Chapter 5: Sisters

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A/N: Welcome back, everyone! How are you? I am pretty good. It all works out for the best because this was supposed to be chapter 2. I am very happy with the turns of events. Hope you enjoy chapter 5.


Thursday, July, 27. 
New Character's POV.
Ashley High School: Building 4: Floor 4. 
2:45 pm.


It was good back then life was perfect. 

We meant everything to each other.
No matter what we had each other's backs.

We were sisters that selected each other to be with forever than anyone else.
That was our truth. That was our past and that will be our future.

No matter if one of us has been sent away.
Away from our reach.

We will persevere even now.
We will never leave one of us behind.
We will always protect each other.
That's the key to our small group.

Us above anyone else.
No matter what.
No matter who.
No matter when.

WE will ALWAYS be there for each other.

End of Flashback.

A sigh escapes my lips as I read through my English paper about some villain that cause the destruction of a city. How was the city name... again? Sokovia? Sokokia? Sovokia? meh. I don't particularly care. Last time, I check I don't care about much but certain people. This school has never brought me luck in any way. They have instead taken a lot from me. Many things that I care so much about, so I'll return the favor and give them hell. 

I walk into the hell of a room I have to be for the rest of the day. Mr. Polanco glances at me as if I am the devil in disguise. Actually, I am the most self-efficient girl that comes to this class. I do what I have to do except this paper. I waited to the last minute to do it. I am handing it a few days before the dateline. He always says I have my histories mixed in a shit load of fantasy. First of all, It's not my fault I am able to know stuff around here. I have connections, and I know people that have gone to other alternative universes. 

Also, he doesn't seem to trust my family. Us Blackwell's get stereotyped a lot of times in one week. I love it. It's my source of amusement as of now I am just figuring it out what else they are going to say. Ashley High School is truly marvelous, right? They are heroes but will gossip just as bad. They'll make sure you are known. They'll categorize you as the worst, so it's just right you become the thing they hate... Amazing. 

They are all waiting for my siblings & I to go crazy; however, we are not going to give them the last laugh. That's not something I was made to do. You win just as much when you don't let them get to you. An unfair fight it seems, but no one will take that risk than just you. No one can't save you from your own demons. That's something only you can do. That's why. I am pretty laid back. Nothing can make me regret my days except coming into this class.

"Look, who decided to join us", blurts Mr. Polanco as he glares at me from his desk. I walk straight towards his desk. I didn't even waste time to look around the room is not like I have the interest to know who's in class today. Mr. Polanco palms were on his legs while he sees the paper I left on his desk. I roll my eyes turning around to go up the stairs to my table. Mr. Polanco coughs, "This paper is late. I am not going to accept it". I stop in my tracks brushing blonde locks from my eyes. A couple of swearings wanted to slip from my lips; however, I take a deep breath before turning around.

"Excuse me? It's an essay, Polanco". I reply with a hint of attitude on my words. 

"I am not taking it. Go give it to Mr. Walls. You are late anyhow". He blurts out throwing my paper on the floor in front of his desk. I take another breath as the room of students around me glance my way. The thought of bursting his head crossed my mind, but I hold in the desire to know how much radiation Mr. Polanco can take. I would love to do an experiment just on that. I glance at the virtual clock on the left wall that shows I am early. 

"Class starts at 3 pm. It's 2:50 pm. How am I late?". 

"Do not race your voice to me, young lady!". The room looks at Mr. Polanco as his palm makes contact with his desk. I glare daggers at him holding back, "You have no authority to scream at me! Take that piece of paper to Mr. Wall. Get. Out. Of. My. Classroom. Go with your own kind". I hold my palms into a fist feeling my whole body growing upset. 

He has no reason to treat me this way. I didn't even look at him the wrong way. I'm so tired of his bs.

A bright light form on my palms as I glance at Mr. Polando, "Would you repeat that again? Do we have to go through this every day, Polanco? Do you really want to go there?". A sick smile on my lips, while I walk towards, his desk. He moves back from his desk stepping back as much as I walk closer to him, "Look! Willow is nothing personal! The students! You know.. they don't particularly like you". I roll my eyes at his excuse to save his skin, "So you would blame them instead?".

"Tha-at's n-not i-it". He tries so hard to speak, but he sucks so bad at it, "Not, what? What is it, Polanco? It looks to me that you would put them first to save your skin". I lower down taking my essay from the floor with my free hand. Mr. Polanco jumps back when I move to his desk cabinets, "I hear that you keep everyone's phones here". I take the cabinet on my way out without waiting for him to answer me. A deep sigh is all it took for my powers to disappear. I resume walking with a thought on my mind.

How the hell would I make it to, Mr. Walls on time?


Thursday, July, 27.
New Character's POV.
Ashley High School: Mr. Walls - Class of Misfits. Building 10 - Underground.
5:30 pm.

"Comet", Comet looks up from glancing at her nails, "What is it, Dopsy?".

"Is that Warren Worthington the 3rd?". Comet glances around the room locking eyes with a sky blue. Comet rolls her eyes then looks back at Dopsy, "Nah, probably a want to be Angel. We have so many of those now. I am not impressed anymore". Dopsy nods going back to her notebook to finish some Math homework she hasn't done yet. Comet sighs hoping something happens that brings life into the room. Comet is bored out of her mind, "Hello". 

Warren stands in front of Comet's table. A charming smile on his lips while Comet rolls her eyes, "Look, pretty boy. Those techniques you used so often around Ashley's will not affect me. I have seen a ton of boys try their luck. Also, I have taken the pleasure to brutally humiliate them without mercy". Comet leans back in her chair with an evil grin forming on her lips. Warren thinks through Comet's warning before placing his palms on her table. A glare that could possibly scar most teenage boys is given to Warren. He didn't move an inch. He stands his ground smiling towards Comet, "I'll take that into account, Miss...".

Dopsy stares at Warren's effort of trying to gain Comet's last name. Everyone in the room waited for Warren to be eaten alive and thrown out. It never happens only for Comet to shrug him off, "Leave. You are boring me". Warren smiles towards Comet just as Mr. Walls calls for everyone to take a seat. He glances back at Comet, "You are on luck". Comet glares at Warren standing from her seat. Warren gains a punch to the gut by Comet herself. She holds onto his shoulders with her left hand. She drags him away from her table as she softly whispers in his ears, "Don't think you can directly look at me. Don't ever do that". She lets go of him walking back to her chair. 

There is not much care in the world... I am not going to become the exception. I don't care. 

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