𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘌𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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"𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵, 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳?"

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"Sherbet Lemon ad infinitum." Madam Hooch says and the gargoyle steps aside, revealing a circular staircase.

The year just began and professor McGonagall was very angry already.

Her first year as the official headmistress of Hogwarts was putting her under way more pressure than she expected.

She knew that it wasn't an easy job and she was honoured that she's been given such a role, but with the Tournament to organise and all the wizards coming from the ministry every day, dealing with troublemakers now wasn't very appreciated.

The boys sat in silence, their head low.

"Have a biscuit, Jeon and Yoon." Their former transfiguration teacher says, her voice calm.

They weren't surprised by what she said, meaning they've been in that same place various times before. They do as she said and when they are about to eat the biscuit, she interrupts them.

"Mister Jeon, clean your nose please. It's not enjoyable to look at."

"Sorry, professor." He blushes and takes a tissue from one of his uniform's pockets.

"We've been here before, haven't we?" McGonagall looks at them disapprovingly.

"Yes, professor." They answer together.

"And what did I tell you during every one of our unpleasant encounters?"

"To not allow our Quidditch rivalry to become personal."

"As you can see, especially from today's episode, it became much more than a sports competition for the two of you. I'll tell you honestly what I think about this whole childish feud you're having from years now: you two are jealous of each other."

"What?!" JEONGHAN exclaims.

"That's absurd, professor!" WONWOO says in shock.

"It is not. As you know, I'm very busy with the Triwizard Tournament and I don't have time for doing the same talk I always do to you. Because of your inappropriate behaviour today, 50 points will be removed to your respective houses and you will have to join Mr Filch after classes for this whole week."

Before they can protest, she raises her hand and they keep quiet.

"I'm not done yet. The following week, you will be staying together after classes for as long as it takes for the two of you to apologise."

"But professor-" They're cut off by the headmistress.

"Off with you, go directly to Madam Pomfrey. And I better not see you here again anywhere soon for this reason."

"Yes, professor." They mutter.

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The day after the fight on the Quidditch pitch pass quickly and it's already the beginning of a new week.

Wednesday was an important day for Yuyan. More than ever actually.

They had potions that day and she was willing to give Slytherin as many points as she could and was quite grateful that she didn't have Junhui in the same year as her.

The guy ends up taking the spotlight every time he breathes and he's evidently professor Slughorn's favourite student.

And that annoyed her because potions was her favourite subject.

Potions Class - 5th Year Students
---Slytherins and Gryffindors

"Hello, my dear students!" Professor Slughorn greets with a happy smile.

"Good morning, professor." The class replies in unison.

"Two Wednesdays ago we started to talk about the draught of peace. Well, more like last week we started and if I'm not mistaken, I spent the first two hours of lesson tormenting you of questions about your summer holidays."

Some students laugh.

"Now, now... Who recalls the effect this potion brought?"

Several hands arise.

"Miss Long, go ahead!"

"The draught of peace is an advanced potion that relieves the drinker from anxiety and agitation." YUYAN replies readily, but without going on details the teacher didn't ask.

"Great answer, miss! That will be 10 points for Slytherin. Who knows the side effects of this potion? Oh, miss Yuyan proceed!" Slughorn smiles proudly.

"If you are to put a higher dose of the ingredients in the potion, the drinker will fall into a heavy sleep, that could become an irreversible process."

"Excellent Yuyan! I wouldn't expect anything less from a Long! 10 more points to Slytherin." Slughorn says, his smile hiding the sadness he felt over remembering the death of Yuyan's twin brother, Long Naping.

"Thank you, professor." YUYAN smiles, more shy than usual, as she felt everyone staring at her with pity. She could feel it.

She did not want that.

"Next Wednesday, we'll start with the preparation of the potion. Today, we will keep our focus on the theory! Who knows what are the characteristics of the potion? Mister Mitchell!"

Yuyan hated to admit it, but these two weeks she's been zoning out continuously during the lessons.

What she hated to admit the most was the reason behind her distraction: Wen Junhui.

She kept on thinking 'Why do you care so much if he isn't showing interest in you anymore, you dummy?' or 'You have your O.W.Ls this year, you need to focus!'

The two hours of potions pass quickly.

"You are dismissed, class." Slughorn waves too energetically for a man of his age.

"Miss Long and mister Mitchell, the Slug Club will be having its first meeting next week before-" He coughs before he says anything he shouldn't say.

Like Rubeus Hagrid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

"Thank you, professor."

The two students leave the classroom and Yuyan goes to the Slytherin Common Room.

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Hospital Wing

The place was full of visitors, to Madam Pomfrey's happiness.

MacQuoid was still hospitalized and all of his friend came to check on him daily.

"We don't have any good chaser reserve who could take your place until you get better. That's why we're holding an audition. Let's hope someone good enough will show up." WONWOO helps his injured team mate to catch up about what was going on outside.

"By the way, your nose looks way better than before." MacQuoid laughs.

"Like you idiot remember anything." WONWOO scoffs, his face becoming red from embarrassment.

"Shut it, Reggie. Don't you realise that Wonu here punched Yoon Jeonghan for you? If that ain't love..." JIHEON jokes.

"I don't think my sister, Evelyn, would be happy to hear that, Jeon." Ezequiel Mitchell, the team's beater, receives a glare from an even more embarrassed Wonwoo.

"You guys are the worst." JIHOON shakes his head with a smile.

"Let the guy alone or he'll end up recovered again, but due to complications from embarrassment." MINGHAO makes his friends laugh.

Lucy observed Minghao and realised how comfortable he feels when he's only surrounded by the team and his close friends.

She smiles.

"What was that smile for, girl?" TAERIN gives Lucy a knowing look.

The latter blushes and says nothing.

"Yoon got you bad, didn't he?" JIHEON looks closer to Wonwoo's nose.

"It was well deserved honestly."

Everyone looks at Taerin with shocked expressions.

"Uh... Taerin he's your housemate and friend who got beaten up by a total jerk who nearly paralysed another housemate of yours. Do you remember or the spirit of Salazar obliviated you?" JIHEON looks at Taerin in disbelief.

"First, Wonwoo beat him back. Second, hitting Reggie wasn't his intention and third, Wonwoo was being, well, a piece of shit." TAERIN replies.

"How dare you-" JIHEON is cut off by Taerin.

"How dare me? How dare him call someone a death eater because of their parents? If Jeonghan is a death eater, then so am I. Isn't it Wonwoo?"

"Look, it's different. You have a completely different view of magic, not like your father. He's a copy of his parents, on the other hand. There is no-"

"Yeah, but that doesn't make him a death eater! He fought on our side during the battle of Hogwarts, remember? Jeonghan might be a snake sometimes, but he's not evil." TAERIN rises her voice.

"Taerin, it's something between me and him. You don't need to take it personally because you have a similar background." WONWOO massages his temples.

"Guys, please, don't you see what is happening? This whole mess is separating us, it's making us weaker. We're supposed to support each other, we're a family." LUCY says desperately.

She didn't want to see another fight. No one did.

"Lucy is right. What got into you guys?" MINGHAO asks with a sad voice.

"It's just not fair, Hao." TAERIN replies and leaves the room.

Outside, Taerin sees Jessica waiting to enter and check on the injured player.

She passes by and greets her cordially.

Jessica is scared of the Ravenclaws' reaction.

Would they insult her for coming? Call her an hypocritical?

When she was about to leave another person comes out of the door.

It was Lucy.

"Hello, Jessica! You came to see Reggie?"

Jessica nods.

"Come in then!" LUCY smiles.

"I don't want to be a bother..." JESSICA lowers her head.

"Not at all! Come it!" LUCY holds Jessica's hand to encourage her.

Once inside, the head girl is greeted kindly and that warms her heart.

"Thanks for coming by, Hwang." MacQuoid says.

"No problem, I hope you're doing better Reginald." JESSICA feels embarrassed.

"I brought... Uh... Some sweets. Here." She walks shyly and leaves the small bag on a table.

"That's thoughtful of you, Jess." JIHEON side hugs the Slytherin student, making her feel more comfortable.

"I'm sorry for what Jeonghan has done, whether intentional or not. He's too proud to apologise himself, so I hope you accept my apology." JESSICA's genuine words touch all the Ravenclaws in attendance.

"It's not your fault, but I really appreciated what you said. You didn't have to, though..." Reginald blushes, not knowing what to say.

"How- how is your nose, Wonwoo?" JESSICA can be insensitive sometimes and isn't good with emotions, so she sounded very insecure while asking.

"I'm fine, thanks..." WONWOO clears his throat.

"How is... Uh..."

"He's fine, it's kind of you to ask." JESSICA avoids Wonwoo utter embarrassment and he gives her a grateful nod.

"I should make my leave..." JESSICA greets everyone and goes back from where she came.

(suggestion by d4rklinq)

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NATALIE arrives late at lunch.

"Where are Mingyu, Seungkwan and Aria?" Steam was coming out of her ears.

"I don't know. What have they done this time? Let me guess: Vernon and Alexia were involved too." SOONYOUNG takes a sip of his water, amused.

"Haven't you seen the house point hourglasses today? They got 60 points removed from Hufflepuff because they started to sing like drunk monkeys and dance in the hallway, distracting those attending their lessons!" Her voice cracks.

Soonyoung laughs, but he soon regrets it.

"But you find it amusing. Maybe because you're one of them, these troublemakers. You got 20 points removed for messing up with Peeves. Seriously, man?!" NATALIE says, on the verge of tearing her hair out.

While Natalie closes her eyes and takes deep breaths, Soonyoung gestures to the approaching Seungcheol to get away, seriously fearing for his safety.

The Gryffindor guy turns around and starts to leave, understanding what Soonyoung was trying to tell him, when Natalie turns around suddenly.

"You!" She points a shaky finger at Seungcheol, who smiles nervously.

"Hello, my favourite girl in the world!" He says, his voice higher than usual.

"I won't take that personally only because I ship you guys." LILLIAN tries to save her captain, winking at Natalie.

"Ugh, I don't even have the strength to argue today." She rests her head on the table.

"Are you okay, Nat?" JOSHUA asks sympathetically.

"I'm fine Shua. It's just... I don't think I deserve to be the head girl. I'm simply not good at it. I shouldn't have- Oh gosh." NATALIE sounds like someone who hasn't slept for days.

Lillian pats her on the shoulder.

"It's not easy our job, you know? We are the head people and team captains of our houses. What makes it harder is the presence of troublemakers. Aren't you used to it though? Because I don't think Lawrence does idiotic things only here in Hogwarts." SEUNGCHEOL says, making Natalie giggle softly.

He was right. Her siblings, with some exceptions, were all crazy and she had to teal with them every day. She could survive dealing with two pairs of grown babies.

"Thanks, Cheol. For not being an idiot. Once." NATALIE gives him a half smile.

"Always at your service, m'lady!" He bows dramatically.

"You've been spending too much time with Shua, eh?" LILLIAN rises an eyebrow.

"We've been spending too much time together since the first year, I'm glad to see that this man is learning some manners finally." JOSHUA laughs and Seungcheol elbows him playfully.

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YEONMI was feeling in a good mood, as she approached Chan from behind, ready to scare him to death.

But you know, she steps on something and Gryffindor's seeker turns around with a huge, innocent smile.

"Hello Yeonmi! How are you today?"

"Ugh, why are you always this-" YEONMI was going to say 'cute' but she stopped herself on time, her cheeks reddening violently.

"-This difficult to scare?"

Chan seems genuinely confused.

"I don't know? Why, were you trying to scare me?"

Yeonmi nods and the young Gryffindor laughs.

"It's usually the opposite. I think it's your fault because you're quite unlucky and- What?" CHAN tries to understand to what is Yeonmi looking.

"It's- What's that?" YEONMI asks, her eyes widening.

"It's a bird. COULD IT BE A HIPPOGRIF?" CHAN jumps up and down.

"It is, Chan. Tha's wha' our lesson is 'bout today!" The friendliest half giant around smiles at the two.

"So Hagrid... Happy that Madam Maxime will come to Hogwarts?" YEONMI grins, knowing that she caught her teacher and friend off guard.

"How did ye know? Ye're too young ter have been here las time- impossible. Who- who said tha' I-? What ye heard is exaggerated, for sure. Don believe it." Hagrid blushes and starts to mumble words than neither Chan nor Yeonmi understand.

"Poor Hagrid. Look in what state he ended, Yeonmi!" CHAN laughs.

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Five angry students were busy cleaning not only the hallway they sang in previously, but also all the classrooms surrounding it. And Filch seemed to enjoy their suffering.

Not only that, but he had two more students to look over.

It was definitely his lucky day!

"I told you guys that we should've avoided." ARIA's voice was as low as a whisper.

"But it was funny, wasn't it?" VERNON laughs.

"It's too late to do anything about it now. Let's just do as quick as we can, so we'll be done soon." MINGYU says.

"Come on, guys. This is just wrong." SEUNGKWAN doesn't stop cleaning as he complains.

"Do I look like a janitor to you?! My talent is wasted as a Filch!" He raises his voice unintentionally.

"I heard you, idiot. Less talking, more cleaning." The actual janitor who liked to be called caretaker laughs evilly.

"Gross, useless, horrible creature." ALEXIA hisses.

"I agree. How dare he call Boo like that? If there is an idiot here, it's him." ARIA shakes her head.

"Don't worry, Kyung. We all know that he's a clown." SEUNGKWAN says nonchalantly, but he appreciated what Aria said.

"I said, less talking-"

"More cleaning, aight. We heard, no need to say it again." ALEXIA moves the mop around, frustrated.

"Maybe cause we're not deaf like you, mean sir." MINGYU whispers, making his friends giggle.

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𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠!

-OC: favourite flower? (even if you're allergic to flowers or you don't like them, but name one that you find intriguing or beautiful + include why if you want)
-OC: what's your motto? (you can also include why)

𝘼𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚:

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"𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵, 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳?"

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