𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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“𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦.”

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Slytherin Dungeon

(yg wants to know your location)

JESSICA is the only one sitting in the common room. Everyone else is still sleeping. She's reading a heavy looking book.

"Are you always awake this early?" She's interrupted by a male voice and a yawn.

JESSICA sighs.

"You know that I didn't become head girl sleeping till the sunset. And is this a miracle? Yoon Jeonghan up early during the weekend?"


"I wanted to go for a morning walk."

"You? A morning walk?"

"I'll never stop surprising you, right?" JEONGHAN says, as a smirk forms on his lips.

JESSICA scoffs and focuses on her book again.

Ravenclaw Tower

Various students are awake already and sitting in the common room and are all reading books on their own.

LUCY wakes up and after getting ready, she takes her sketchbook and goes to the common room to draw by the fire, before breakfast time comes.

It looks like MINGHAO had the same idea because he brought his sketchbook as well. LUCY noticed him and she appeared him shyly.

"Can I sit here?"

MINGHAO raises his eyes from the sketchbook, smiles shyly and nods.

"Uhm... What are you drawing?"

"I... Don't know. I just started with some random lines and... I'm not sure what came out." MINGHAO says with sincerity.

"Can I have a look?"

He nods and hands her the sketchbook hesitantly and LUCY looks at the drawing.

"It does look like a fire maybe?" She gives him back the sketchbook and they sit beside each other.

"Well, you're right. Uhm... And what about your drawing? What you have in mind?" He asks as his cheeks become red.

"Oh, I still don't know. Breakfast is approaching so I will probably draw something in the Great Hall."

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Great Hall

Hufflepuff Table

NATALIE and SOONYOUNG were just handed the schedules by the Headmistress and are now talking about their lessons.

"I am excited to have two hours of charms on Monday. It's a good way to start the year. What about you? I still didn't check the seventh year schedule." SOONYOUNG asks curiously.

"I have two hours of Herbology! I can't wait to start. I have high hopes that we are going to win the house cup this year." NATALIE says confidently.

"Good morning, everyone!" MISUN and SEOKMIN greets the other two students happily.

"Morning sunlights!" They greet them together.

"Did you receive the lessons schedule?!" MINGYU rushes towards his house table.

"Morning to you too, Gyu." NATALIE says while rolling her eyes playfully.

"Sorry guys. Good morning. Now." The tall boy takes a deep breath because he run his way to the Great Hall.

"Which classes we share with Ravenclaw this year?"

His Hufflepuff friends giggle in answer and wiggle their eyebrows at him.

"Look at you, Gyu! Taerin will be the death of you." SEOKMIN says with a grin.

"What?! T-taerin? Who talked about her? I asked for pure curiosity..." MINGYU says blushing.

"Yeah, sure and I am not Hogwarts' best keeper." SOONYOUNG says while smirking.

"And Natalie doesn't have the biggest crush on Gryffindor's Quidditch captain." MISUN says with a mischievous smile and she high fives SEOKMIN.

"Wait, what?!" NATALIE nearly chocks even though she's not eating.

MINGYU, relived for the subject change joins all the others in teasing NATALIE, who doesn't appreciate it.

"Aha! Gyu is trying to change subject but we don't do that here." EVELYN says with a huge grin as she reaches the group of Hufflepuff students.

"Ha Ha. You're so funny. I know you want to have shared lessons with Ravenclaw, eh?" MINGYU says with a wink, while nudging her playfully.

"I don't need to ask for which shared classes we have with Ravenclaw because sixth seventh years share all classes together." EVELYN winks mischievously.

"Wow. This is unfair. You get to see Wonwoo and I am not allowed to see Taerin? This school is becoming more and more discriminatory!" MINGYU exclaims with indignation.

Gryffindor Table

JOSHUA looks at the Great Hall's door waiting for someone.

"You waiting for Lillian?" SEUNGCHEOL says as he joins JOSHUA and starts having breakfast.

"She, Alexia and Vernon have been partying all the night in the common room. They called it 'pre boring school party'. I am surprised how you could sleep with all the noise they made. Professor Lupin was sent by the headmistress..." SEUNGCHEOL is interrupted by a female angry voice.

"Because Flich is a snitch." ALEXIA says.

"I would've used another word but yep, he's definitely a snitch." VERNON adds.

SEUNGCHEOL laughs at the angry guys.

"Honestly, you deserved it." CHAN says, holding his laughter.

"Shut up, Chan. So it was a good party and you enjoyed the food Mingyu brought and then, when Lupin joined us, you became innocent?" LILLIAN rolls her eyes as she joins the Gryffindor table with Chan.

JINA, who didn't say anything until now, starts her lecture.

"You know that I don't want to remove points from Gryffindor and this time I didn't do it because, well, we have no points yet. Partying itself isn't prohibited. More or less... But partying loud like that... The headmistress even sent the Head of the House for you to calm down!"

Everyone giggles at the Gryffindor table, even JOSHUA, while MINGYU sends his Gryffindor friends a knowing smile and giggles as well.

When the teachers and more students arrive to the Great Hall, the owls start dropping the post.

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Slytherin Table

A big owl drops the post YUYAN received. She was expecting all this mail and she starts immediately to read the letter her older brother, Zixing, sent her. When she's done reading it, she starts smiling and reminds herself to write him a letter later.

Her father doesn't always send her mail but today he sent her a letter asking about how she's doing.

YUYAN puts the letters apart and starts checking her copy of the daily prophet. JUN sits beside her and looks at her for a few minutes until she says:

"Take a picture. It lasts longer."

"I wanted to say good morning but you seemed occupied and I didn't want to interrupt you." He says with an embarrassed smile that he immediately changes to a grin.

"Ah yeah, sure. Good morning. Now can yous stop staring?"

"I know you don't mind it, even though you say otherwise. Let's pretend that you mind my gaze, then stop sending me glances as well." JUN says with a grin.

"W-what?! I don't- send you glances!" YUYAN exclaims surprised by the fact that he actually caught her staring at him a few times.

"Your cheeks say otherwise." JUN adds with an even wider grin.

"Pathetic." She says and takes her copy of the witch weekly.

JUN smiles and starts eating breakfast, while looking at the magazine with YUYAN.

"Excuse me, sir. If you want to look at my magazine, then you need my permission."

"Wow. So mean. And by the way, there is no need to call me sir, miss."

YUYAN snorts.

A few minutes later, YEONMI rushes to the Gryffindor table with a copy of the witch weekly and the letter from her father.

"Hey Chan!" She shouts near his ear, scaring him to death.

"Merlin's beard, Yeonmi! You gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry but look at this!" She says and drops the copy of the magazine in front of him.

He checks the cover and his eyes start glowing from happiness.

"NO WAY!" He exclaims loudly.

"Is this true? A new broomstick?! In which page they talk about it? Have you checked already? Did they put pictures of it?" He asks with curiosity.

"Not yet. It says that the article is at page 47!" She tells him as she sit beside him.

"Look at how gorgeous this baby is! Ah~" CHAN says with dreamy eyes.

"You're right. This new broom with an elegant yet strong aspect, has an acceleration of... 165 MILES AN HOUR! This is faster than the firebolt! I am fainting." YEONMI says as she puts a hand on her racing heart.

"Currently, there are only 7 samples and they are propriety of the English National Quidditch. Yeonmi, this is rarer than purple carrots!"

"Purple carrots?" YEONMI asks with a confused frown.

"Yes. It's a vegetable hard to find. Aria told me about it." CHAN explains.

"Anyway! My father wrote me a letter and told me that he's going to buy me a new broomstick! Well, it won't be the firebolt but I'm so excited to show it off. Bet Aria's new broomstick isn't as good at this, hah!" YEONMI says excitedly.

TAERIN is shown while reading the tons of mail she received from her grandma.

"You ready to start transfiguration and divination?" MINGYU approaches her.

"Yes! I am wondering if the ministry added new spells in the fourth year curriculum..." TAERIN says.

JIHOON walks towards the Gryffindor table with a small smile.

"Hey Jina... Are you free?" He asks shyly.

LILLIAN and ALEXIA look at her and wiggle their eyebrows.

"Yeah! I just checked the daily prophet and ended reading the letters I received. I was going to owlery to send a letter to my brother and give some food to Noc."

"Oh! You sound busy. Nevermind. It was nothing important." JIHOON says and brushes the back of his neck.

"No no! What can I do for you?"

JIHOON blushes.

"Uhm... My parents send me a new set of wizard's chess and I was wondering if you wanted to have a friendly match."

"Sweet~" ALEXIA and LILLIAN say together, receiving a glare from JINA.

"That's so nice of you! Of course I want to have a friendly match. I can send the letter later. Or you can come with me to the owlery. I give Noc the letter and then we play chess." JINA proposes.

"You don't mind?" JIHOON asks, trying to hide the surprise in his voice.

"Of course not! Let's get going, if you agree."

He nods and the smol students leave.

"Admittedly, they are really cute together." SEOKMIN says from the Hufflepuff table.

"You know what else is cute?" MISUN says and curses herself mentally.

"What?" SEOKMIN asks with his cute signature smile.

'Your smile.'

"The- uhm..."

'Your honest eyes.'


'Your lovely scent.'


'Your warm hugs.'

"The bowtruckles!" She face palms mentally for not being able to tell him any of the things she thought of.

"You're right!" He laughs brightly but his eyes show a little bit of disappointment.

(a/n: i swear, i have heart pain. these too are way too cute)

ARIA giggles happily as she opens her mail.

"My dad is becoming a better person. We still don't get so along but if he keeps on sending me sweets, he might become my number one relative. After my brother, of course. He's still the best!"

SEUNGKWAN laughs, while checking his copy of the daily prophet.

"You are probably the most corruptible around. Just give you some sweets and boom! You switch sides."

"Stop it, Boo. You offend me." She says playfully as she takes off the envelope of a lion bar and starts eating it.

"Sorry, Kyung. Anyway..."

"Do you want to try a bar?" ARIA offers him a lion bar.

SEUNGKWAN is surprised. ARIA is a nice person but she loves her food too much and the fact that she offers it to him means a lot!

"Yes, if you really don't mind." He says with a smile.

SOONYOUNG walks towards the Ravenclaw table with a grin.

"Hey Jiheon. Can I sit here?"

"Yep." She says with a smile.

"So... Do you have something to do this afternoon?" SOONYOUNG asks directly.

"Yes. Why?"

SOONYOUNG is surprised.

"I wasn't expecting you to say yes so I need a moment to think about something to say instead of what I was planning to say."

JIHEON laughs.

"I was joking. I have nothing to do. Why did you ask anyway?"

"Wanna go on a double, well, not-really-a-date with Wonu and Eve?" SOONYOUNG never sounded this confident before.

"A double not-really-a-date? What's that supposed to mean?" JIHEON asks.

"It's complicated."

"So is it a date or not? There is no middle ground." JIHEON asks, trying to not sound too excited.

"If you want it to be a date, you can consider it a date. If you don't want it to be a date, then you can consider it only a friendly hangout." SOONYOUNG explains like it's the most obvious thing ever.

JIHEON sighs.

"Crystal Clear."

(a/n: clc)

"Great! Now I'm going to tell Wonwoo about our double not-really-a-date. Bye!" He leaves a quick kiss on her cheek shocking her, then he goes to WONWOO but only after getting a mini lecture from professor Sprout for PDA.

"Hey Wonwoo. Wanna go on a date?"

WONWOO chocks with his orange juice.

"Did you-?"

"What? No! I- Ok, it might have sounded like I asked you out but- Wait, let me explain."

SOONYOUNG starts saying: "Evelyn begged me to go and tell you that she wanted to go on a double date with you, me and Jiheon but she was too shy to ask you."

"Shy? Evelyn?"

"Yeeeah... Anyway. Are you in?"

"Yeah, why not. Thank Evelyn for the invitation." WONWOO says with red cheeks.

"I will! See you tomorrow-"

"KWON SOONYOUNG!" EVELYN shouts when she realises what he did.

"Is Evelyn alright?" WONWOO asks worriedly.

"Yep! Maybe I won't make it out alive. If I will go to heaven, tell Jiheon that I love her. Now I have to go. Pray for me." SOONYOUNG says as he walks with a nervous smile towards EVELYN.

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(a/n: sorry, I was going to publish this today but sooner but I had an emotional crisis and I was a mess of tears so I wasn't in the mood to review it one last time before publishing. I hope you understand.)

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𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠!

-Which are your favourite places in Hogsmeade?
-Name two or three magical creature you think would be able to take care of and two or three that you think shouldn't be seen as pets (unless you're Hagrid)

𝘼𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚:

Y'all have time until the next chapter will be published. If you don't pass the active check some points will be removed from your house (check my message board. I know I didn't say much but still!)

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“𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦.”

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