out the mystery they have going on. It was a joke. I found it funny; however, Salazar glares up at me. I roll my eyes at him, "Is it everything a joke for you?", he asks me. I didn't respond just lean back on the chair. I cross my arms not even looking at him. Instead, I glance out the window on the left, "Salazar. Leave us, please. You know she is getting used to us". My mother explains trying for Salazar not to be angry at my behavior again. We don't mix well with water and oil.

A sigh escapes Salazar's lips as he glances at my mother, "Madelline. You need to stop consenting her behavior". He speaks up before turning around and leaving the room. I look at my mother as soon as the door he went in close. My mother looks down at all the boxes, "Bella. I need you to cooperate. It's a change, but I do believe you'll like this new place". She explains to me with the sweetest tone, and I can't say no to her tone. I mean, that's my mother's power after all. I don't remember much after that. I know, I had packed all of my stuff that same night. I am able to say that my mother is good.

End of Flashback.

"Look, Salazar. Let's just do like this never happen. You stay in your side while I deal with mine. I am going to a new high school. Do you want to know the truth? I am tired of changes. I am tired of changing every damn time you fucked up. It's always. It's not my fault or my siblings, is it? I had a life back in Oster. I had friends which it's hard to get. I had a life", I didn't stop neither waited for him to protest. 

I could only see the shock on his features as I take the biggest breath in history, "You are the worst. I am now here while my best friend gets bullied back in Oster! You think that's fair??? NO! I had no choice! I was her shield. I protected her. Now, what do I do now? ha? Yeah, I thought so". I grab the door handle jumping out the car. I closed the door after taking my backpack. I didn't look back once as I walk away into my new life, Ashley High School. Did I explain this is a heroes school? Let that sink in.

I had a pretty good idea of what to do in this school. I might need to get a transfer or suspended. My mother won't have any choice to sent me back to Oster. I could go back with Stella. I can't leave my best friend on her own. She is basically an outcast in Oster. I didn't mind being an outcast with her. It was our own special time together. We would explore and do these amazing things. Other kids at Oster call us weird. 

Well, we were weird? I wasn't the one that looked like a mutant survivor of an experiment. That's putting it nicer. They aren't the nicest kids in Oster; however, Stella and I didn't mind much. We had a thought an idea. It was our idea. Our friendship was worth much than a simple game. 

I sigh heavily shaking the feeling of dread. Stella would want me to be happy. There is a thought. I was determined to make the few days I have in this school worth my while. I could have a story out of this. One, I can tell Stella. I got the simplest outfit I could think off. I am not trying to make friends with anyone; however, I had to wear something. I went with blue jeans that I got from Fnarg is a pretty good store back at Oster. A plain white shirt protected by my favorite leather jacket. It was my mother's gift to me for turning 16. It was like my sweet 16th gift. 

I came prepared with white sneakers. I had seen the layouts from the internet of the high school. They have a lot of buildings from different things. I had no idea there were so many heroes. I have completely forgotten how many there were. I thought there were only a few like Stark Tower and such. That's basically all I know. I am not glued to know everything about heroes. I don't particularly care. I do know, they don't like villains. I am no villain. I just know how to survive certain situations.

I check the A.H.H app to figure out where the hell am I. I have completely no idea as everything looks the same to me. I look up localizing where I am supposed to go. A quick pace on my steps trying to move through groups of students. I didn't want to talk to anyone at all. It wasn't an option I was willing to take. I glance around noticing I am the only one to approach the machine. It looks like a cylinder made of metal. I am slowly approaching noticing the 3 lines of 3 that are at the bottom. They are placed in a horizontal line while at the top has a small box.

I stop in front of the cylinder. I look around seeing how no one looks at me. I place my hand down onto the small box seeing that it was scanning it. A ring bell came into my phone as I look at it. Did I just get my schedule on my phone? Cool!. I look back at the cylinder not sure what to do now. I fix my backpack to one of my shoulders. I glance down at my phone reading through the schedule while I walk away from the cylinder. It explains here I have a class in building 7 located in room 356. I look up noticing I am back at the front of the school. I glance left and right trying to figure out where my guide is. They said somebody was going to come walk me around. 

A roll of my eyes came as I glance at the time, "Holy shit! 9:16am? I am so late". I whisper to myself taking the left sidewalk. I passed some group of Cheerleaders. They didn't shove me to the side like they do at Oster. They were too distracted talking to each other to notice me. A breeze blew by once in a while, but I didn't trust it much. The weather in Ashley High School is control by students or heroes with weather powers. It's not a fair game, to be honest. What if they wanted to burn the whole damn school? What about then?

I am shoved back, and I truly fall onto my ass. I wasn't truly looking up or around me. I look in front of me noticing a girl on the floor. She glances up at me with a death glare, "Look, where yo- Oh, I know you". A finger to her chin as she looks me up and down. She slowly stands up cleaning her jeans. I roll my eyes at the sweet time she is taking. She hands her hand towards me, "Are you, Bella? The new girl?". I take her hand nodding. She smiles widely at me, "Yeah, you are?". I ask like a dumbass.

"Wally. Wally Blackwell. Nice to meet you. I am your guide". 

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